Are the Earthen seriously time gated?!

Compare this to what we had to do in Legion and you’re laughing. Instead you’re crying.

I’ll be honest here and say my initial reaction to Earthen pre-expansion was lukewarm.
However; upon completing all the current available Main Story content, I fell in love hard and was excited to finish up the quests to unlock them.
I was even going to race change my main, because I just thought it’d be really cool to be a stone dwarf paladin.
I am pretty let down knowing it’s going to be a week, which in the grand scheme of things isn’t a long time, especially compared to other Allied Races. However, I think they should’ve leaned into them being a normal race unlock, as the AR system is tired and dated. Especially after Dracthyr were a “normal” race as an expansion feature, it feels like we took a good step forward, only to go backwards again.

And to those who argue about Legion/BfA races, yes they were harder to get at the time, but games change and so do systems. Get over it, we all did it and I’m glad its significantly easier for new players to access them.


I wish I could like this. I’m all out though.

The biggest thing with Legion, they let us know ahead of time that they were gated hard behind a lot of things and wouldn’t be available for quite some time.

Earthen, not so much.


Because of early access, Earthen were moved out one week from full launch to give the non-early access players a chance to meet all the other criteria that the early access players either already completed or are close to completing. It’s a way to keep things fair in the realm of Earthen toons.

A little common sense goes a long way.

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The Earthen will be available in a week. I’m sure everybody will survive.

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It’s annoying and frankly ridiculous, the race honestly should have been a big appeal to paying for early access, but eh, in a week people will stop caring. I’m not happy about it but I can wait


We will.

But calling nonsense when we see it, shouldn’t be met with responses like “get over it” when we’ve had Earthen information changed repeatedly for unlocks. Even Vrak (forum CS) admitted that the information was muddled and not clear.


Common sense says that it really doesnt matter if someone unlocks a race before you and so keeping things “fair” between early access and launch for this is a nonsense idea


I get locking them for early access but this is kinda ridiculous.


Precisely. A little communication about selling point Expansion Features goes a long way.
I wouldn’t be annoyed had we been informed from day one that Earthen would be available a week after launch from the start, instead of getting the run around and constant changes.

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Blame Ion.

He’s addicted to time gating. Could just let the whole story that is planned and in patch .0 be playable at the players chosen pace. But instead we get a forced and artificial time gate for no justification other then Ion thought he knew better then the playerbase.

Also they had previously said there wouldn’t be time-gating and their info-graph/roadmap don’t show in timegating for story of earthen.

So this was clearly a last minute change.


Exactly. Let me know ahead of time and stick to it. I won’t complain and I’ll wait because I know what is needed.


100% agree with this.

i know this might seem like an odd statement, but they probably wanted it to be “fair” to us brokeboi’s that didnt spend $100 to play 3 days early.

Someone that bought the $100 3 day early pass was 100% hoping to be the first max level new race for the achievement.

By delaying this abit, they puts it almost on a level playing field. Of course there will be some person that will power boost that new race character the nanosecond its released to see if they can ‘win’ that achievement instead of flat out buying it

The Earthen should be straight-up deleted. They’re as bad as diaper gnomes in terms of how dull they are.

To let you pay for a whole expansion and only get it trickled in is indeed one of the most evil choices out there. Time gating events and making seasons is ok but when you start locking promised content and then clarifying after the decision? its mistreating to say the least.


Imagine time gating a turd. Reminds me of a dog guarding a random 2 month old bone or something.

Sample size?

I mean ya it is one week.

But i actually planned to have a earthen main this exp on the very start to level up, and thats not the case which kinda sucks.


I dont like that they’ve delayed the new races. I wanted a dracthyr shaman, but that’s not coming for a while.

At least the earthen isn’t too bad a wait. While the campaign requirements are gated, you can do the other 3 story lines now and I would recommend it because it takes an hour or so.

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