Question is what will be in the trees and what will be in our spell books. THere may be things that might still remain as baseline spells in our books.
Once they start giving us more info maybe we will know for sure.
Question is what will be in the trees and what will be in our spell books. THere may be things that might still remain as baseline spells in our books.
Once they start giving us more info maybe we will know for sure.
There will be an optimal build or a few close builds.
Theorycrafters will have fun finding them.
Most people will simply copy a recommended build exactly.
I won’t … because I’m an eccentric and will be picking what helps the most fun button or my RP vision of the character rather than reading a guide. As a result, my character’s output will likely lag behind their gear and slow down the pacing of content for me (on top of the effect of me not mashing buttons optimally in the first place). And that will make me a little more grumpy.
The illusion of choice adds fun on one side takes it away on the other.
Will the trade-off be worth it? Only time will tell.
I think the loadouts could help for this if you were willing to have a world/rp spec and a “serious content” spec.
100% fair, but there is the simple fact that we don’t know if interrupts in general are going to be talent tree options or if they’re just considering that for, say, Balance Druid and Shadow Priest.
These two in particular wouldn’t surprise me. I still think, though, that people are forgetting that these talent trees start at a much lower level and you get quite a few points. The same player making the assumption that they will need to bring an interrupt is also likely to just look up optimal talent setup on their preferred 3rd party site.
For the most part I agree interrupts should be baseline, though. I just think there could be minor value in letting us have a loadout that eschews interrupt for a bit more damage or another effect in certain scenarios.
What if the boss(es) have nothing to interrupt? Or only one or 2 people need to while others purely dps?
It is highly unlikely I will be making alternate load outs. For better or worse, I fire and forget when pick8ng through trees. That’s just the way I interact with systems like this, I never get “serious” about it.
Well then, just for fun I wouldn’t imagine it would be do or die either way.
Completely ignored the stuff i said about taking two things we currently have by default and then putting them in opposing positions essentially making them mutually exclusive, but sure, you want to rant about nostalgia… go ahead
I really like this new talent tree.
There is a lot of what I wanted coming in this expac, and they removed a lot of things I hated. All in all I remain hopeful and cautious.
Side note: All of this for druids is more than likely just placeholder at this time. I wouldn’t read too much into it.
Yes, if you want what YOU consider ‘normal’ or ‘basic’ or ‘required’ abilities, you will have to choose them and spend a point on them.
That is how a talent tree works.
And no, choice is not an illusion because it is unlikely what YOU consider ‘normal’ or ‘basic’ or ‘required’ abilities, everyone considers to be ‘normal’ or ‘basic’ or ‘required’ abilities.
We don’t all play the same way remember!
I am thrilled to have them back!
I was all set to quit and this and the level cap moving forward again changed my mind!
Exactly all they did was show a sample of how they might possibly be .
THey might have a different look to them once they go to testing.
It should be. I’m not trying to do serious content. But Shadowlands has shown me that there is a point with the sum of gear and systems where, if I make non-optimal choices, i fall far enough behind the curve of what the content is scaled for where I can burn out doing even open world content (a 9.0 /9.1 issue not a 9.2 issue)
From my take there’s going to be two sides to the talent tree, class and spec. I could see the spec side being more cookie cutter. While choosing talents on the class side will allow you to tailor your play style more to your liking. Also you’re going to be able to create multiple sets for whatever you like.
Imagine queuing into a M+ key with a Fury Warrior and they weren’t running Kyrian/Signet/Bonegrinder/Bladestorm/Anger Management. They’d be a laughing stock.
So I might want to test out a crazy Reckless Abandon/Will of the Berserker/Dragon Roar build, but there’s really no point when the meta build will almost assuredly do twice the damage.
Besides, if it’s an actual talent system then there is little to no chance that I will have to spend over 100k on the AH to buy a shell which I then need to empower with currency that I get from grinding Torghast for an hour or two. I would instead just need a Tome or a resting place.
I wouldn’t think they would be that impactful… gear on the other hand definitely is.
Because it was completely useless drivel not related to the topic at all.
At no point could we get all the things so it doesn’t matter if it’s a vs b or x or y.
But sure, you want to live in some weird nostalgia delirium crying about realities that never happened, go ahead.
Looks like balance Druids can get solar beam and skull bash (from the Druid tree).
Obviously, these are example trees, very early concept, but it’s cool.
What’s the point of having loadouts if you never change them?
Whether there are 5 talent options or 5000+, there will always and forever be a optimal choice for each and every encounter in the game. You literally can not get around it.
So yes, the “talents” are illusions of choice with the only real question being is how impactful will it be to your character to pick your “sub optimal” choices. I am 100% certain the min max tryhard mythic raiding community and their ilk will act like even 1 talent point “wasted” means you’re utter trash and should delete your entire account whereas every piece of content up to and including the end tier mythic raid boss won’t be tuned to demand anywhere near that level of perfection outside of the world first race.
What all has been revealed? So far I have only seen the current talents as abilities in the talent tree. Which was convoke/ tree of life.
Since there are 2 trees. A class tree and a spec tree instead of crying wolf lets see them all first