Are the DF talent trees just an illusion of choice?

Looking at the talent tree teased for DF there are base/key abilities we will have to burn a talent point to get. Seems like it’s an illusion of choice. It looks like you get more choices, but you just have to spend points to get your normal abilities back… idk how I feel about that.
Customizability is a cool thought, but trading off basic abilities like an interrupt for arguably more important things you could put in that spot is kinda meh feeling. Will there be basic abilities that we just get with leveling still, or is every single ability going to require spending a point on it? So out of 30 points, we will gain what 2 or 3 options over what we have now at max level. I like more options, but painting it up to look like it’s more in depth than it is… that’s a big miss to me.
I think giving us trees is awesome, but don’t put basic abilities on the tree as a “choice” when it’s something you pretty much require. Imagine not choosing to have an interrupt with as many “must interrupt” abilities are in the game now? That would be horrendous.
Anyway, what do you guys think of it all?


So where did you see interrupt will be a talent?


Raiders would totally skip interrupts.


The talents now are an illusion of choice. Clearly every encounter has a right choice and people who do top end raiding/pvp will always pick that. Talent trees are to make your level feel like it meant something beyond the 1-2 main stat points you got.


I think a revamped talent system is long overdue and this gets rid of the borrowed power talent systems we’ve had, which is spectacular. This was absolutely needed. This can grow with us.

Cookie cutter will always exist. It’s irrelevant, though. This was desperately needed.


Maybe the druid solar beam?

It’s sort of in the middle of the tree though and you can branch off to either side from it.

The image is a bit ambiguous don’t you think? Those could just as easily be CDR points or some other additional effect for the ability. Especially with the other points showing more than just one point into them. The icons on the side don’t have numbers either. He even says it in an interview that those could be possible flavors of the talents (CDR, etc).


I’m confused as to what is arguably more important than an interrupt

I guess… uhh… no, I got nothing.

strait up, there is ALWAYS going to be a “most optimal” build that is what people will use. The most blizz can do to combat this is put it in lots of mostly irritants or situational choices, which tbh is more annoying than anything else

Yes. It seems to be fairly close to how it was back in the day.
I remember when they got rid of those trees, I was so happy.
Now they’re back.
Figures. pfft.

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Any throughput at all in a fight that doesn’t require an interrupt?

People will absolutely respec out of it on a per boss basis.


I think it was said, that core abilities will be pre-placed in the trees and you have the choice of additional spells/passives.

Also there likely will be the option between either interrupt or another utility

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It’s a different graphical presentation of the same information in the current spellbook. And now players will have to work to unlock those things, which were standard before.


Oh, no doubt that the “choice” will end up with people being booted for not having the “right” distribution of points.

And at least the first few screencaps I’ve seen make them look like they are way more convoluted than they need to be. Will they turn out to be more simple than they are at first glance? Perhaps. But it isn’t a good impression.

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Guess my wording is wonky, but I’d rather see interrupt baseline rather than take up a talent slot. It’s not as much a talent as a requirement.

I agree it’s overdue, and much needed. But baseline stuff like interrupts don’t really strike me as a talent option. Skull Bash isn’t an option for most folks, it’s a 100% pick. Just seems odd to fill spots on the tree with stuff that is basically a “must have” spot, making it look like there is more depth than there really is.
But as someone else said (below) it may be CDR?

I haven’t read the interview. Was just going through the image of the tree. That would be at least be a sensible thing to have on the tree (CDR). But having a basic ability as a talent is just making it a skill tree, not a talent tree. just my opinion.

Skull bash on the druid tree they showed in the announcement.

I agree, meta will be meta. But that’s not really what I’m getting at. I’m looking at abilities that should be baseline taking up spots on a tree. They basically took the automated ‘Level up > Gain Ability’ and made it back into a manual operation of ‘Level up > gain point > spend point to gain ability’
It looks like more than it is… that’s why I feel like I do towards it. It’s not choice, it’s fluff to look like choice.

Think I caught all the people I was replying to.
Just raising the topic as discussion really. Seeing how other people look at it vs my viewpoint.

There may be optimal builds for raiding and we can save that set-up.
And we can make an aoe build or a speed build (I hope) or an exploring build.
Maybe something wonky and unexpected for those guys who duel in front of the inn in the Elynn Forest.
Yes, much of it may be an illusion since one choice must be made to get to another wanted choice. But, remember we have class builds and spec builds; two different things – so I think there will be lots to play with and have fun with.

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they did away with that system several xpacs ago, replaced it the borrowed power which they are just replacing with these. they want this, they want the illusion of options. they always have.

There will always be a BiS meta so really there never is a choice, unless you don’t care and are ok with under performing in endgame content.

Where did they say such things were going into the talent system? And why is it bad to have prefilled ones that you can build off of?

circled in blue

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