Actually, I think they were kind of vague about what happens after you move past your “free” ones. The opposite of “free” is “not free”, and I think there will be an element of that in there.
In classic you had to pay gold to buy spells. For most people it was enough gold that they didn’t buy all the spells they needed while leveling.
Well except for the 2 free one all other require 1 or multiple points to get. You can even see how many point were put never to it. But you can see the 2 first in the Druid tree withouth the number (1) next to them
Like in The balance picture (Starfire/Sunfire) dont have one while eju and swiftmend does. And when you look at the Resto one its the opposite. Reju and swiftmend dont have it.
They also said you’ll have 31 point usable in the class tree and 30 point into the spec tree.
But then after its pre-alpha so what they said might change also
All talent trees are an illusion of choice, if you are talking about the META for a sepecific encounter. There is always going to a ‘best’ way to do something.
If you are talking about being effective enough to do most things well enough, no, there really are choices.
Most players, in most situations, don’t need to be fully minmaxed.
I wouldnt be too concerned about what you can see on these images at the moment. They are very obviously works in progress and when/if they start Alpha and we get some real feedback from testers we will have a better idea of what they look like going forward.
If the talent trees are like Artifact Weapon trees and are reasonably balanced between the choices, then I’m sold.
What is considered a ‘basic ability’ is going to be subjective to opinion. I think what should or should not be in talent trees will be a constructive dialogue per class inside their respective class forums.
As I said previously, I’m opening a discussion about it.
Yes it’s pre-alpha. There is plenty of time for it to change…
But! It’s also the same game where “They will fix it in Alpha, They will fix it in Beta, They will fix it in PTR, x.1, x.2, x.3, x.x”
I’d rather have discussion and speculation now than waiting on alpha,beta,ptr.
Another bonus, is if the system is done well, despite the evoker’s one-dps-spec deficiency, it will allow them to be a bit more involved/varied than say, demon hunters.
So obviously we’ll have to keep an eye on things and ask for clarification and iteration, but I kind of think that skull bash, for boomkins, isn’t … like … a big deal. But if it is for you, then it looks like you can build either for skull bush and have a fast interupt / charge there, build for solar beam, or even build for both or for neither.
PERSONALLY, I think that if you’re raiding as a boomkin, you probably don’t need to build for solar beam. Melee interrupts are so much better on-average, and every tank will likely have access to it too. Which means this is interesting; it might mean building for those is better for you in PvP or in PvE, and what does that mean for the rest of your build? Solar Beam is at the crux of three different talents. Which one is going to be the best way for you to build there?
I am sure there will be a right answer for maximum DPS, but in other situations? Who knows?
Like I said before, if its anything like the new system in “the old republic,” it will take your previous baked-in abilities and make you choose one of them per type.
So for warrior, die by the sword, rallying cry, and demoralizing shout would then be a talent row.
I’m in a similar boat to you, i’m excited to see talent trees coming back, but i’m also afraid that they’ll end up being done in an awful way where i’ll be spending all my points just to get back to where i am right now and won’t have the freedom to pick some cool things i like. Much like how they introduced the current talent trees and i had to pick between things that i previously had access to, but now they’re mutually exclusive and i’m being forced to pick one or the other.
It will be as it was before, and every expansion. People will take the optimized builds and guilds and people making groups will require them. I remember being a Wrath noob and getting turned down for groups after th GS and build check and told to go to EJ and fix my build