from what they’ve said so far, the new trees are just going to be everything we already have like talents, conduits, some covenant and legendary effects rearranged into a talent tree. seems like very little will actually change or be added tbh.
Maybe take it down a notch or two.
If you would like an example, i’ll provide one. When the most recent iteration of the talent tree was introduced, drain soul was taken from a baseline ability and put into the talent tree along with things that i previously would have been able to have in addition to drain soul but the change made them mutually exclusive.
I simply said that as much as i’m looking forward to the new talent trees, i’m concerned about things like that happening again so please drop this nonsense idea that i’m crying about things that never happened or on some type of nostalgia trip, absolutely nothing i have said in my previous posts comes close to how you’re making them out to be.
You’re pretty much just trolling at this point.
If you’re a bad player, you can finally just remove all those stupid interrupts from your bar by not taking any. At least whatever else you take might be something you actually use.
Alternately resto druid with Vortex, Solar beam, Typhoon, Skull Bash, incap roar, warstomp, and maim literally carrying 4 of those aforementioned players with redonculous CC while catweaving.
I like that you might be able to customize for a low skill and high skill.
It feels more akin to some points will be abilities and many more will be like what we see in soul binds now.
As is the case with all choices tied to character power, just like talents currently are, I think it will be a choice of whether you want to do hard group content or not.
This is exactly what is happening.
In the context of the talking about “cookie cutter” basically and here you come in “BUT BUT BACK IN MAH DAY”.
And for your garbage example about soul drain, you didn’t just “lose” an ability for it to become a talent. It was replaced with a shadow bolt for affi giving shards or whatever. They deemed those 3 talents worthy of offering different playstyles.
They is 0 difference between casting shadowbolts and channeling soul drain. NOW if you want to talk balance and soul drain is picked 100% of the time (idk if it is) that again is a balance issue NOT a talent issue.
You actually have more choice from them moving soul drain to the talent row. You can just pick it again if that’s all you want OR you have 2 more options.
And if you want to min-max it is literally irrelevant what the talents are, what the do, where they came from and what spells they affect because you will pick the best ones.
Again, fake realities.
If you’re talking about the core dps talents, then does it matter?
It will be as set in stone as current ones are.
As such, there is no downside from the current trees.
Everything is fake, every choice, unless it’s perfectly balanced between them… which they will never be.
But if with the new trees i’ll have 5 options instead of 3 options to pick from… it means in some form of content i’ll have more choice… in others it will be the same.
From min max perspective there will only be one path regardless. This does more damage therefore the other is useless.
If you are building around min maxers the talent system should not exist at all
It also looks like you will be able to save different builds like how you can save transmog looks. That looks cool.
Just looking at the example tree, seems like most of the utility stuff is on the class side and most of the throughout stuff is on the spec side. So you choose what utility you need for the given activity. Dropping dispel for an interrupt as a healer sounds… risky. Depending on the fight though, could be critical.
I don’t doubt that there will be a mathematically correct answer for sim dps for any given encounter, but the way it’s set up, seems like it’ll be very unlikely that the same load out will be used for every fight.
If I interact with it more than I interact with my current talents, I’ll call it a win.
This thread is full of people who never experienced the old talent systems.
Just like now with the cookie-cutter spec, there’s always going to be an optimal way to spec for the individual, but this brings back the potential of hybrid build and can bring some flavor to those experimenting outside of what is normal.
In BC, most warriors were either fury or prot for raids. But you needed an Arms - it gave benefit to the raid, although the individual isn’t going to do the most damage.
This lead to some experimentation. A 2H hybrid Arms/Fury hybrid Slam build ended up being popular and did well on the meters.
This system will be great for M+ and PvP, but be kind of cringe for raiding. People will be respec’ing every fight, or forgetting to respec, missing core utility like interrupts because they swapped it out on one fight and forgot to swap in back in the next etc.
I doubt this is what people wanted when they said they wanted talent trees. It’s like they based the design of these Talent Trees off what Limit Max would want for talent trees, which is crazy because I thought the point of talent trees was to appeal to boomers.
I fail to see how this differs from the current iteration of talents?
All the return of talent trees, as opposed to talent rows, achieves is a slightly more exciting leveling process — mathematically, this will absolutely result in a lower number of build variations than is currently possible.
From an image I saw it looks like you’ll be able to save different builds (even for the same spec) for different content or different purposes. I hope that’s true. People forgetting to respec or do this or that, is human error though. That happens now and it’s gonna happen in the future.
expac not even out and we’re already back to the same arguments that removed these talents in the first place.
Putting the key in and finding out the healer talented out of dispel and forgot to swap back.
Putting the key in and finding out the Rogue talented out of Shiv during Raging week
I wouldn’t mind these things as much if Ion didn’t just double down and say he likes key depletion.
Interupts will be on teh class side --throughput is on teh spec side --DIFFERENT TREES
Please everyone listen to all the interviews ( listem/watch dont read teh transcripts as they are not a true and accurate record of what was said ) , a lot of teh treads on here are not needed if you do
A couple days in there will be a BIS talent tree option for whatever class/spec you play.
I don’t know why people want to go back to the past. Trees, no dungeon finder, ‘sense of community.’ It’s over. It was good for its time, move on.
you will have specs saved for different content - for intance i will have a raid single target spec , a raid AOE spec , a m+ spec and a PvP spec all saved and named . I have to be in a town to make teh specs but i can swap between them at any time anywhere at no costs . I can even have a saved spec for each different dungeon If i wanted to
M+ you just ask before you put the key in if everone is in their M+ spec