Are the DF dungeons the worst dungeons in modern WoW?

I agree with this take.

To me, they’re better than SL dungeons, but that’s not much of a compliment lol.

I still think Legion, MoP, and even Wrath all had better dungeons than what DF offers us currently.

They were thematically more interesting.

Except the megadungeons from Legion onward, those have been great even in BfA and SL and DF.

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For as short and sweet RLP can be, I hate that dungeon. The RP, the mechanics, that awful last boss, that one fire drake on m+ that spits out mack trucks in higher keys lol. It’s just all ugh.

Brackenhide is one of my favorite dungeons ever. 10/10.

HoI is fine, but a little too long. Water abilities on water can be hard to see too.

Mega dungeon is fine, but annoying if groups don’t know the mech or skips.

Academy is okay if group knows mechanics. Crawth is kind of annoying if ST dps is lacking.

Azure vault seems fine now with the changes. I’m not a fan of the skip, it’s too much and not intuitive. Pug scene really struggled with that last rotation.

Neltharus is another RLP style ugh for me. Boss mechanics can be pretty unforgiving to mistakes, and the burn windows and dance dance on the last boss is hectic for a lot of people. I don’t like the chain gimmick either, it’s too strong of a dungeon buff for big pulls.

NO is neat, but the skip at the end is not intuitive. Like that’s going to be a nightmare to run in 2-3 years in the group finder when getting to the last boss but it’s such a big time saver you should skip.

Uldaman is fine. I actually really like it. People just reset the dwarves too often.


The DF dungeons are almost entirely D-'s & as they say, D’s get Degrees.

Nokhud is pretty good, open layout with routing options. the dragonriding gimmick is tolerable but im not crazy about it. has an amazing boss mixed in with others that are just mediocre/passable. let fly

ruby life pools is great, only complaint is that the trash is repetitive and the boulder clips really shouldnt exist

algethar is pretty fun though the bosses are hit or miss. tree and especially crawth are pretty good

AV is okay. too much running around, the 2nd boss is bad, i think removing some the skips was a mistake

I dont care for uldaman. too many bosses, the dungeon feels like it drags on far too long. the bosses themselves are alright i guess, good variety.

neltharus… i dont know how to feel. the chain boss still bugs sometimes, and i think the chains were way over nerfed. the scale is too big and theres too much running around and back tracking

brackenhide is awesome. not much else to say

halls of infusion… very long run back, a lot of running around in general, last boss is objectively miserable even though the change going into s4 improved it. the trash and other bosses are decent, but its my least favorite dungeon and the negatives outweigh the positives in my mind

i think SL dungeons were as a whole stronger, though they had stinkers too. tazavesh absolutely bodies dawn of the infinite imo. i didnt play legion or bfa but i know a lot of my friends who played bfa consider those dungeons the best ever, though it could be nostalgia at this point

SL dungeons were much worse.

confusing messes with stupid gimmicks…

impossible maps…

Dflight dungeons are some of the best, imo. They’re all very pretty and mechanically engaging. If I’m picking one I don’t care for, it’s definitely Uldaman.

They’re just all lengthy which makes all of them in the same season kind of a ball buster. Bad dungeons though? Absolutely not.


The dungeons themselves are pretty good, the encounters make me want to log off. Especially the boss fights in Azure Vaults and Ruby Life pools. So much run away and interrupted game flow if your melee. I hear it’s just as bad for turret casting.

Hopefully this will be the pinnacle of the indestructible tank, DPS now tanks the damage design paradigm.

This is true if you have a poor sense of positioning…especially for Arcane Vaults.

Nothing is worse than Quaking. That was by far the worst and most annoying mechanic.

I haven’t liked any of them to be honest. Half the time they don’t even feel like dungeons, more like Quests in instanced version of the map.

And then next xpac you’ll be saying how great DF dungeons were compared to TWW and then how great TWW dungeons were compared to midnight bla bla bla


Get off my grass!!!

i like them all except for uld. AA and RLP are still my favorites though. as for them being the worst of any xpack i would not agree i think sl was way worse than this.

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Yeah I can’t pick one of them that I particularly “hate” for any good reason. I just think half are pretty awesome and the other half are very forgettable. Nothing particularly bad about the forgettable ones otherwise they’d be memorable but for a bad reason. :smiley:

AV, Neltharus, Nokhud, and Uldaman are the half I’d say are meh. The other half is pretty top notch.

I think the Dragonflight dungeons just have a whole lot going on. Blizzard wanted to do a thing where every single mob had something dangerous going on, and several of them had multiple dangerous abilities. So the trash feels like a bit of a bullet hell in Azure Vaults, there’s endless kicks and stops in Uldaman, etc.

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This is cartoony wow time. Forget medieval wow. We all have to love ourselves, dress like clowns, ride on fairy unicorns, never swear or get angry, be ever excepting and tolerant, love infinite upward progression, leave the past in the past, always have a female antagonist, accept lazy programming and class design, play an arcade game on every pull because God forbid you can out think something.


I enjoyed the mega-dungeon, otherwise I think this is my least favorite expansion in terms of dungeons. I really enjoyed the rest of DF, though.

Personally, I thought Cata and SL had pretty good dungeons, but everyone is different.

I wish they would eliminate dungeon skips that wreck the flow of the dungeon.

the fire dungeon is almost as bad as Azure vaults was…

Tol dagor and Violet Hold have entered the chat.

The mega dungeon bosses follow the ops feelings. Mechanics galore, rng, no way to think stuff out. Luckily, you can use crowd control and all the tools that the developers laid out the original game with.

The esports crowd has ruined dungeons. There is a timer at the top and a mythic number next to the dungeon that says you must play faster, not smarter. The requirements to do a dungeon have become gear score instead of what type of resists you have.

I do not like the direction wow has went with mythics and raids. I would rather have playing the game mean just as much as playing the mini boss arcade games in dungeons and raids.

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The fact when S1 of DF starts they refuse to add mid way points for HoI citing they want people to experience of the dungeon design and how it looks. Yea so dumb especially with M+ with A TIMER. But hey lets walk from the beginning of the dungeon after a wipe coz that’s what people needs.

I have no intention of doing S4 well maybe get KSH on my port pally to get the mount and title and call it a day.

The dungeons are not balance some spec have huge advange or even race. For Brackenhide if you are a Dwraft or Dark Iron Dwraft is so much easier to use your racial to cleanse off the potion debuff.