Are the DF dungeons the worst dungeons in modern WoW?

I think SL was worse for me. I don’t think there’s a single dungeon from Shadowlands I actually enjoyed. Mechanics to atmosphere, it all felt off.

DF has a couple of ok ones, but it isn’t all that great either. Both of the last two expansions are pretty lackluster to me.

And that’s fine. I wasn’t disputing OP’s feelings in any way. I simply stated my own feelings that I enjoyed the mega dungeon, and only the mega dungeon, out of DF’s dungeon options.

So like… 4?

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People confuse thinking slowly (old slow dungeons) with thinking at all.


Discounting relative difficulty:

Overall, some of them are a little on the long side, but I’d say most are fun. My overall feedback:

I don’t like Uldaman, mostly because I don’t like being underground and I don’t like mobs that jump around.

Azure Vault’s nexus vibe is kinda cool, but they ruined it with the death walls. I like finding cool routes through the jumping. Also hate the frogs for the aforementioned reason.

AA and BH are fun numbers padding dungeons.

For halls, after the change to the last boss, it’s a lot more fun. I hate bullet hell stuff.

Actually, I didn’t really like the DotI dungeons. They were kinda sweaty to heal and just too big geographically. Too much running.

RLP is pretty fun, my only dislike is that the ring road is kinda on rails.

Neltharus was more fun with the old chains. I know, it’s super cheesy and very dumb, but I thought that was cool.

And the plains was ok. I didn’t like dragonriding around really, but I get why they did it. It’s a novel concept, turning a whole zone into a dungeon.

They should have none m+ dungeons like Violet Hold in every single expansion.

Takes zero effort to make them too.

They still have to actually make the dungeon, including mob design, layout, tuning possibly custom models, voice lines, loot design/tuning.

And no, they should not bring back violet hold for the 3rd time, that dungeon is just bad.


Current set of dungeons don’t even seem that bad. There are a few pain points that are sortof like soft gear checks, but there’s a lot of mechanics you can just live through without using CDs in the current batch of 0-10s though going beyond that it’d obviously be tighter.

Then again, I very much prefer the method of “dodge bad, stay alive” than “Someone missed a kick, you’re all dead.” Also, Halls of Infusion seems much less painful as the first boss doesn’t melt my framerate anymore and the containment beams don’t mean instant-death. Some bosses are still painful on Tyrannical, but half of that is getting used to rotating CDs to them and the other half is having gear and a prepared healer.

Ah you are one of those people who got to 20 000 posts on the WoW forums by taking everything literally

Good to know

If you don’t like them then that is ok, I feel the quality of the dungeons have improved over time. I like that the enemies do things we need to learn to control the fights along the way to a boss. It keeps me more engaged in it.

And the dungeons look good too so I don’t see what you mean. Rlp and AV… and NO are beautifully designed. Dawn also. It is creative.

Have you been there yet this week? I completed the M0 world tour and did a few M+ runs (only 2s and 4s yet), and RLP M0 felt much harder than any of the other dungeons. RLP M0 actually felt harder than the +4s I’ve done today. Quite different from the old M0 version of it.

Well do i have great news for you :3