Are people really impersonating others on the forums?

Because they are incredibly bored, it looks like. Why else would anyone go through that effort? I’ve muted so many threads of alts talking to themselves.

Which is why they need to change the forums. Mods can’t always be here to babysit. People take as much pleasure in feeding the troll as the troll begging for attention. Now we have people impersonating other posters.

There needs to be a crackdown. People get to choose one username. And that’s it. That’s how it’s done everywhere else on the net without a problem.

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4chan is actually moderated, though.

Yep. Also they could make it easier to ignore people.

It’s actually pretty easy, and there’s a reason why they’re called the T-squad. Because they pretty much use the same naming schemes. Thanks, though.

As I said, a better solution is realID with Linkedin attached. Though I’m not sure that would even solve the solution, since if you were not aware before using classic characters - the t squad just used different bnet accounts.

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Yeah that’s probably slander, lol.

There are different rules but they are often enforced. :dracthyr_love_animated:

And that’ an issue in itself.

The T trolls have essentially made it to where if anyone does want to make a legit thread regarding the topic, it’s immediately seen as trolling as a T.

Now recently they started adding in a section that in no way is a part of the LGBTQ community, and it’s overall just been a giant mess.


You don’t know they follow the same naming scheme all the time, but some do. Battletag ignore would resolve this.

This will not happen for the same reason as last time.


You don’t know if they are or are not part of that same group, but thanks for proving my entire point about people calling basically any LGBTQIA+ related thread under the same group lol.

Then don’t complain when the problem isn’t resolved because people like yourselves didn’t have any forethought and moved right onto btag posting which -

RealID would require an ID because the name for the account HAS to match that or get locked out indefinitely/closed for having an incorrect name. It would, technically solve the problem if that’s what you really want. The solutions offered so far, will not because they use MULTIPLE bnets to do so.

I’m aware, if you read my post you would know that bnet posting won’t solve the problem because…

You actually wouldn’t know, because you can’t differentiate between different btags being under the same person.

We don’t, but battletag ignores would resolve this.

I can complain when there is a simple solution used by all the other Bliz forums. Battletags be praised.


Btag posting isn’t the same as real ID. And they can have people use a chosen username. It doesn’t have to be Btag. But all the other Blizz forums use Btag without issue.


And because people give them attention. And what makes it more funny, is that most that feed them already know is a troll thread.

Mods don’t need to be here to babysit. But considering a silly response of mine lead me to be called first misanthropist (lol) and now to be “against moderation”, and I really do not care much about the thread and don’t want to just ghost your (or Fuzzbutt)'s reply, I’ll go again: They add battletags? Good.

But we do have some fault in making these people celebrities. I also clarified:

Impersonations like that should be handled in harsh ways. One thing is saying things on a forum to rile people up, like most troll threads, but the other is trying to harm someone, even with posts. So, if Btags end this, be welcome.

I agree, and after the T Squad stuff, it’s needed. All the other Blizz forums use tags. It’s time for this one to follow.


shifts eyes around guiltily

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The other forums don’t have the issue this one does. But if it would create just another issue of using multiple accounts. That could be made against the rules and be a permaban offense. Or they can have a chosen username. If they can hardware ban, they can make sure people aren’t posting on different accounts under the same IP.

Those forums do not have the problems that this one has had with the level of trolling and impersonation.


It is physically possible for anyone to read into anything. Some people are better at it than others. To not read into anything would be to make yourself easy prey to manipulation, to live your life as a puppet whom anyone cam come along and manipulate your strings. It’s rather undignified, if you ask me. I could never do that. Nevermind the actual consequences…

I mean… You can’t expect literally everyone to have good judgement. There are always going to be people who don’t. But we can ask the moderators to exercise good judgement, yeah?


I bumped my own thread with an alt and got called out on it immediately. I was impressed lol.

You actually wouldn’t know, because you can’t differentiate between different btags being under the same person.

Already sort of is, if they’re evading an account action.

Which, is a very rare thing and only done when the Specialists or Senior staff members get involved.

That again, would affect more than one user since you have no way of knowing if multiple people play under the same place.

With what sort of accuracy?

Considering how many people accuse others of ‘angrily posting’ or ‘being upset’ about stuff over text - most people that do so here are not particularly good at it. Especially given the definitions of trolling include intent, and they call anything they dislike just that.

After seeing how their judgement has been going, would you?

The system they have on the forums could and they could permaban them or not allow it to begin with.

I’m not talking about myself knowing. I’m talking about Blizz knowing. And having their forums operate the same as every other forum. Even their own.

I belong to a comics forum and there have been people banned for account hopping. It’s strictly not allowed and they stay on top of that even if they aren’t there all the time.


They haven’t mentioned if they can or not - especially given people would just swap to using VPNS, different browsers, TOR, etc.

Read above.

I don’t know of any forums that are able to detect if someone is using all the different methods I’ve listed. If you know of any, feel free to offer your advice to Blizzard I guess? Would be worth the money.

Then change forums for better software. It exists out there.

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