Are people really impersonating others on the forums?

Much better than the Lizard Squad

Sorry… but I get bored at work too sometimes even as a business owner… Or there are times when I just have to let the brain unwind… Normally tho I just do a lot of reading… and shaking my head.


Not gonna lie, the image of a business owner sitting in their office trolling in GD is hilarious. :joy:


I’m at work right now in a meeting (I work from home) and I’m reading this while in the meeting.


Search anywhere and you’ll find it:

This is the best way to do it, honestly. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Hmm, nope? Just people asking the same question and people responding like it was solved but then when investigations are done, they realize they can’t block all VPNs only some.

Thanks for telling me to “google something” When you didn’t google about it beforehand

" A simple trick for evading detection is to switch ports . A few top VPNs offer the option of port forwarding and enable you to choose which port you use within the app settings. For example, forwarding VPN traffic to port 443 is a good idea because that’s the port used by most HTTPS traffic."

You just looked at the first couple results and didn’t investigate further, and had no actual links handy which is just you googling randomly because you don’t know the answer to the question and now don’t want to come off as not knowing anything.

You also kinda disproved yourself in your own quote.

Working from home as well! :fist_right:

I better focus now, though.


I did google about it. You looked at the first two options and gave up lol.

It’s not all that difficult block, at least for the most well-known VPN providers. With time, their public IPs also become well-known. And these public IPs are not going to change all that much, if at all. In fact, it’s highly likely the public IP you see through the VPN is used by MANY other users thanks to NAT.


Ya I should focus too.

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It’s strange to me as well. I envision everyone as being off work or students.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Some people aren’t making an honest attempt to read into anything, and are just accusing people of things rhetorically.

As opposed to the current moderator policy of being extremely lenient and never acting on trolls if there’s even 10% of doubt? …Probably.


I work in other people’s homes, but working during an emergency isn’t ideal for forums.

Usually after a call or on lunch.

:dragon: :ocean::dragon: :ocean:

With what quote? The quote I posted states that you can still tell if people switch ports.

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No, it doesn’t? It speaks about public IPs, which ‘well known VPNs don’t change all that much.’ It only even speaks about WELL KNOWN VPNs when there are plenty of other alternatives and ways to get around it.

Those are not ports, and again they can switch to a different range.

Not really, why would you want to use an IP address every one else uses especially if your intent is to get around something like that.

Generally, no, since there’s not a large enough traffic all coming from the same IP address.

Sure, just don’t act like it’s going to solve a bunch of the forum issues of people using different bnets specifically for the purpose of messing with the board or to act like they’re other people.

You can block IP ranges. And if they are using much of the same IPs, then it’s not a problem.

Most people are gonna use the most well known IPs. And if they use the more obscure… they’ll probably figure that out.

It’s way better security and moderation than this forum currently has.


Why do you edit your posts instead of replying? It’s weird.

And if they do, their behavior will usually give them away.

I’ll keep doing so as long as other forums are a bigger improvement over this one.


Because I don’t like to make multiple posts in a thread and spam it up within a short period of time when quick-replying to someone?

People say that, but then they incorrect accuse people of being other people all the time because of their own perceptions.

Which forums have as much activity as this one?

It’s ok to reply to people when actually replying and it makes things easier to reply to. Also when you just edit, it doesn’t notify me that you’ve even replied.

Well for instance T is as obvious as the nose on your face.

I don’t even know how many posters this one has to compare. But that’s irrelevant anyway.


What is your work?