Are people really impersonating others on the forums?

There’s a thread on the CS forums claiming that someone is impersonating someone else. The impersonator is trying to ruin the real person’s reputation by posting things that go against the forum CoC

Is this really happening? Do people really impersonate others just to troll and cause trouble?


Not all that well, but yes. It is a thing the T squad has been up to lately.



Sometimes trolls get angry at people who stand up to them and make alts with the same name and troll on them with an attempt to cause trouble.

It’s really quite sad. They do not even do a good job.


i’m sure i seen some pretty weird stuff since i came around here it kind of surprised me i figured blizz would have better control on the forums but they just disappeared to make it even worse.


If that’s the thread I think it is,

All I’ll say is I have done as the GM instructed to do and that’s all I can do.


I don’t see anything like that on the CS forum. If there was, it was likely already taken down.

Anyway, the forum mods aren’t confused by people having similar names. They can see the account details of people posting. I can’t make “Rentfree” on a parallel classic server and post against the TOS and confuse them and get you an account action by mistake, that’s not how it works.

The regulars on the forums are generally not that easily fooled, either.


It’s there, you just looked at the titles of threads and wouldn’t know that’s what it is

Nine times out of 10 that’s a troll that got called out.

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Eeyup. You’d think they’d be good at it but with the moderation here, they can be as low quality as they want and not get in trouble.



Look I didn’t want this getting into a big thing.

I had submitted a ticket for another issue and was just wondering if I needed to make another ticket or put em in the same one. That’s all.

Please don’t bleed this into general chat. It’s been resolved.


Shocking, that someone would go looking for subjects that line up with what someone was claiming there was a thread about instead of sifting through every thread. Anyway,


It was merely an explanation as to why you didn’t see it immediately, not a slight against you

Sorry, I wasn’t trying to focus on your issue particularly. I just wanted to know if forum impersonation did exist and what Blizzard plans on doing stamp it out.


All good I understand.

Not sure but time will tell I suppose. Gotta go for now.

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. While impersonation on the forums is literally impossible, one option would be to display one’s battletag on the forums! You can only have one battletag on an account so various alts would all show up as the same account holder!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


I don’t think impersonators are much of a problem. I think the problem is a person who has multiple accounts so they can raise hell on the forums, which includes posing as impersonators.


I do wish they would just swap to the BattleTag IDs instead.


Hello, I see you replied to the thread. I agree! Oddly enough though, people in this very thread that complain about this supposed “impersonation” have been the very people that have adamantly fought against this very idea! Makes one wonder if they might actually be the person/people causing so much trouble…haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


Dude, what is wrong with you?


Hello, I see you replied to my post. Nothing, as far as I know! I’m doing great! How are you!?

Thanks for your post and have a great day!