Are people really impersonating others on the forums?

I feel real sorry for the poor sap trying to imitate THIS.


If the real intention is “I don’t want to see any posts made by this person on any toon”, then a bnet-wide ignore seems like an elegant solution. Sure, people can get around it by making multiple accounts if they want, but that’s something that bnet tagging won’t fix either. The ignore will ultimately expose alts as well though, which can concern some people.

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Ouch, that had to have hurt…

Can and should are two very different qualifiers. While I’m not advocating for CoC violations, it’s a bit unreasonable to expect people to have a productive discussion in a thread that has been made in bad faith by trolls who are actively putting effort into keeping the thread from being salient.

In order to be effective, policy does have to yield to human nature at some point.


The same people arguing against them, are the same ones that act in bad faith in other threads and then go “Nuh uh, you can’t prove my intent.”

Which, you realistically cannot read into other posters intent when making said threads either since you cannot read minds if you go that entire route of “bad faith.” All players can do, is look at between what’s posted, compared it to what said person has posted before and after, and their actions going forward.

I’ve seen far too many of the posters that talk about how all these various threads (Including ANY LGBTQIA+ related thread) are all troll/bad faith even when not posted by those they refer to as the ‘t squad’.

This place is like the Wild West.


Depressing and really only succeeding cuz a bunch of women are here?

Nobody is blaming those that report. But it is a fact that everyone that contributes to give visibility to the thread shares responsibility. Because a troll and his army of alts cannot get a thread to hundreds of replies in minutes.

A troll won’t spend all day talking to themselves if nobody gives them attention. Blizzard should ban those that replies to their threads to bump them like that? Sure thing! I agree.

But at the end of the day, we (and I add myself despite ignoring 99% of troll threads) also share a big part of the blame, because we feed them. If Blizzard comes here and adds Btags instead, I’ll be fine with it.

But if Blizzard comes here and says “Don’t feed the troll.” I’d not be surprised in the slightest, because it is also a good way to get rid of them. I’m not very against adding btag, but the post being quoted mostly had to do with the irony. We feed the troll but want him gone.

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Is it though? What if you have been burned and hurt by one too many ppl? So many ppl are so disgusting.

So by this argument, why have moderation on any forum? Just let the community guide themselves. Worked so well for places like 4chan, lol.


The biggest troll literally talks to themselves and bumps up the thread.

It can be dead for 2 weeks and they go back and bring it back.


Yup! 100%

Just like we’re feeding this lame thread rn kekw

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Post had nothing to do with what I said, as I never said these troll threads shouldn’t be moderated. So I’m unsure about how you came to this conclusion.

And this should be moderated. But doesn’t have anything to do with my post.

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Protip: A bunch of the 4chan boards do have moderation(and a bunch of rules.) They just don’t moderate much in the way of language and hate speech.

Sorry I didn’t quote the section I was referencing in my other reply so that was my fault.

Because you are also saying they don’t need to reign in the alt thing, people just need to stop feeding the trolls. But the trolls feed themselves on their army of alts.

No other forum I’ve ever been on lets people post on alts. And this is probably an example of why. This forum has gone crazy. And it needs addressed.


Mac addresses are the network device (card or wifi hardware) address. If someone gets banned, they can purchase a cheap USB WiFi adapter and bingo they have a new Mac address.

Battletags are the way to go, just like the other Bliz forums.

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I agree with this though


No problem and I get your point. I just say that trolls revive their own threads because it gives them attention.

Why do you think is the reason Trolls revive their own threads? Or do you think out of 300 replies, 297 are alts talking by themselves?

It has nothing to do with my point still. Reporting the troll will not only remove the thread, but also ban them.

Now, making a picnic in their threads will encourage them. Especially if mods still let them continue.

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We don’t know all the alt’s used by the T-squad, that’s why a battle tag ignore would be great.