Are people really impersonating others on the forums?

Weird for Blizz to ban a dynamic identifier in an age where dynamic identifiers are all over the place. It’s not like people can hop on a VPN, or just hop on their phone, or hop on a neighbor’s network…nope, not at all.

I feel bad for the poor sap that gets your friend’s recycled IP and can’t play wow because of it :rofl:


It is not common, but they will do it when needed. The next step is a hardware ban, also rare but used when needed. Last is a letter from lawyers to cease attempting to create accounts.


Dang interesting.

Thanks for the insight into that. I didn’t know they could go a lawyer route.

That would suck for families that share the same computer. Whoever did something bad enough for that would probably get further punished by the family. Oof and lol at the same time.

Well, the trolls that are doing it should have thought of that before harassing people.

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Yes they are, good reason to use Battletags for posting instead of toon names


Might be a question best answered by you, I’m pretty sure you’re the one that set the trend of impersonation names.

Considering people around here routinely risk other players’ ability to post on these forums by flagging their perfectly TOS compliant posts into oblivion if they say something they don’t like, I wouldn’t not be surprised.


I definitely don’t want Battletags, it’s a privacy thing to me.

But you can usually see through impersonation + see when two characters are the same person.

Like two people on one server cannot have the same name.

Imitators will have different achievements and battlepets/mounts unless the imitator is extremely dedicated and even if they are Blizzard will shoot that down.

You do provide a great example of it :stuck_out_tongue:


How so? This is what Bliz does on their other game forums

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Your Battletag is not private information. It is a public nickname you select that is used on all Blizzard websites except this one forum. If your nickname is something you don’t like, or feel is personal, you can change it.

Battletags are a LOT more secure than character-server posting. Right now I could log in on your server, friend you without your permission to track you, send you mail, send you messages.

Battletags prevent that. To message anyone or friend them you need to request permission. It also does not reveal your in-game info so nobody in game can bother you.


Best laugh of the day.

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I think if bnet tagging was brought here, it shouldn’t be retroactive. That preserves the privacy aspect of posts made up until that point, and then gives people the choice whether they want to reveal their btag (which would happen after bnet tagging is implemented) or not (which would mean never using the forum again, or picking a different character to use from that point on at the very least to disassociate).

That seems like a balanced solution to the privacy issue in my view.

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People come here for attention; they need to post to talk about the game. The amount of “Let’s make an inflammatory OP because I wasn’t hugged enough as a child” is through the roof lately.

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The T titans are at it again.

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But, if we get what people ask for - which is both Avatars and showing a ‘posting character’ then people would know what server you’re on. Further, having your btag available allows them to track your account everywhere and not just for WoW but go off.

Personally, since people want to go that route, maybe it’s best to do realID with a linkedin too, or maybe you don’t like that?

Btag will not prevent people from impersonating others, and it won’t stop people that use multiple accounts.

Honestly I don’t have a solid reason other than a feeling. Like I would rather be known via my in game characters than my account name.

If they switched over it wouldn’t ruin my life though. I mean the Guild Wars forum displays the account username too. And FFXIV and ESO have general purpose forum accounts.

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When we ignore a Battletag, we ignore all the alts and to be created alts used for trolling. Praise be Battletags.


I never understand why ppl do this. Maybe talk to whoever you think the real person is for clarification. Personally, I could careless what ppl think of me on the world of warcraft forums - even in wow, I know who my friends are.