Are people really impersonating others on the forums?

its like that meme
they do stuff blizzard sleeps
you say the wrong thing they are awake lol

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There are a lot of absolutely vile people on these forums.


Damn you had to take it to a GM,
I’m sorry the T squad tried to do that you.
I knew when I saw the other day that it wasn’t you.


Oh 100%.

And with the subject matter at hand, I gotta ask which authorities to contact to report it (due to that person’s name and the abbreviation).


Hey you look familiar :face_with_monocle:

Most definitely :sunglasses:

As bad as the name is, it’s going to take wayyyy more than an internet username to investigate someone.


Yeah but also the continued harrassement and creation of characters etc. Mailing folks, all that.

Never hurts to ask at least.



Creating characters on an online video game and sending mail in an online video game isn’t criminal. I get your harassment argument, but good luck convincing any law enforcement agency that someone making characters in a video game (of which millions of people can do - how do you prove that the same person is behind it all, or even a small group?) is worthy of a criminal investigation. You don’t want to destroy your own credibility right off the bat.

Blizzard has the tools to quash the problem. They need to deal with it, and restoring posts made by someone with “lgbmap” in their username is the opposite of what they should be doing.

Actually, someone actively mailing people, creating characters to harrass someone, etc especially with the subject matter at hand, I’m pretty sure I can ask about it.

Pretty much. But regardless. The ticket is in, they are gonna look at it, that’s all I can do.

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Right, the trolling and extreams the impersonater has gone to with the troll threads and now this for months on end needs to be handled by Blizz or whoever is in charge.

It’s not like they don’t have the tools to do so.

I’ll even be honest here, when the particular troll was in question back in the summer, I ended up swapping toons on forums so wouldn’t be accidentially mixed in or assumed to be part of their alt squad, I loved posting on that priest of mine but, at the time with mine starting with a T, I dropped that toon for here just becuase of that troll.


I’ve done this before. but in the opposite direction. Guy on another forum was always a jerk, got banned a lot and had tons of alts. So, I eventually found out his original account name was up for grabs. So, I made a new account, took it.

Did some trolling by being the nicest, sweetest and most supportive person on the board. It drove him up the wall. (which was what he was doing to everyone else). lol


Correct. For any mail received in game, you didn’t delete it, right?

I mean.

It wasnt the forums. But once i killed a rare mob before an alliance player could get to it. And of course, i /spit on em because back in BFA we had saliva.

The dude was so salty he made a character called Felsaviorsux or something like that and tried roasting me for it. I ignored them but it was hilarious.

I guess, in short, never underestimate how petty someone can be. I have no doubt that people try to impersonate and ruin a reputation.

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It was ages ago and I already put in a ticket for that incident and it was resolved.

But aside from me (I don’t want any flack I just want the Gms do what they need to do) I’ll not give anymore information on this.


I agree. I’d much rather be a Blood Elf living in Azeroth.


Agreed, they should have dealt with all of this once and for all back in May.
With everything they have done since then is rediculous.

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No. That is impossible. Blizzard can IP trace with ease. Lots of people have programs that can get past VPNs. Would not be surprised if Blizzard can too. There are also software programs that check speech patterns and login patterns. So with all that if it came down to it. Blizz could tell who is posting what on the forums.

And many of us as well have the ability to tell who is posting even if they get on an alt and do it. You may have even seen this toon here or my paladin calling out several people by the main posting toon even while they are posting on an alt from a different account. Very hard to pretend to be someone here on the forums.

I was just thinking about that guy and how I havent seen him recently. Blizz used to ONLY suspend the account you offended on, now they suspended your entire battlenet account and in real extreme cases such as my friend, he got IP banned so even when I bring my computer over, I cannot post from where his setup is using this account.

I knew about the bnet thing (I um… I messed up a couple times and found out the hardway… oops) but I didn’t know about the IP thing.

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My friend got IP banned. I never have been. And they just recently started to bnet account ban as well so you cannot turn around and post on another account using an alt.