Are people really impersonating others on the forums?

Jokes on anyone trying to impersonate me.

You can’t ruin my reputation.

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Hmm I agree it’s a player problem.

Too many people feed into those threads.

It’s a gaming forum I never reply to those threads it doesn’t make sense to even be talking about any of it.

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I beg to differ.


Yeah, its not uncommon.

Do you think that there are things that no human would ever do? I don’t.

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Would it allow changing avatars? Because I sometimes like to switch to characters that are more appropriate to the thread.


Well, changing avatars is something you can do any time you want on the other Blizzard forums. So, instead of a set list of icons, we have a set list of chars. So yeah, I would think we could change it.

Of course, I don’t make the software and don’t work there so my outside evaluation is just that - outside evaluation.

What I think it would impact is past posts. Updating an avatar changes it for past posts as well. That said, posting by Btag means we know who said it which keeps things consistent.


Yes, I’m impersonating a Blood Elf who lives in Azeroth.
I’m really a human who lives on Earth.

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:100: :100:


You are legally allowed to protest human nature.

…But yeah we should probably engage with the reality we live in where people responding to threads is an inevitability and look to other solutions.

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If someone wants to call themselves a league of legends champion, it doesn’t mean they’re impersonating someone else.

I am a Blue see my background, keep this up and someone is gonna put the hammer down :rage:

It’s literally been happening.

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I could believe it. Sadly there are too many freaks in the world.

I believe the changing of forum avatars for the OW forums is done through the game.

Changing your forum avatar for the Hearthstone forums is done through the forums with a set of pre-made icons.

Despite both systems using a B-Tag method.

Disapointing :frowning:

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Or Blizzard can just do nothing because some people don’t want battletags added for a ridiculous problem caused by the playerbase.

They add it? Ok, not the end of the world, but it is still funny that many of the people that want Btags added to “eliminate” the Trolls, are in every Troll thread either posting emojis or “muted and moved on” or even engaging in conversation, because it is always funny to debate about the same troll topic for the 1879th time. :man_shrugging:

I’d leave it like that if I were Blizzard, until people learn to not feed the troll. And it is not such a big world problem, it is a problem that vanishes the moment you get out of their threads, or close the browser.

(With the exception of crazy stuff such as what happened to Virus).

Can’t really impersonate someone around here and unless the posts are against CoC, not much will be done. It’s not against the rules to have the same name as someone else on a different server. There’s a boatload of Thallias around. Two others have posted here. It is what it is.


bery much this :point_up_2:t4: