Are people really impersonating others on the forums?

Don’t respond to him, he’s trying to get a rise out of you and get you to slip up so he can report you.


Just remember, them putting the same words at the start of every post can be considered -
Forum Code of Conduct - Blizzard Support (

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish

I actually had this happen to me in game during WOTLK.

A guy made a character the same as my main at the time with a funny “e” in the middle that you wouldn’t notice unless you were looking for it, he’d have his friends get control of the alliance Wintergrasp raids, pass lead to the fake me and then say something horrible and disband the entire raid so that i kept getting the blame for alliance losing Wintergrasp, people would start whispering me out of nowhere even when i wasn’t even in the zone to say that they were putting in a ticket about me etc.


Battletags allow the text part to be the same as others so if you don’t look at the number part, it can be deceptive.

I have seen one case of intentional harassment by impersonation on another Blizzard game forum and that person was actioned and given a forced account name change. Also did not see them around for a while.

Having the same name is not a problem on its own, for example multiple people could have the battletag Bob. But when someone does it with intent to harass and cause distress to another person, Blizz will sometimes act.

Problem is we can’t add notes to the reports so the Mods don’t initially see what is wrong with it, esp if the imposter skates a grey line on posting and does not break any other rules.

Yes please. I very very much wish that. With the Avatar selection as our chars so people can still have shiny transmogs.

It would not fix everything, but it would reduce the nonsense by a large amount. It would then be down to people with multiple Bnet accounts + multiple licenses with an active Sub.


Because they realized that they could and there’s no repercussions.


yes and cs is atrocious on dealing with things like this not only do they not help they usually encourage those who do


Cowards i tells ya. Despite how cringe i can be at least everyone can go through and see all the dumb stuff i’ve posted on these forums over the years. I may not like every post i’ve made but i aint gonna try and hide my stupid.


Yes, it’s really going on. I think it’s extremely stupid to impersonate as someone on here because we all know very well that it isn’t the actual person behind that account, if you check achievement points. Classic characters are a bit harder, but still, either way, the whole impersonating thing is just mean. People that impersonate on the forums seriously need to get a life.


I’m actually impersonating a Gnome right now.


think the fear is more so the fact that folks will try to harass them ingame with constant friend request spam or something.

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eh, i’ve got like a zillion posts on here, many of which are spicy takes and i’ve yet to have anyone knocking on my theoretical door just to annoy me or anything. Then again, i generally tend to not get involved too much in any fights so maybe thats my issue. I need to feud with more people on here and maybe i’ll finally get my first stalker.

Or the people who are so afraid of stalkers could stop arguing with every person that comes within 300 miles of them.


I do too, I wish we had it the way the Overwatch forums have it. Having it this way makes it so easy to hide and say whatever the blank you want.

Here’s the thing, you may not see it as a problem but it becomes a problem for the person being impersonated. Imagine if I was under a DK alt on classic, and said a bunch of disgusting stuff about you that isn’t true. You’d feel disturbed, wondering why someone would want to impersonate you, what you did wrong, etc.

I made a pretty spicy post about how (not going to mention it here because a fire will start), but nobody has yet to impersonate me which I am glad and I hope it never happens, because I saw some guy with the name of fufftul (not going to say the other part because omg it’s disgusting.) And wow, I must say I feel bad for that person.

Someone on these forums have my name. But I am unsure if they’re impersonating me or just a coincidence.


I don’t care if they add battletags, but it’d be sad that battletags are exposed for a player problem.

And yes, the T squad wouldn’t exist if all of us didn’t reach their threads to 300 replies. Imagine we have to add battletags because the forum dwellers cannot stop themselves from feeding and creating trolls.

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To quote my Gnome buddy…

“My, your a tall one.”

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I understand the hesitation from people when it was RealIDs that were on the table, but this isn’t the same. The worst that can happen with a BattleTag is… you get friend requests from people you don’t know that you just decline and/or block anyway, no loss there. BattleTags just aren’t a big deal.


Fails to understand they’re on the forums too…. Lol


You’re asking me, who do I ask?

To answer you with a guess though. Probably. It happens irl, it won’t be surprising if someone’s doing it in-game or over the forums. But what is the point, do people even have an online rep. on the forums lol. What is it even worth?

Don’t be ridiculous no one does that

Agreed, why would anyone do that? You’re such a smart poster Sunzsu