Are people really impersonating others on the forums?

Don’t believe this, Soul.

Pawzer was the one proven wrong in more than one way.

They photoshopped my avatar on a quote from Discord and the avatar didn’t even line up with the quote and words were all in lower case with no punctuation. If you know anything about me then you know I have never typed that way.

Then Clark found a program online that showed where the picture they were presenting was doctored.

I have no idea why they did that. I think they were mad I found some posts in their history that was hypocritical.


Actually, Moritz(You know, the one that made a fresh new bnet to keep posting on the forums after their last one got yeeted?), and Clark were proven to be wrong. Just like Clark was proven to be wrong about their ‘car wreck’.

Basically, this user claims it was photoshopped because it “Didn’t line up with wording they would use.” Which, isn’t very indicative of anything.

The program in question, actually doesn’t tell you if a picture is doctored or not. It actually, Clark misunderstood how to use the program and got really confused when it apparently gave the same results to ANY picture that was converted to jpeg.

Like you coming into a thread about impersonating others and coming to spread lies about someone on the forums, once more?

Because you’re angry about getting disproven, over and over again because you align yourself in that discord with the people that impersonate others?

Something others have proven, including the one that impersonated a Blizz CM?

Moritz was going through a really hard time so I’m a bit defensive of him let’s just leave him alone please

Idk this person but sounds like they were also going through a hard time and best to just not mention.


Well now, this is a spicy thread




What you described, what I quoted, is not impersonation. As usual, you should really make an effort to understand a thing before you try to explain it to someone else.

If they hadn’t come into this thread to start in on me, sure? That’s usually what I do.

Not really, they chose to mention being in a wreck when they actually never were, because they live off of getting sympathy from others.

Apparently, the accusation of photoshopping an image, is impersonating someone now too. Of course, even their own posts on the forums contradict themselves.

You mean like when 5 or so people came into this thread specifically off topic just to attack me? Very interesting logic you got there.

It’s funny how your group does a lot of that, though. Including making a bunch of posts specifically just talking about me when I’m not even in the conversation

Oh this thread just got mega spicy.

Go on.


What the heck as this thread devolved into?


Me @this thread rn


Pawzer your dedication to replying to all your haters is quite frankly fascinating and popcorn-worthy. I hope you’re using a nice keyboard and mouse to prevent carpal tunnel :open_hands: :keyboard: :adhesive_bandage:

Eh not really.

I’m not going to get into it with Pawzer again.

I just think it’s funny to see them in this thread when they’re guilty of impersonating someone (me.)


No, I know what it means… lol. I just worded it really poorly. It is meant to say that a person is pretending to be you and is saying stuff under your name that is untrue.

this just sound redonculus.

We re-labled Godwin’s Law into Pawzer’s Law. Never fails.


Has anyone not been accused of some sort of thing by [who shall not be named]? I think that’d be the shorter list.


Definitely have multiple times. I know I ruffle feathers in these forums, but nothing like Pawzer does. It’s hilarious watching it unfold. Yet, Pawzer always feels like the victim even though it happens no matter what thread it is. At some point a sane person would ask, “is it me?”.


Short answer, yes. It’s cowardly.
I’ve personally seen this happen to a friend of mine.

There are those that may be popular (for good or bad reasons) that post on one or more ‘forum alts’.

There’s those that will start a possibly controversial topic and then argue with themselves to jump start a possible mega-thread.

Haven’t read anything yet so I’m probably repeating several others.


One guy self-liked over 20 times on his own post to make it seem like a popular opinion/take. He didn’t realize I could just look at their pet journal and call them out. Was funny.


Pay them no mind. Don’t let them live rent free in your head, rent free.

What did the GM suggest you do?

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