Are people really impersonating others on the forums?

Edit ticket and let them handle it.

The ticket was for something else but due to long ticket times / que i wasnt sure if i should edit the current ticket or make a new one.

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Can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone try to impersonate any of the GD regulars, which really is the only people there’s any kind of gain to impersonate.

Like doing a good Thalia or Tovi or dare I say defunct Snowfox parody would have at least some kind of weight since people would get fooled. But impersonating a random nobody no one knows does nothing as people won’t even remember the name 5 minutes later.

if someone was impersonating me i wouldn’t even know it i don’t pay no attention to names enough to even care who is who here. i might pay enough attention here to few people but thats only cause they do something like make their own gifs instead of the boring stuff most people do just copy something and post it so overused lol. anyway you might as well be happy your getting attention cause thats all these forums are for attention their worthless. blizz don’t even hang out here cause all the longtimers done scared them off permanently.

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People get defensive because of how you act and conduct yourself. You are not a victim. There’s a reason no matter what thread you go to, there’s an argument with you right in the center. Whether I am there or not.


Lets be real here, you would think their constant thread derailing would get them into trouble but it doesn’t which is pretty cringe but it does speak volumes to why people say the mods are bias.


Well, the proof as they say, is in the pudding.


Chocolate for me please.

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I like banana pudding, preferably.

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Pfft, why bother with that?

You get a VM and you get a VM and you get a VM and you get a VM! Everyone gets a VM!

Why on earth are you making this claim?
What gives the impression that i lost my account?
I mean this very character im posting on has post history going back a decent chunk of time.
It was the very same character you so creepily took screenshots of. Which you should be able to verify from your creepy screenshots.

This is what people talk about when they say youre constantly making up stuff about people.

Its really weird.


A lot of problems would be solved if they would bother to block the “T” troll on all his accounts. The only time I have personally seen accusations of impersonation in this forum involved that posting cabal.



This thread is going places


Also how are you doing Moritz?

I am glad to see you posting again, and after that whole debacle, I hope you’re doing better / ok. /hug


Id doing better these days thanks.
I wouldnt say i have everything together quite yet but ive been making steps in the right direction and overall i would say im in a much healthier place than i was before.

Not quite content but im getting there.
And for now, im happy with that :slight_smile:


I’m super happy to hear that and even just a few steps is better than none!

You’ll get there, and it will take time. Any healing process takes time.

You’ll get there and I’m glad to hear you’re happy with your progress. :slight_smile:


Just wanted to say I’m glad to hear you’re doing better. Definitely seemed like you were having a tough time a few months ago so I hope all is well now :slight_smile:


It has gone, came back, became stale, and went again.


I’m very relieved to hear you’re doing better! Was worried for you. If you ever want to talk or I can help in some way just let me know.


Yeah you got a troll dk tauren spamming dead Tul threads and making copy cat Tul threads. You think they would get bored of the schtick by now… Especially being they are obviously fake with their maps in name pals.

Please don’t engage or talk to them, just report for trolling mute their posts and move on. Posting in their dumpsters will only keep the crap flying it’s what they want.

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