Are people really impersonating others on the forums?

They’re in the same discord as the person I quoted, not sure if you’re trying to imply it was me, because it wasn’t, I was pointing at someone else having done that.

The one being impersonated, was CM Devolore, also known as Lore. That should give you a hint as to who it was.

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EMS. No chance at working from home. I’ve always worked jobs that require commuting and hands on

:dragon: :ocean::dragon: :ocean::dragon: :ocean:

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HWID is Windows based, not for Macs. HWID can be spoofed too.

How about this? When we select to ignore “sockpuppet1”, it auto ignores all toons on the battletag, but we never see the battletags


Battletags aren’t realid.

No issue displaying them.

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The reason I pointed this out is because people in the thread say listing Battletags is a security risk .

People saying this have no clue what they’re talking about.

RealID exposes your personal e-mail. That’s a risk. Battletag has no personal identifiable information. It’s already used on the Overwatch forums.


No need for any form of ID if the ignore function actually worked account-wide.


You don’t have to convince me :grinning:

No it really doesn’t. I’m not in this Discord. And don’t know people here. I just post here. But no matter who is doing it, it shouldn’t be happening.

You can tell me you aren’t but other people are saying you are. I don’t know you, so I don’t know who to believe. If it’s true, that’s sad.


Helps identifying people sock pupetting by liking their own posts from alts, or replying to boost themselves from alts with hidden profiles and account wide achievements turned off.


That was my point. Account wide ignore would be fantastic!!


Don’t mind if I do, thank you.

Stale cookies are my favorite! :grinning:

takes some stale cookies

If i’m not wrong, RealID shows your name, and BattleTag is just a profile username. I don’t have an issue with having a BattleTag indicator, but I think that people will throw a ragefit because I won’t be surprised if there are a significant amount of people who used a username that can be easily tracked to other sites + it won’t really account for the people who have multiple accounts (excluding those who are using multiple accounts with the same profile).

I think it’s just a quickfix + far less a meltdown if account-wide ignore becomes a thing.


Literally no one said I was impersonating anyone else, if you actually read people’s post. But I see I should use a forum function given you’re (apparently) upset at being disproven about your ‘forum suggestions’.

Battletags literally warn you that it is public and to not do that. Battletags aren’t even hidden, except here on the forums.

Same deal here.

Bliz would have to allow you a one time free change of Battletag


Another idea is a forum ID but idk how much effort that would take


So this didn’t happen?

Not my fault you misunderstand posts and jump to conclusions that are not there, just like others.

That was them accusing me of photoshopping an image, if you actually know about the event. (If you also knew about the event, you would know they were proven wrong.)

It’s okay for you to admit fault on things you don’t know about, you know.

You also accused me of

Which wasn’t true, so maybe you could stop either intentionally, or unintentionally lying?

I’ve said I don’t know about it and don’t know you so I’m not gonna believe anyone. But it seems like a lot of horrible crap happening that needs reigned in.