Are people really impersonating others on the forums?

I would say you’re an expert at that.


Sometimes, sure. But I personally don’t like it, and it’s sort of how I’ve tended to do things anyways.

People say that, but then people verified not to be them (Me included) get accused of it.

Could be by posts made, but that’s one of the points is that the more active the forums the more uncommon issues that might be brought up.

Given yourself and the people you hang with, I’d say you and them are more of an expert on that (Actually provably) Especially given there are some users in that discord that were found to be (and got called out by Blizz CMs) for impersonating said CMs - while accusing others of impersonation.

If you want to accuse me of something because someone took your discord name, joined a mutual server of mine, and used your name to harass me and others, be angry at that person, not me Tova/Nola.

But yep, just more evidence of things forum mods could do better with is taking action when someone comes into a thread like this to take potshots with random off topic stuff. :3

I don’t imagine this is more popular than like ResetEra or even Reddit who even have better moderation than this forum, lol.

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The people I “hang with” didn’t create a fake Discord avatar and post and claim it was me on the GD.

That was you.

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ResetEra has less than 60k members. Reddit definitely has far more than the WoW forums but their moderation is very lacking from an admin level but I guess if you include random subreddit moderation that is ‘more moderation’.

If the people you “Hang with” didn’t create a fake discord to harass others with, when I didn’t even know your discord tag, your avatar, or anything else… Then how would I, Tovi?

Didn’t think that one through, did you? About as bad as Clark about investigation/making accusations.

So you can go cry to our employers when we say “Dude” ?

No thank you. My real life is none of your business.

People should be forced to post from their mains and/or all your alts should be clearly labelled to prevent socket puppeting. Profiles should not be able to be hidden, and achievements should always be account wide, never per toon and hidden.


How many does this forum have?

And it’s still somehow better than this one.

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Specifically, when told not to, you then very specifically go on to call me “He” or “Guy” every chance you get when you know my pronouns are not masculine but are in fact, They/them.

Would you prefer I link all of your posts that are indeed, intentional misgenders that are not “Dude” as recent as yesterday since you want to bring this up randomly to try to take potshots at me as your group always does?

Could be up to as many as there are WoW subs, which is assuredly over 3-4 mil.

These forums don’t have a ‘member count’ advertised as I imagine that would be used to push the narrative of ‘WoW has X amount of subs.’

Depends on the subreddit, doesn’t it? Did you forget about the subreddits like Conspiracy, or all the right wing ones, or ones used to spread misinformation that are still around?

I doubt that. There doesn’t seem to be many different people on this forum.

And they are still better than this one.

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I don’t know you. Nor will I remember thousands of personal pronoun choices.

You don’t get to know my boss to call him because I used the wrong ones on the WoW forums.

You don’t get my Linked In.

I don’t go out of my way to accomodate or intentionally misgender you. It’s just text on the screen, and if it’s not to your liking, you can just ignore me using the forum ignore function.

If I had to make accomodations for 1 person, I would have to do so for everyone. An impossible task.


Any source for that claim, or no?

No source for that one, I think people would disagree quite heavily with that statement, even on reddit itself if you openly mentioned all the awful subreddits there are that admins do nothing about.

Clearly remember me quite well, actually. You read through my posts a lot!

Some could argue against your statement, I mean even for Canada it’s considered hate speech to intentionally misgender.

Yes, you do actually. If you were going by Avatar, as you claim before, you would be calling me ‘she’ but because I previously explained I dislike Masculine pronouns the most, you use those.

I have, but that doesn’t block users from talking about/at me or spreading a bunch of stuff so you get what you get.

It’s really not, and you spend more time/effort going out of your way to insult more than anything else.

It’s hard to believe that grown adults would worry or put forth mental effort to this.

Now, I’ve had a couple ppl pretend to be me before and one person sent an awful, fake message to a streamer. I defended it.

I’ve changed since then. I doubt I would now. My real friends know me and if someone was pretending to be me again they should know to call me and talk in voice because I don’t turn that down.

Idk how some of y’all have the energy to care so much. Been there. It’s exhausting and not worth it.

No, which is why I’m asking you. Which you have no information on.

That’s fine. They can disagree. It’s still better moderated. Just not to a way that you agree with.

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I pretend to be myself.

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I don’t know why this forum can’t be like other Blizzard forums. Would solve the majority of sock puppeting problems.


You made the claim -

as well as stuff like talking about how all these other places have better moderation than this one - with no facts to particularly back it up either.

You would also have to take the L in regards to 4chan moderation being better than those websites. “Just in a way you disagree with.”

Yeah, people who like doxxing. Terrible people.

Are you one of those ?

It really is.

Back to just scrolling passed your posts again.

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I didn’t make any claim. I did not say this forum for a fact doesn’t have a lot of people. I said I don’t believe that it does. Because it’s the same few people all the time.

They are better. Just not in a way you agree with. They have rules, they enforce those rules. They are to their benefit, not your’s.


I can count more than a ‘few’ in this thread alone. Curious.

It’s really not.

OK. I’ll go off observable data for this one. 20,909,445

Well good, then maybe you can come to an actual number of people who post on this forum for me.