Are one shot mechanics fun?

That sounds like painsmith riding halondrus

If you want 10% of normal raiders to be dead to one shot mechanics in every fight - which is what you said - that’s the path to ending normal raiding. Because they’ll quit.

That makes you a forum troll.

Then you’re just not reading. OP asked about fights with one-shots being tuned so the boss is impossible to kill if 1-2 die. I think the boss should be killable in normal modes with 10% of the raid dead to one-shots.

That’s not what they asked for. If there is a 1shot on normal, the boss should have the HP to be killable if 10% of the raid dies.

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Depends. Sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe s—.

This isn’t a thing. It’s important to remember that every raid group is different. While your specific group might be barely meeting a DPS check that feels tight, another group might be able to blow through said wall with 5 people dead. Unless you are raiding super cutting edge race for world first, nothing is tuned to the point where it is as tight as you describe.

Definitely not.

Yes. Everyone should research the fight beforehand.

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I like having raid-lethal mechanics that are assignable. Like the balls on G’hunn or the orbs. Your skill players can carry the day.

I hate having raid-lethal mechanics that are random, because it seems like they always want to pick the slowest, sleepiest person in the raid.

Agree, but also I wish raid groups didn’t have such dead weight.

If I wanted to take that much damage in one hit, I’d play tank so I could mitigate it.

I don’t, so no. :slight_smile: Sometimes you fumble finger or zig when you should have zagged, so it’s usually annoying having an absolute punish.

plays emo music

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That’s usually one of the differences between normal and heroic. Normal you can assign anyone, heroic you need more or all of the raid to know what’s up.

It depends on the content level.

In ultra tryhard modes? Absolutely.
In regular gameplay? Absolutely not.

A super big reason why wow raiding has fell off is due to over tuned fights/mechanics. This includes one shot mechanics which there seems to be more and more of as the expansions have gone on.

Yeah, it’s probably the single most frustrating thing about higher end raiding, waiting for Kimmy Keyboard Turner to either 1. Not get picked or 2. Get picked enough to understand what to do with the mechanic.

Neither of which makes the content more engaging.

There was a guild I was running with for a bit in BoD who could only kill heroic mekkatorque if 1 particular member never got shrunk. There were days where (instead of just benching the major underperformer), they just told him to sac himself on pull (not that he needed help dying). It was bazar.

I wouldn’t put them in normal, I’d make it like a two shot in that. Gives you room to learn to avoid it but won’t be overly punishing if you bugger it up.

FFXIV is full of these. I personally hate them.

This is ok.

No. Especially not LFR

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Lol. This is like a great summary of raiding if I’ve ever seen one

When I see other people die to one-shot mechanics, I think it is so much fun.

When I die to one-shot mechanics, I think it was lag or something idk.

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Depends on the context.

It’s fine for a fight to have a one shot mechanic that is very obvious and requires to be done in order to succeed, or that is is a main mechanic with smaller moving parts needs to be completed to pass that mechanic or you will likely wipe so it takes time for everyone to learn. What people generally don’t like is fights that require borderline pure perfection from everyone and any one screw up can result in a wipe.

Like over in Classic Archimonde is basically a target dummy, but if a person dies it’s almost guaranteed to just snowball out of control unless they died around 30% health or less. It’s kind of ok because the fight is really easy and it’s generally not a problem and it’s fairly well within the player’s control to not die.

Then you have a fight like Lady Vashj who, pre-nerf, was basically capable of one shotting people with spore bats, required most groups to mega cheese with seedlings, and the MCs were just crazy out of control capable of instagibbing people. P1 is a joke, P2 is something to learn, and P3 is just a cluster. It’s a really good example of a poorly designed fight (but I get that it was TBC so it is what it is). It was a really unfun fight to progress on because of how bogus the last phase of the fight is.