Are one shot mechanics fun?

Oooh okay. Never played it. I downloaded it but it wouldn’t work after 3 hours so I just got to the application screen. That doesn’t sound that bad. I do fear stale though. Like wows recolored mounts and gear. It comes off as lazy.

In raids yes on world NPC heck no. There too many world NPC that can just do that to most classes.

I had the same fears. But after actually raiding? The fights are, at least, on par with WoW. They also exceed them in many ways. FFXIV’s problem, however, is quantity. Generously, they have like 1/3rd of the raid content per expansion. And if you’re solely an endgame raider? That’s a dealbreaker.

Bummer on the quantity of raiding content.
I did hear that the fights were visually stunning though.

Absolutely. Some of the fights, I’ve done over 100 times while they’re current. Even if I got the mount to drop, I’d keep queuing up just for the sheer enjoyment of the fight. No trash to wade through, no hours of trying to get a raid going for it to fall apart after the first pull… if I want to get a boss kill down on my lunch break, it’s completely doable.

The sound design is also fantastic. WoW is pretty great, but FFXIV takes risks and is rewarded for it.


But to get a bit more on topic, FFXIV has a mechanic called “Vulnerability.” If you get hit by that avoidable damage? You get a stacking debuff that makes you take more damage from avoidable sources. It doesn’t allow you to tunnel and screw over your healers. You might take one or two hits and live, but it’s going to kill you eventually, even in “easy” content.

I think that’s a good solution.


I kind of say it depends on who you’re playing with and what triggers the mechanic.

I do like some trash and feel wow has done a great job with what trash is supposed to be. They use trash as a prelude to boss mechanics and I think that’s unique and fantastic. However, the quantity of trash is a little much. By the 2nd pack, I’ve learned the mechanic lol.

No they aren’t, they are gimmicky and cheesy.

Oh, definitely. I don’t mind a reasonable amount. It’s immersive, as well. But if you don’t have hours to set aside to raid? The trash gets on your nerves.

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Would love to do timewalker Alagon but they disabled him for some reason. Never got to experience him in current content.

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Oops, you clipped that effect’s blurry hitbox, and now you died. And because you died, everyone around you also died. Your mistake wasted the finite, precious time of two dozen of your fellow human beings who were all counting on you.


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For sure less trash. Especially the ones who disengage and go invisible and heal.

Rygelon has similar mechanics where you change dimensions to avoid one shot very fun

As a healer, I strongly prefer one-shot mechanics to “mess up and the healers have to save you” mechanics. One-shot mechanics promote personal responsibility and develop situational awareness. If you can’t pay enough attention to get your butt through the Xy’mox portal on time you probably shouldn’t be raiding. Ditto Desausage and the rings on normal. Those aren’t hard to pass. If “that player” gets the mechanic they’ll end up napping on the floor but the raid was usually carrying them anyway.

I do believe normal modes with one-shot mechanics should be tuned for 10% of the raid to be dirt napping by the end. In heroic you’re expected to stay vertical.

Mechanics where a player gets chunked means I’ve got to triage heal on prog. Bads will claim it wasn’t their fault when I’m busy healing the tank and they die. Mistakes that cause a raidwide AoE like the anima bottles on whats-her-name in Nathria are the worst. As a healer, prog just feels punishing.

Depends on the frequency.

Just get outta the way.

My least favorite type of mechanics are the ones where I and the entire raid are instantly wiped because one person can’t figure out a simple mechanic.

If they just fall over due to their own mistake, I’m okay with that.

It sounds like you’re one of those players who thinks raiding would be more epic if there was way less access and participation.

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Haha, hi forum troll.