Are Most Players Okay With This?

Honestly, I really hope they have options for both. I am all about giving more creative freedom to the players to make the character that best reflects them.

A bard is a hunter. We have that.

Unless you use a harp as a weapon.

A tinker is an engineer. We already have that.

A dark ranger is a hunter that shoots shadow bolts. We already have a hunter.

My concern is that Blizzard had 6 extra months to work on the next expansion, PR and optics have been a real sore spot to the point they should have made it a priority to hit a home run on the expansion release reveal, and instead, we get a lackluster showcase that had a tepid expansion trailer, recycled assets for their hero class, and too much emphasis on UI.

I have a bad feeling about this expansion and I’m expressing my worry.

No they aren’t. They may have started with worgen as a starting point, but the are something new now.

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The dragons look fine. If you don’t like them don’t play them :shrug:


Exactly. I think they look great as is.

I hate the Gnome models, I’d never play one, but I understand some people love them. I’d never ask for them to be changed to fit my taste.

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“oh, this has the same body type as X so its clearly not something different”

how many elves are in the game? delete them because we only need one body type for elf. everything else is just a reskin. doesn’t matter if its actually done from scratch. it looks the same because 2 legs 2 arms 1 head with pointy ears.

OMG its a reskin of another game’s Elf.

LE GASP and that elf is a reskin of another ELF


point is, doesnt matter. the end product is something different.

your car is just a reskin of a red wagon because 4 wheels. :roll_eyes:

cutting corners in terms of models and rigging is actually a good idea because you can get further along faster with less resources going to re invent the 100 wheels you already have.

the Dracthyr also have a tail which is apparently a 100 person team effort in order to modify a rig because Worgen still dont have tail options

Sure, so evoker will be playable on other races? Ah, there goes your argument… Also, by your logic they should indeed remove visage form.

Meaning they won’t be able to use regular mounts, because for some reason their dragon form can’t ride mounts on top of not being able to use transmog for most slots either.

I don’t see any Neltharion notebooks mentioning that, you would think ‘perfect soldier’ would indeed be a mix so they could be both physical and caster instead of so limited. You would also think, if they were also created to be ‘spies’ and ‘blend in’ they would be able to do other races which are for some reason locked to whether you choose male or female too. It’s an odd choice of races to ‘blend in’ with considering from what I can tell they wouldn’t be able to blend in.

You can’t play a Night Elf Paladin either. Race/class restrictions exist.

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Feel free to name any other class that is restricted to a single race, ah yes you can’t. Especially one that, on launch cannot be any other class.

Then again, Blizzard said they want to lift class/race restrictions sooo how about tauren/LFD rogues?

Fyi, there’s a reason this race is getting so much push back from it’s looks, and it’s because it’s not appealing to enough people the way it is especially given an entire new class is locked to it.

I mean, it might be the same skeleton underneath. Maybe. But so what? You’re kidding yourself if you think the end results look at all alike.


Not every race needs to be appealing to everyone though. There are plenty of people who were waiting for a race just like Dracthyr too.

I see a lot of people asking for things like Ogres, and I think they’re quite possibly one of the ugliest things in WoW. Should they be added though, I would let those people be happy and just never go anywhere near the race

It’s kinda the same with classes. Sometimes, for whatever reason, a class might not be for you. For instance… On the Horde we’re stuck with either Tauren or Trolls for Druids. I like Druid, but hate both those races. I sucked it up and made a Zandalari Druid so I could get herbs easier, but I can’t stand to play it for long since I don’t care for the race, and that’s okay. There are people that DO quite enjoy those combinations, and I can be happy for them even if I’m not one of them.

When you lock an entire class to it, it needs to be more appealing to the general playerbase. If they want a DOA race that a few people will like, like the version of Mechagnomes we got that’s fine. Just don’t lock a class to it, as well as a 'new zone (Ie starting area) to it.

By ‘a lot’ how many is that, exactly? Saw a decent amount of people ask for Mechagnomes too, but we see how that turned out. How something is implemented matters just as much as the ‘race’ itself.

I’d probably try out evoker if they made the males more ripped or the females…attractive in any way.

Honestly more excited for a return to large zones and real content instead of table missions and artificial/borrowed power systems.

The new zone is not locked to them. They just start there. I recall Ion saying that everyone else will get to go there later as an end game zone.

As for locking class… Well, they did the same with Demon Hunter, no? You’re essentially stuck with one race if you wanna play one.

I would be fine if they would eventually find a way to open Evoker up to more people, but I am not fine with them changing Dracthyr. It’s the first race I’ve seen in this game that was exactly what I wanted in a race, and it drives me nuts people are trying to get it changed before it even has a chance to come out. -_-

But hey, screw the people that loved the race as Blizzard presented it, right. We obviously don’t matter. :stuck_out_tongue:

Two races, and people have been asking them to change that since they were released. Still are.

Your’e against new options, as a nightborne. The irony.

But hey, guess the people that wanted more options(Which wouldn’t take away what you wanted either) for the race don’t matter.

I’m guessing the with dracthyr skeleton development, it was probably quicker for the art team to release the incubus since they don’t need same level of customizations as a player. I don’t agree that this is the slap in the face you make it out to be.

Besides, not every playable race has to appeal to everyone and that’s fine.

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It’s essentially one race with the horrible way factions work in this game as if your friends are on one side you just can’t play the other and still play with them. Mind you, cross faction will open that up a bit, so thank gods.

Nightborne are their own race. They didn’t go back and change the Night Elf models to the Nightborne models and leave the Night Elf fans out in the cold.

As for options for Dracthyr… Options are great, sure. But the devs have already said they’re adding options and that isn’t quelling the call to redesign them one bit. I am fine with bulkier model choices as long as I can still keep my slim Dragon, I’m just NOT fine with adding breasts to them (like a shocking amount of people are calling for) because my gosh it’s just nice to get a race that doesn’t follow the typical overly accentuated male/female characteristics that WoW tends to put on all their other races.

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I hated the way they looked BEFORE I found that out. Now it additionally cringes me out… Like I said from the start, they look pretty bad in Dragon form, but it’s not a deal breaker. The real problem is their martigras style knock off barbie appearance in their humanoid form. It really needs to be completely deleted and redone. There’s so many normal looking humanoid forms to choose from in WoW and they are forcing stupid rainbow’esque bedazzled softie faces upon you. I just hate them. I have no intentions of using that class/race ever.

It’s fine? The complaints are already growing stale for both models as well as the demands on making the dragon form more bulky/furries this, furries that. If it’s not good enough for you, it’ll be good enough for someone else.

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