Are Most Players Okay With This?

Nope, still two races. But you keep wording things a certain way.

They are, yes. They got updates after the fact, too. Some ‘fixes’ that completely removed certain looks outright.

Because they haven’t mentioned what options except ‘slightly bulkier torso’ and ‘snoots’. Nothing in regards to Visage form, or much else.

Then you don’t want additional customization for any race, got it.

Tbh the race looks masculine to me, since it’s a humanoid/anthro it does skew one way. It’s that simple.

So… I take it there is no wiggle+slap then?

Im ok with it. but is Blizz ok with YOU? prolly not.

See the problem is this is just your opinion .
I have the highest level of trust in blizzard and From the very little of what the world was shown of the Dracthyr i think they look Amazing .

evrything else you go on about is nothing more than a wish list from you .

It’s the WoW community. Everything gets pushback. They could give everyone a million gold and there would be pushback.

There are plenty of players who like the Dracthyr just as they were presented.


Eh, I give up arguing with you. You’re intentionally taking what I say, and twisting it. I could keep trying to get my point across, but wandering around in a circle serves no one.

For what it’s worth though, when they added additional options the the Nightborne, they removed none of the ones that were there before. You are still allowed to make your Nightborne look exactly like they did before they added more customisation a few months ago.

Haven’t seen a race get this mush pushback in quite some time.

Yeah because that would just cause for weird economy issues and inflate prices probably. :3

Since you want to go that route, there’s more saying they don’t like them as presented.

I’m not, directly quoting you. You’re not for options if the options are ones you don’t like, even if it makes no difference for your own choice.

For some rigging stuff, they actually did. If you go back and search you will see people say “They fixed the issue with X face” especially in regards to a couple of the male faces. I forget the numbers of them. So you’re wrong there too. :3

I don’t really care what wireframe they remodel for something. They don’t need to rebuild everything

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See, I told you so.

Of course, unhappy people always make more noise that happy people. If you can show me some real data, I’ll believe you


Yeah because certain things have consequences. Don’t recall people complaining about having ‘more’ customization options though! Curious, that.

Ah, you didn’t present data for that either. I guess I Can say that happy people, and people that will defend a company no matter what they do make more noise than unhappy people. :3

Sure they did, there were tons of complaints about not getting the specific customization they wanted.

I wasn’t claiming there were more on one side or the other, as you were. I was only claiming there are ‘plenty’. Of that there is evidence in the discussion already.

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Ahh yes, the scowl on the male faces. Okay, I will give you that.

As for directly quoting me, eh, debatable. You took this…

And then snipped it down to this…

And then responded with this…

Which is not at all what I said. I said I was perfectly fine with additional options. I went on to say that the only one I didn’t want on Dracthyr was breasts. Somehow you twisted that to not only do I want NO options, but that I want no options for any other race ever again.

For what it’s worth, I’m firmly in the camp that every race should get a slender, average, and thicker version of their models at the very least. I just don’t want breasts on the reptilian race is all, having always preferred my Dragons and lizard races without them. You have every other race in the game with breasts. I’m allowed to love the fact that does one does not have them.

Heh, as for the Demon Hunter thing, I’m pretty sure you know what I meant. For all intents and purposes the fact that you had two Elves to choose from was a non choice, since you were locked to one faction if you wanted to play with your friends. So yes, while you technically had two races, in practicality you only had one. And, as I said, with cross faction opening things up that will be a non issue soon.

That’s not complaining about the new customizations, that’s asking for more/different ones.

You did, actually. I did not. :3

Yes, that’s called quoting people. If you quote someone’s entire post, the forum can decide to eat your post if you reply directly after. :3

It actually is, in your post you state you don’t want dragons to get X because you don’t like it - despite it being optional. Meaning you don’t want optional customization.

You also said -


If they’re options you don’t like, which could be anything yes. :3

Tfw things work completely different in WoW land and things are not comparable to actual reptiles. Even Worgen heads are not ‘actual’ wolf heads.

You would still have the option if they added them. Shrug

Nope! You wanted to go very SPECIFICALLY on wording. You said they did the same thing with demon hunter, which very much isn’t true.

See? :3 You said stuck with one race if you wanna play one. You didn’t say one per faction.

In practicality, people can and will play BOTH factions.

I am reasonably sure you’re arguing just to argue. I feel a little bad for you if that’s how you have to find your enjoyment, but I am done with you. I allowed myself to be baited into responded to you that last time (and this time too I suppose), but no more.

Be well, and I hope you have a nice day.

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Ah, okay. I can say the same to you, then.

Same to you.

Lets see if you stick to that, unlike the rest of your words (Sorta proving more so that your own posts were just to argue, not mine woops!) Further evidence of this is you didn’t address anything in my post in your new post, nor about the thread itself.

Concern trolling after insults shows your true nature~

It’s exactly what you said. At least be honest. We can disagree, but don’t lie about what you said.


Ya’ll complain about everything lmao.

I said that after you already made claims that ‘plenty’ of people like them without giving any evidence. Maybe you should be more honest?

Maybe you shouldn’t?

But I guess I should use a specific forum option, your name is only a couple letters off.

Honestly I don’t really care.

I do care about them getting more classes then just evoker.

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Yeh, definitely agree to this. I would have loved to turn this Mage into one. That said, Evoker look just like the kinda of class I would like, so I can’t complain.

I do hope they open it up eventually though. Preferably sooner rather than later. I’m sure there are lots of people who like the race, but really don’t want to be the type of class that Evoker is. It would be nice for them to be able to play the race too. :slight_smile:

Hehe, on the plus side, the fact that they can’t at first is prolly good for my wallet. Elsewise I would be changing all my characters to Dragon-people the first day. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: I would have liked your post, btw, but the forum software told me no. I’ll throw you one in a few hours when it gives me my allowance. :slight_smile:

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