Are Most Players Okay With This?

So it seems that the Dracthyr are just remodeled Incubus. During a time when the player’s trust in Blizzard is arguably at its lowest point ever, Shadowlands had the longest content drought in the history of WoW, and news of the next expansion was delayed by 6 months, it feels ominous when the expansion reveal showcased a new hero class that’s a re-skin of a warlock’s bondage sex pet.

What the heck is even going on at Blizzard HQ these days. Of all the exciting ideas that were apparently abandoned, like player housing, more character customization features, and hopes of a new Bard, Tinkerer, or Dark Ranger class, we get a half dragon class that nobody asked for, and it’s not even made from a new game asset.


every race is a remodeled human though.


I mean why would they make a new one when something works. Vulpera use the goblin model but it’s rare we call them goblins.


I’m going to keep playing until I get bored with the game. It’s fine, whatever. You are welcome to keep nit picking things to death and continue to be angry.


Drackthyr probably came first and then they stuck an inccubus model to it.
And to be honest none of the models for this dragon race look good in my opinion.


i don’t really care


Get over yourself OP, trying too hard to be edgy.


no, the Siege of orgrimar was the longest draught in history. What was it, 15 months?


They all kind of share some skeleton.
It’s fine.

I’m more interested of their rotation not being so bland and gimmicky like DH’s that I felt. The rest is obviously gonna be them making sparkly customizations to make that group happy.

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Vulpera were an allied race. They weren’t meant to carry an expansion like the Dracthyr are. I think if Blizzard really meant to win back the trust of their customers they would have tried to go above and beyond past expectations with their new hero class.

Pretty much nothing that the WoW community expressed interest in was showcased during the expansion reveal.

Alot of people have asked for a half Dragon race. Just saying.


I hope you’re able to find happiness either in WoW or elsewhere.


Well we don’t know if player’s trust in Blizzard is at the lowest point ever. We know there is a vocal group in every video game that loves to hate the game they play and we know all those games have CCs that feed those people raw meet as click bait.

But have you ever seen a poll taken of an unbiased random sample of players that indicated a lack of trust in Blizzard?

Omg, ya overreact too much. On simple race isnt whats going to kill WoW. You have a variety of other choices depends on the classes. Now sure to play an evoker you have to be the Dracthyr but don’t go out making it seem like WoW will die because of this race when it doesn’t rely on that. Other games have no customization yet they’re doing pretty good.

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I’m ok with it, and to be honest I believe that if they can’t succeed with rising their numbers higher past the honey moon phase of dragonflight that they might end up putting the expansion in maintaince mode. So their putting a lot of effort and a good bit of money but not big enough to be massive because the risk is to high after all the damage they have done to themselves. I feel like to Blizzard (not the community) this is make it or break it expansion.

New classes don’t carry expansions, at MOST maybe 10% of players might switch, which is a very tiny minority

edit: to answer OP’s actual question, I really don’t care one bit what Drac’thyr look like since I don’t want to play an Evoker

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I don’t care to be honest.

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You think blizz actually creates new stuff? Lol, no. Blizz has be exclusively copying/pasting for over a decade meow.
Why do you think they chose dragons over light or void? They have models for dragons they can copy/paste off of.

I mean what am I gonna do? I already voted with my wallet by quitting shadowlands for 9 months. It did something apparently because they’ve either reversed course on a lot of things or compromised. I personally didn’t want a new race or class, so I’m indifferent to the Drach things. Both of their models are ugly anyway so I have no interest in playing one. The rest of the expansion sounds good though.

I’m absolutely okay with it. I find the Dracthyr models amazing. Many games remodel assets into other things, this isn’t a Blizzard being lazy, this is something all MMOs do. As for the Dracthyr themselves… Their scales are detailed, they have multiple patterns, frills, horns, colours, and jewelry. They are beautiful. I love that they’re lean and athletic, and have proper wings, long tails, and slender elongated snouts without huge underbites.

When I woke up on the 19th and was sleepily browsing the internet on my ipod I saw a picture of them. I thought it was a joke and I bolted up to turn on my PC and check. I saw it wasn’t, and I’ve been grinning ever since then. I went from not sure I would even buy the next expansion to resigning to give Blizz monies for a good long while in part just because of that race. It’s like they reached into my head and pulled out the thing I’ve always wanted to play in this game. :slight_smile:

My only complaint with Dracthyr is that they can’t be other classes. That’s it though. Otherwise I love everything about em. :slight_smile: