Are Most Players Okay With This?

is it? i thought it was the female worgen model but i guess that makes more sense. I do find it a bit strange that they are reusing it since for new races they usually make a new rig but others are probably right about it coming first and then the Incubus being added later on their end.

overall i dont care if they reused a model or not. its not a big deal to me and I am really happy to finally have an option for something that does not have football pad sized shoulders. im more concerned with all the wild restrictions the race will suffer from if they keep it locked to Evoker only.

I don’t have a problem with it, but find it funny how many people are upset

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You need to read what you posted.

I know what I wrote. If you have something to say, just say it.

Yeah I’m feeling pretty unenthusiastic about the Dracthyr’s look.

I was expecting a strong menacing looking dragon, and I feel like what we got was an anime E-girl character…

Where’s their muscle? Where’s the hulking dragon that looks like it could rip you apart at any moment?

The recycled body feels kinda lazy imo.

KT’s were the poster child of BFA and we were created entirely from scratch. Custom made model, rig, and animations. Everything built from the ground up

So why did they cheap out for this? Not only is the Dracthyr a brand new race, but a class, on top of being the centerpiece of the expansion…

I just really hope they deliver on these other body types they say they have. I don’t like the Dracthyr’s look at all and if they don’t improve it, I’ll be forced to join the crowd of people asking for visage form in combat so I don’t have to look at the dragon form

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You counter-smug Strife for 8 points of damage!
You begin casting Biting Comeback.
Your spell fizzles.

It’s not a big deal to me. But I will say I don’t have much interest in Dracthyr unless the draconic models have better options for displayable armor or I can spend combat time in visage form.

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How do people care about this? Most people would never of known since they look nothing alike.
It’s like with the Vulpera and the Goblins, same models but look completely different. Most people wouldn’t even know they were same base model. Do you see people running around saying they can’t see any difference between vulpera and goblins, and they don’t know if it’s one or the other if they encounter them in game? No…

This is a none problem.

I never knew that. I had always assumed they were the pandaren models stretched a tick taller.

All that work and my peripheral vision reaction is “Oh they shaved the pandaren”.


Art is subjective. I find the current model of the Drac’thyr abit too soft and… svelte? For a race conceive as the “ultimate solider.” This is a fan made edit of the race that to me looks much more impressive.

It is my hope that Blizzard will allow for enough customization that players will be able to make either version (or close to them) playable.

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Ultimate soldier doesn’t have to be muscled. They were created to be a caster class that was swift and mobile. Their athletic runner’s body makes them small and agile in the situations they need to be. They’re meant to be a specialised unit, not an overall strike force. I love the way they look because they remind me of the athletes you see in the Olympics. Also, I am just so tired of broad shoulders and muscled arms in this game. I just wanna play a male character that looks more like a gymnast than a muscle builder. :frowning:

That said, I am always fine with choices. That second model you linked is alright, and if that were an option for the people that wanted it I would be fine with it. The only thing I really hate about is is the wings. I like that the membrane goes all the way to the back on the original version. I hate that it only covers the fingers on the new one.

The only worry I have is that the devs will listen to the people claiming the Dracthyr are awful and need to be changed, and change the model completely. That would suck so much for those of us who looked at the Dracthyr and just thought “whelp, that’s my perfect race.” There are a lot of us who love what’s already there, and were thrilled WoW made a race we were so excited for. :frowning:

Lots of game buyers will buy anything from blizzard. Gamers with standards will pass on this lackluster xpac.

“Ultimate solider” to me means adaptability and versatility in combat. IE, being able to move from one type of battle or tactic to another depends on each type of engagement. So having the Drac’thyr being only a caster kinda fails their purpose in my mind.

Their physical appearance should more of an ideal representation of what the ultimate versatile dragon warrior would look like so just having them be skinny or just having them be built fails as well. I really hope that Blizz adds body customization. I have been hoping for this to be a thing since Vanilla. Not sliders. I don’t think WoW’s capable of sliders, but presets definitely.

As for the wing membrane. That’s some sharp eyes. I didn’t even notice, and I totally agree. I love Malygos’s wings and the way they attach to his body.

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Yeh, I’m all for choice. It’s the best of both worlds. People who want thicker get thicker, and the people who want the lean model can keep it. At least the black model you linked is better than that red fridge thing that’s going around. shudders

It should still be a choice though. I’ve always loved reptilian type races, especially Dragons. Heck, the ability to play a Dragon was what first got me into MMOs, and with the exception of ESO I always play the reptilian races in games if I can. I really love the androgynous look they often have. I like that they’re usually on the leaner side, rather than bulky and muscled. Dracthyr are basically everything I wanted in a WoW race. So yeh, I support choice, just not a redesign.

Heh, and thanks about the eyes. Though it’s less shard and more the fact that I’ve always hated the way WoW did most their Dragon’s wings. The membrane going all the way to the back makes soo much more sense. It’s the way bats do it, it’s the way SOME of their Dragons do it, and it just looks so much more pleasing than a little bit of webbing around the fingers. :slight_smile:

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Well they just created something completely different in Shadowlands and everyone’s head exploded.

The people who love to hate the video games they play complained endlessly about how they wanted to get back to the old Azeroth and Asmongold made so many silly faces generating rage bait that he dislocated his jaw.

They’re Worgen rigs.

I’m fine with the dragonmen themselves. I’m NOT fine with the visage.

It’s a brand new race with its own stater zone and it gets a new head on old bodies? If I wanted to play an old race, I would. This is a new race. It needs its own freaking model. They gave KT a unique rig AND model… but Dracthyr get stupid humans and belfs? It’s bad. It’s wrong. It’s lazy. It needs fixed.

Skeletons mean nothing and players did ask for a playable dragonoid.

Obviously, not this playable dragonoid but a playable dragonoid.

You must not be looking at the same images I am. Or perhaps you just didn’t look at all.

The only thing the human form of Dracthyr have in common with incubus are the horns and they won’t be the only playable wow race that has horns (Lightforge Draeni also has horns).

Obviously their dragon form bears no similarity whatsoever to an incubus and the Dracthry human-form

  • doesn’t have the goat-feet like an incubus
  • doesn’t have the wings like an incubus
  • doesn’t have a tail like an incubus
  • the ears, while pointed, are tiny compared to the incubus, whose ears are longer than most elves.
  • the face of both are obviously remodeled human faces

If anything a Dracthyr in human form could pass as a human, an incubus can’t.

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I LOVE that design. It’s absolutely perfect

It’s bulky, muscular, strong jawline, sharp edges… it’s got everything Blizzard’s design is lacking

I would pay real world money to play that model instead of the original