Are Most Players Okay With This?

i don’t think it’s that the models share a rig, but that the animators started with an existing rig, and then modified it.

And considering the timeline, odds are the Incubus was the latter creation.

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The question we should be asking is when will the other races be remodeled into bondage sex pets.

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True. I worded it poorly. Coffee hasn’t kicked in yet lol

That’s also possible. The male dracthyr visage forms have a very defined stack of abs so I can imagine someone took that layer for the model. Softened it a teensy bit and made a hot demon out of it.


People act like re-using a model is just a game breaking, world ending, apocalyptic nightmare that no game developer has ever ever done before.

I mean, sure it’d be cool to get a mesomorphic option as well with this but it’s not raising my blood pressure.

The world of art is full of cheat codes lol. Even disney reused animation in the past


Why does the skeleton under the race matter ?
I’m okay with this


I dont care what reused or modfied rig they use, i just want thickness options.

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To be honest, I want those three even less than I did the dragoniod/evoker…

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I mean reusing their own assets isn’t a crime. Though, I would’ve liked if we got Drakonid as a race instead …

Majority of people I’ve spoken too, heard on youtube and even seen upon majority of threads in the forums though have all stated they would love if the Drakthyr were more bulky. They’re skinny asf at the moment, which for a Dragon-race comes across rather cringe in a way … Sure some may like it, but I’m 100% certain the majority do not. lol

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I’m fine with it.

I love how they look and so long as I find the class fun I could care less that they share a skeleton with another model.

I don’t see what the fuss is about, most games use one or two basic bodies (for, say, digitigrade legs) and just swap out the heads.


How do plan on asking “most players” to get their opinion?

This forum is not a good sample size.

If their idle animations are the same, I’m gonna laugh.


A lot of things change that people claim won’t.

So rigging is a bit annoying and tedious.

Starting modeling on something that is already rigged and similar in shape is working smarter not harder.

It frees up a modeler to make other cool things sooner.

So it’s fine in my eyes.

Even if that were true, almost every male character in the game is swole so people who prefer that have options

If you want to play more of a twink-looking character you have almost no options except male blood elves (who looked twinkier in the TBC beta until people complained they didn’t look masculine enough), male void elves, and now dracthyr

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I’d argue against that - Night Elf, Blood Elf, Vulpera, Gnome, Mechagnome, Goblin, Troll and Nightborne – I would not consider ‘swole’. There’s plenty of options.

Honestly a good fix would be to add a scaling feature in the character creation, like many other games do. That way either & both parties can get their fill of what they desire their character to look like.

I mean the female demon hunter, and dracthyr are just remolded female worgens.

If the model works for the project then why waste more time to do a custom job when you don’t have too?

The male Blood Elves are even more muscle than I like. I love the super lean caster types. Male Nightborne were almost good enough, but I wish they had a better hip to shoulder ratio. Dracthyr, on the other hand, are exactly what I wanted in body proportions but with the added benefit that they’re ALSO a reptilian/draconic race.

Also, Dragons in WoW are not always super bulky either. Look at some of the newer models. Like the Dragons from the Viking area in Legion, or the AotC mount from last expansion.

I am beyond thankful that Blizz gave us a nice slim and athletic race. They already said they’re adding a bulkier version for those that want it, but there are a lot of people who do like the race as they presented. I can’t wait to play my nice slender Dracthyr. :slight_smile:

Edit. Basically me saying that I agree that there are a lot of thick options in game, and it’s kinda nice to get one that doesn’t have huge shoulders, or overly muscled arms. :slight_smile: