Are Most Players Okay With This?

Initial box sales will break records, again. Absolutely sure of that.

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I dont think you can please such an ungrateful community that only wants things exactly as they are asked for and treats it as a utter and complete travesty when blizz doesnt cave.

And I am talking in regards to wow having an expac about flying and ppl are made flying is getting reworked so they cant just effortless fly from quest to quest.

Ppl dont even want to try the new features, that just want to poo on it because it wasnt handed to them in a way they are already familar.

This community far to often shows it is against creative freedom.


OP, the mortal form of the race look like they put some dragon horns on blood elves. :roll_eyes: :woman_shrugging:

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Ok, now are you going to tell the REAL issue?

Because this isn’t one. Blizz reuses assets all the time.

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Pretty sure almost everyone has wanted playable Dragons for the better part of 14 years now. But go off?


Y’all honestly expected them to come up with new models?

Blizzard has been slacking since WoD on most things. This is not something new. Come on, now.

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Do they have the wiggle + slap? If so, might be slightly more interested to check out the race/class combo.

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Things I want
Alt friendlyness: Reputation sharing per realm or per account, limit the amount of dailies the account can do to each faction to prevent mass rep grinding. All rewards from factions are account bound.

PvP Crafting Gear: Doesn’t have to be as strong as honor gear but enough where you dont get decimated in questing gear.

Proffession revamps: already happening

PvP: More battlegrounds, better structure of queing and systems, more rewards. PvP Mentors.

Classes: Better talent tree design (already happening), Druid flight form sharing the dragon flying mechanics.

PvP Warfronts, Torghast Tuning and a soul ash vendor for cosmetic rewards moving foward into the future.

Old content being relevant, updated old zones.

Darkmoon Faire: more mini games to the max, I want a gold saucer version.

Puzzle world quests!

Justice Vendor back!

All I can think of top of my head, but alt friendlyness, profession revamp, pvp rework, darkmoon faire, and justice vendors are like top priority for me. Alt friendlyness is the make it or break it for me how ever and it seems like they are doing the right thing.

Reusing a frame is a lot less of an issue than making the whole race DOA for tanks.

Why limit people if that’s what they want to do?

I applied that because thats Ion’s / devs team excuse why they don want to make rep grinding to be account bound. Personally I don’t care one way or another if you wanna do 20 sets of dailies upon 20 characters, go wild man i wont stop you.

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Most players probably don’t care.

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Didnt they already say alts share rep?

Yes and no.

New Reputation system will now work exactly like reknown instead of from netural to exalted. For Dragonflight factions.

However it wasn’t talked about if shadowlands and below factions will be account shared or no (they wont have the reknown system). I love it that its in dragonflight but I also want it in older content too (not the reknown part thats to much work)

Work smart not hard when it comes to animation.

I still think its neat when they use rigs for other races but still do unique stuff with it. Like how the Vulpera have the goblin rig but they still have a unique dance.

Same for the Dracthyr. They share a rig but still have a bunch of new animations with it.


They did say they didnt want alts to just get handed rep gear.


Thats weird, Rep gear isn’t that great in my opinion and gets replaced quickly.

I think its so you have to work for mogs.

There’s absolutely no way that they made a new model for the Incubus and then copied it for the Drac’thyr. Creating the Incubus as a quick reaction to lawsuits can only happen if it is the one that is the quick re-model of existing content

Ah that makes sense sorta. I hate how restrictive they are with mogs still :confused:

Lots of tanks already, we haven’t had a new ranged class since… Ever.

And to pre-emptively answer, "I’m talking about ‘race’ not ‘class’. " Dracthyr/Evoker are a race/class exclusive combo. That’s what they are. learn to accept the things you cannot change. At least not until next expansion at the earliest.