Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

No one says that. Tyrande is the one who drew the line in the sand, and it really didn’t make sense because she welcomed the Shen’dralar back to Teldrassil long ago.

I honestly think Tyrande isn’t the reason the Nightborne join the Horde. It’s because of the Blood Elves. They understand the Nightborne in the way no one else can. They understand losing their Well, their power, suffering with addiction and withering for lack of the magic they need to live, and how to move on from it. The Blood Elves are their true sister-race now, and Liadrin was 100% a more sympathetic and understanding ally.


I just had a brilliant April first joke idea for Blizz.

Announce High Elves as the next playable race but instead of the Helfs everyone wants, have them be a green skinned offshoot of Nightborne who got kicked out for becoming addicted to magic ‘herbs’ in an attempt to find a new magic source.

Classes: Druid and Monk

Racials: Woah Man, like cool, take a hit off this - Blow smoke in an enemy’s face to stun them for three seconds.

Like, I’m floating on a cloud man - Slow fall the ground floating on a rainbow cloud.

No harsh vibes allowd man - Agro drop and the agroed mob can’t attack another target for 30 seconds

They were always a meme, a cool one though. They keep showing up in places with a minor presence, looking good. But many don’t understand that their minor presence was all it was ever meant to be, and think of it as an encouragement or future planning that they would one day be a race, likely one of the most populous alliance ones while disregarding that they’re 1/10th of the remaining Thalassian population.

Ten thousand years does that to you, especially being isolated around an arcane font of power, being that magic was banned after the war of the ancients. That’s how Quel’dorei happened. I’d say high elves are not night elves, what about you? Also, did you get that photo from the very wowpedia page that explains in detail how they’re a separate race? Just curious.

It is so unlikely that there would be thousands, especially since the only ones outside of Quel’thalas and Dalaran (this was also invaded) are inhabiting small lodges. I don’t mean to be a party pooper, but even reaching a thousand in theory is ambitious.

After they created that expedition, more blood elves and even high elves went to join Umbric. I’m thinking that their ranks aren’t exactly closed off to any new elves who want to follow the path after their exile.

They claimed Telogrus as their base of operations, which has also been visited by blood elf Silvermoon Scholars and high elf wayfarers curious to learn more about the Void from their transformed kin.

You would maybe have ground to stand on for your use of condescension, if you were even correct in what you’re insinuating. Yes, we are biologically high elves. We have only a different name. End of story.

I know I’m already responding to you, but I just have to say wow, what a post, and state of mind. But this is a comment you will likely ignore, as you want what you want, and at any cost, including the integrity of a Horde race which is already damaged by void elves existing.


You have a funny name :slightly_smiling_face:

There’s High Elves who went from Night Elf to High Elf in the same lifespan. Dath’remar for instance have changed in the same lifespan. In this next image with some data from Wowpedia he has purple skin:

And in this image from the manga, he’s a High Elf:

At end of the day, it’s all about the magic source each elven group is using. After Sunwell’s destruction the Blood Elves started to use the Mana Tap in living creatures to cease their starvation from magic, and also used fel energy as fuel in their mana crystals to hold their buildings, but at the same time poisoning Quel’thalas citizens through fel radiation making their eyes glow green, like what happened to Thrall who never drinked demon blood.

Meanwhile the High Elves who remained in the Alliance followed another path:

So taking that into account, why the High Elves in Alliance side haven’t received golden glowing eyes? Since, according to you, they’re like Blood Elves, using the Sunwell as their primary source of magic?



AFTER they transformed, they were already VE’s

I don’t get it. I thought you were arguing against the idea of Nightborne being a different race than Night Elves. You just evidenced how Thalyssra would become a Nightborne in one lifespan.

My belief is that because they don’t live in Quel’thalas prolongingly, they don’t get the glowing eyes. However, Arator, a half high elf has golden eyes, making the theory (just kidding, lore-backed fact) of us being one race, pretty much true. It’s also a thing that High Elves are now allowed to make pilgrimages to the Sunwell, with the exception of Alleria, who can’t get near it. It kinda breaks my heart though, even if she serves the Alliance before Silvermoon.

Yes, agreed, the Void Elves who claimed Telogrus were already Void Elves before turning other elves into Void Elves.

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Mmm… that’s not necessarily true. Paladins in general have had golden eyes. The first character in the Warcraft series to ever have golden eyes was a Paladin (Turalyon) in Warcraft II due to him channeling the light through him. Another point is that Lightforged Draenei aren’t channeling through the Sunwell. In other words, just because Arator has golden eyes doesn’t mean it’s from the Sunwell.

I’m saying that High Elves are changing like the Nightborne did, because their primary source magic is no longer the Sunwell. The pilgrimage is more in line with tranditions not an way to cease their magic needs, because even Alleria wanted to see the Sunwell when she visited Silvermoon, even having the Void as her source of power.

If High Elves had still using the Sunwell as their primary magic source, their eyes should’ve be at least yellow without glow. I mean at the very least.

The High Elves haven’t changed either by fel or holy energies, but that doesn’t make any sense if they and the Blood Elves are exactly the same just with different names. You can say they’re close as a race, but not the same, both the remaining High Elves, and the Blood Elves are changing in different ways since Sunwell’s destruction.

Arator is a Half Elf not a proper High Elf, and he’s living in Stormwind, the same distance that most High Elves are from Sunwell, if not more. Turalyon his father for instance, also a Paladin, had some yellow glow in his eyes when Xe’ra appears:

Arator being a Half Elf in Alliance, and the only one with golden eyes, feels that’s because he’s a Paladin, not because of Sunwell’s power. He also participated in Argus campaign with the Lightforged and his father, and was also there in Argus when Xe’ra appeared.

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High Elves really are allowed to use the Sunwell, I have no idea where you’re getting the notion that they’re not affected by it either, despite any oversights with eyes you can check wowpedia.

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Then we’re back to my old quote, since the remaining High Elves wasnt been affected by the new Sunwell, it’s more likely that most of them are no longer addicted to the Sunwell magic like the Blood Elves still are:

What I’m trying to explain to you, is the fact that High Elves, may look alike Blood Elves in their model, but they aren’t following the same path of the Blood Elves, by either sources of magic or culture, and also the way each Elven race interact with their sources of magic is which define what they truly are.


The Sunwell’s power has no physical limits or boundaries. An elf bound to its energies would be so no matter how far away they went from it.

The quote you posted was made while the Sunwell was destroyed. They can probably stop using it, but it’s always connected to them, making it very unlikely that most aren’t using it right now.


Disagreed. The High Elves have been allowed open access to the Sunwell, led by Auric Sunchaser.

I forgot to mention also, this is like 30-40 years since the split. That’s not nearly enough time, or comparable to the 10,000 year difference that Nightborne and High Elves had in order to evolve. In fact, Blizzard even says they’re just the same race. (Belves and Helves)

Besides, even if some stopped using the Sunwell, that just means they’re stuck being High Elves, just like the ones using the Sunwell currently are Blood Elves without fel corruption, with golden eyes, and biologically the same as High Elves, with only a politically different name.

If any were to evolve in this situation, it’d be Blood Elves, but because of the Sunwell, they’re the same as they’ve been since Quel’thalas was founded.


Even IF some of the High Elves still make use of Sunwell’s power, it’s not in the same way of Blood Elves, because nothing that we’re seeing regarding Blood Elves magic pratices has been applied to remaining High Elves.

Also you have said this:

And now this:

If doesn’t matter how far the elves are, your first statement seems a bit contradictory…

No, there’s absolutely nothing stating that you can even use the Sunwell differently.

As for the contradiction, my original belief being proven wrong by established lore, I guess that’s how things go and I should accept it. A good practice.


So, why High Elf eyes are not yellow?

Why are all Night Elf male eyes amber, when it’s current and pre-established lore that it’s very rare for that to happen? Why do Night Elf females have only silver eyes, when some of them could be born with amber ones? Oversight, uncorrected.


Both of them can have black ones though.

And I’m still waiting for an answer for High Elves.

This is far, far after birth.

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Don’t make sense for me, they took time to change Arator, why they stop there?

Maybe because High Elves are different.

I wouldn’t think so, especially when blizzard says they are the same.