Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

Well if that’s your final answer, I think I’ve wasted my time here. I will accept it when the lore shows it.

Right now only Ion said it, and game lore says otherwise, and he’s not responsible for the lore, and only joined Blizzard as Encounter Designer after BC and WOTLK releases, where some of High Elf lore was stablished.

WotLK? Where in the Quel’Delar quest line, you could see high elves using the Sunwell? Okay then.


I’m not going to keep discussing it, if you do not anwser my previous question:

Since they’re using the Sunwell.

Because Blizzard doesn’t think we could tell the difference between High Elves and Blood Elves if they change the nps’s to reflect having golden/yellow eyes. That and they probably don’t really care to update npc’s other than a few prime ones. At least that is my guess. If not that it could be that canon wise it’s a priest/Paladin thing and we don’t see many of those where High Elves are concerned.


Which implies the fact that they’re different, if it’s not the case, the game assets or lore must show otherwise.

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Never said they weren’t, you asked why High Elf npc’s didn’t have yellow eyes in game. It has nothing to do with the canon lore. It’s because Blizzard doesn’t think that we as players would be able to tell the Difference between, Blood Elf npc’s and High Elf npc’s. Also it f you go to True Shot lodge and go inside, you will find Currier Larkspur, who is a Silver Covanent High Elf, who just so happens to have glowing green eyes, oddly enough.


The problem, however, is that people stating they’re not different. So I’m waiting for sources about it, that aren’t “Ion said so”.

If just one or two npc are different it can be considered a bug, or the said npc can be a deserter like Valeera. If we were talking about one group, then it’s another story, but it’s not the case.

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Not to be rude , but you are starting to sound a bit like Fyre, when she’s parroting off the same the thing constantly. One Blizzard hardly ever updates the generic ingame npc’s to reflect anything to do with the lore. Do to the way they formatted the ingame character models. Changing the eye colors to reflect canon lore would require money, hours and resources, that Blizzard doesn’t want to spend. As for written lore, how often does Blizzard update the lore for any race on the Internet. They haven’t updated the Belf or Draenei zones in over a decade ingame, yet lore wise much has changed for both races.


I didn’t read any of the stuff you said, but I just wanted to say that your posts are quite well written :slightly_smiling_face:

thats weird because people like the devs, and even Bellular made an anti high elf video claiming they are the same. we are actually waiting for the high elf crowd to explain how they are different

for all intents and purposes high/blood elves are the same. its just 9/10 of all living high elves are now called blood elves

it doesnt make sense to elevate the faction that has a small fraction of the high elf population from flavor NPCs to a playable race that is already a horde core race playable in game. it would blur faction identity

here is Bellulars old but still releveant speculation about them being playable


This debate is starting to get pretty tiresome. Pretty much the same people have been coming onto these forums for over a year now screaming about how Void Elves are the worst thing ever and how no one wants them, despite the fact that most of these said people are posting as void elves. Void elves are a thing now, get over it already and stop asking for another reskin of a race you just received.

Then there’s the anti group. A lot of you are just fanning the flame at this point and are mostly likely doing so to get a rise out of the pro group. I’m not going lie, I was part of the anti group until I realized how pointless it was responding to a person that’s going to respond to most arguments with “NO U!!” or strawman every argument to death. All your doing is creating, and even encouraging, the massive amount of tribalism and fractionism this debate always seems to brew.

Just let this stupid debate die already, both of you.


Yes they are.

Would have I prefered Helves to Velves? Yes but I acknowledge fairly simple reasons that have been disccused ad nauseam such as how it would be literally an eye colour change and a new racial (if they could be bothered to do that much).

My only real issue I have with this entire situation is that Bliz said we can’t play them because there isn’t enough of them. Ok, fair but then how can a mad scientist and his 6 assistants become a race?

Honestly they could have ended this entire topic by just saying that Alleria taught the Helves how to use the void and boom, we get helves and they are now different enough to make them playable.

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I dunno, as little as we have I like the current Void Elf backstory.

I don’t think people hate VE’s persay, although I’m sure there are some out there. Its just the fact that it was the PERFECT opportunity to add High Elves and they come up with something completely new instead of the established lore of HE. It was a slap in the face for quite a few people that have wanted HE since vanilla.

Not that they care, they are bleeding subs until content is released, then bleed it again two months after. If thats the model they are going for, might as well go F2P.


The problem however is that Blizzard took time to change Arator for instance, they could’ve ended this controversy by simple puting the yellow glow in some High Elves, if they’re supposed to be the same thing.

I think some people may not like this, but High Elves lacking yellow eyes, or yellow glow at all, implies they’re not using the Sunwell at the same scale of Blood elves, or not using it at all. But I’ll change my mind without a problem as soon ingame models or lore show otherwise.

There’s sources stating that some High Elves have handle their magic addition in a different way of Blood Elves, so the remaining High Elves ingame not having yellow eyes, or yellow glows is just implying it again:

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Why do people argue over this? All HE I see now have blue eyes, rarely gold.

I dunno, if Blizz just unlocks the blue eyes for the BE’s then everything will be ok.


People who’re against High Elves keep saying this, but there’s another easier way around, they can make High Elves eyes be golden. But for some reason Blizzard haven’t changed High Elves eyes to yellow, or have added blue for Blood Elves. I wonder, why?

It’s not hard to grasp.

Well, that works too. I mean, it’s an eye color! I want access to the green, white, and brown skins on my Darkspear so that I can play other tribes now that the Zandalari are allied with the Horde, so I get what you are saying, but why not have gold eyes and blue eyes. A high Elf is a High Elf no matter what color it’s eyes glow, same as a troll is a troll no matter its skin color lol

Look here, I even made a graphic to show how it works:



I don’t need to, the eyes whether related or not, it’s canon they’re using the Sunwell. You can choose to stay deluded and ignore the actual lore if you want. There’s no other mystery to solve. Good day.