Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

if high elves ever became an alliance allied race i’d probably unlock them and make a paladin tbh. but i just don’t expect it to be a thing after mr in charge of everything has already said no.

Ion saying no is a myth spread and made popular by those that oppose the addition of high elves. The actual quote has him say no plans in the near term.


They’re probably avoiding adding them as much as possible because every time a blue eyed elf shows up in game all the supporters have an aneurysm “OH OH OH HIGH ELVES CONFIRMED!! Fire up the official high-elf thread bois, we goin in!”

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This would make sense if they didn’t use High Elf NPCs on the ship before you jump down.

The more logical reason is that they only want to use two races per warfront.

For Horde they used Orcs and Trolls. For Alliance they used Humans and Dwarfs.

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That’s all of them. None left to put on the ground. :stuck_out_tongue:

But that’s the problem, there didn’t have to be a compromise, maybe they will release them when they figure out they can’t keep up this “faction war” bs with the dwindling numbers on alliance. When they finally get rid of faction restrictions, or when Ion is gone ( can only hope), they will add them then.

I actually really wanted wildhammers, but I did always want to see dark iron too so I can wait a bit longer for wildhammer.

i obviously wanted dark iron as well! i am super happy to finally have my DID warlock that i’ve always wanted. :slight_smile:

Precisely, he also said they would phase out flying and look where that got him rofl.

I leveled a sham from scratch to 120 despite already having a sham, shes gonna be resto tho :wink:

I’ve been dreaming of a factionless system where no matter your race, you can choose to align with whatever side you want or even play one side against the other like a merc or spy. Players aren’t of a faction unless they choose it.

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Or we’re people who understand and love the lore, and don’t want the game to go backwards while at the same time robbing the Horde of one of their signature and best-populated races.

And we’re not uncreative enough to demand the other faction’s race instead of new ones.


Hah, people still think the Thalassian Elves species is “High Elf”.

And if Mag’har Orcs and Orcs are two different races, when they’re the exact same species and even have the exact same people in each group, why do they have such a hard time understanding the difference between High Elves and Blood Elves? What’s next? Claim Night Elves are Naga?


And Yet at the same time, for some unknown (Horde bias agenda) reason Horde players say that Nightborne are a complete different race and have nothing to do with Night Elves…

Meanwhile, Thalyssra in the past…


nightborne are better than nelves because they can be WARLOCKS. that’s a win for nightborne if there ever was one. :stuck_out_tongue:

High Elves
High El
High Elves
L followed by 3 letters
HalfLife3 confirmed
High Elves will be coming when Half Life 3 launches


well i mean it was mentioned that at one point they might give void elves high elf customization


Never thought about it before :scream:

Half Life 3 incoming!!!

I am not quite sure what to make of this. I want to say it is sarcasm but I think you are serious.

Do you need a copy of chronicles? It seems your understanding of the lore isn’t very good.

I’ve read it. I have quite a solid grasp on the lore, but thanks for asking!

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