Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

you’re playing the alliance’s version of high elves rn. you’re posting on a void elf mage. you have access to your own version of helves but they’re not peach toned and they won’t be, because that’s a horde thing in world of warcraft.


Playable alliance high elves were always just a meme.

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And exactly like the faction of alliance-friendly goblins, you can’t roll one. It’s an NPC faction.


yes. this ofc. hugs you :stuck_out_tongue:

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Void elves was the arrogant and disdainful decision of Ion to not have to make HE, despite being exactly the reason they did not make HE in the first place, a reskin of BE.

They created an entire allied race over an EXPEDITION of elves in the void, so the excuse that there aren’t enough HE despite being an entire conclave in dalaran, is complete BS.

The sheer disdain this man has for the playerbase is astounding and then asks them to believe him when they say they are trying to do whats fun and not whats strictly for making money at the cost of quality.


the alliance doesn’t need high elves. peach skinned high elves are a horde thing. the alliance have blue skinned high elves for themselves.


They are playable - Right here on the horde.

I love them.

The Alliance got their mutated blue cousins.

Obligatory youtube video.


Here I thought it was a compromise, to make a race using the same model but still somewhat visually distinct from blood elves.

(The lore was kind of dumb though ngl.)


Alliance goblins? Where are them? I never saw them in stormwind or boralus. Goblins can be neutral,like any other race. High elves are not neutral,they are alliance,you can see them in SW or boralus,you can see them on warfront,if you are an alliance player you will Quest for them.

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a small tiny amount of high elves are alliance aligned. 90% of them are now horde though and renamed themselves blood elves. a fraction of those had some problems with the void and faction traitor’d and now you are a void elf. which is also a high elf. that’s your alliance version.


I know many of you are trolls but also many of you are just shortsighted and can’t see beyond appearances. I am sorry you were uncreative, dull, and perhaps denied as a child but there is no need to take it out on us and what we want which is the high elves in the alliance to be playable.


Demon Hunters were a meme until the subs dropped low enough. We just have to wait.


this isn’t actually true anymore. 90% of the survivors of the scourge in the kingdom of quel’thelas joined the horde. The high elves that lived outside of the kingdom were never accounted for in that number and as it stands there is room for tens of thousands of high elves from what we know of the lore and using basic math to reach thresholds to have the little canon numbers we have to be true.


Some might think this is a joke…but it’s really a mild example of the helfer fanaticism showing through.


They aren’t a meme. They just have a dedicated few who are quite persistent. I think they are just setting themselves up for disappointment.

they got void elves instead of alliance high elves. they’ve lost and ion has even said if you want a peach skinned elf character that the horde is waiting for you.

yep and we already have 4 Elf races. I just don’t see them adding a 5th especially with all the other wants floating around

i wouldn’t be opposed to more elf races. i’m more of a dwarf person (obv) and would like to get wildhammer at some point so i don’t fault the helf people for wanting it. it’s just that ion has already said no. that’s pretty cut and dry to me.

oh yeah, I might even play one if they ever were put in, I just don’t think it will happen

I don’t see why they can’t add everything. It isn’t like we are demanding them this instant. We are just making the request known until they are announced.

We know they will happen. It isn’t a matter of if. It is a matter of when. Sooner or later Ion will cave, he will be phased out as dev lead, or activision will learn of the issue and seeing the dollar signs force blizzard to do it. Hopefully it isn’t that last one.