Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

I am guessing my point went over your head.

You can have your opinion, I can have mine. Trolls aren’t better just because you said.

People on this forum think their opinions are shared by the “overwhelming” portion of a playerbase if a post has 100 likes, so chill in your condescension towards this particular topic.

Given how massive the High Elf threads are in MULTIPLE forms of media (these forums, reddit, MMOC, etc), as well as the invariable popularity of Blood and Void Elves, I’m inclined to believe that High Elves would also be pretty damn popular.

Edit: “database”…too much work lul


I’m just giving you a hard time about it lol. Don’t take it personally. People like what they like.

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They’d be popular because blood elves are popular. It doesn’t take rocket science to figure that one out.

I’d be will to vote yes for HE if horde got dwarves. WILDHAMMER dwarves!!!

To be fair, BE are mostly popular because for the longest time they were the only conventionally attractive race on the Horde. Then they released Demon Hunters and the numbers bloated even more.

Still, you are correct.

Also I kinda want all the glaringly missing factions from High Elves to Undead Elves to Wildhammer Dwarves to the jacked Forest Trolls.


Or maybe they will give void elves Aleria’s skin color.

Remember back when Allied Races were a new idea and we were all naive and hopeful and speculating on how awesome it’d be to finally get all those minor races like Wildhammer Dwarves, Forest Trolls, High Elves etc.

I miss that optimism.


Yeah because we thought they would just be an alternate selection for an existing race in the character creation tab with a unique racial active as opposed to being an entirely new one

I still question that choice.

VE was a sorry excuse of an allied race and they are a reskin of BE, which was one of the reasons they gave as to why they wouldn’t make HE. Then pulled together a BS story and called it good. If you thought Blood Elves were popular on the Horde, how could you not assert it would be the same for HE on the alliance.

Not sure why you’re so bitter about their addition.

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I’m curious on why people are spamming anti High Elf threads recently, if High Elves are not important or the High Elf supporters are just a minority why are you all bothered? Are you people afraid of something?


Why are you responding to this person?

Um, what addition do you think I’m bitter about? Because if you mean “high elves,” they haven’t been added so I’m clearly not bitter about it.


That is a weird thing to say while trolls exist.


If blizzard see high elves as a meme they are not being clever. I know that a lot of ppl would be very happy paying race change in all their characters.

In a game about breaking iconic fantasy tropes, even

Your many responses in this thread prove you are. I can understand the burn out of reading threads for and against HE. I don’t have a particular fondness for them but I do see the interest in them. But what I do find repugnant is when they added VE when they could have easily added HE instead and they gave the most BS excuse for it and made up a story for them. Despite the HUGE interest in HE.

It goes back to Ion saying there will never be HE b/c they are too similar to BE. But then they add VE which are basically BE’s that got trapped in the void, an expedition of them, that became an entire race. Do you see the problem here?

This rationalization has essentially been their narrative this entire expansion, making changes or creating content with the most asinine reasoning. This is one of MANY instances why players are losing faith in their decision making because of the many stupid decisions they have been making and the BS reasoning behind it.


I don’t understand the hatred of even the IDEA of high elves by Blood Elves. It’s not like adding High Elves as a playable allied race would mean that we’d suddenly delete Blood Elf lore. If anything I think it would give us a compelling foil for the Blood Elves, much more so than the Void Elves (who are cool for their own reasons, but not High Elves, and pretty much the ‘bad guys’ in comparison to Blood Elves).

I think seeing the more ‘savage/sylvan’ nature of some of the High Elves, would be an interesting inversion of roles, with the Horde having the historic city of the High Elves and a rightful peaceful claim to it, and the Alliance having exiles who are opposed to the Horde and their onetime kin despite the good and honorable reasons the Blood Elves have for supporting the Horde.

With all this said, I’m fine waiting for High Elves, but I think they would be a cool addition. :slight_smile:


Blood elves are high elves. The majority of high elves are in the Horde. They are a Horde race.

There are a couple of goblins that are on the Alliance or neutral to them. But in the end they’re still a Horde race.


No one is saying they are not. But alliance high elves exist,they are part of the alliance like it or not. High elves belongs to the horde and alliance.


i’d love if i could be a horde dwarf! but dwarves are an alliance race. so i play alliance to play them, the same as if you want to play a high elf with peach toned skin you play horde. it’s not hard. lol.