Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

Yes, high elves are meme tier.



I referring to the Blood Elves Exiling the other High Elves from Quel’Thalas.
Not even talking about Veressa or Alleria.

Their Biology were fundamentally overwritten, even to the point of granting use powers.

More like lf you were a Miner who’s Blacklung gave you the power to turn Lead into Gold.

And you’ll continue to be wrong.
Well, I Tried to fix ignorance but I can’t fix stupid.

He promised you salvation from your addiction and consorted with demons to accomplish it.

After he had already turned on Illidan and you realized his promises were in vain.
You should learn YOUR lore.

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  1. They are playable as blood elves.

  2. They said not in Battle for Azeroth. That means not in this expansion maybe th e next one but not now!!!


[quote=“Kanthis-ravenholdt, post:84, topic:136706, full:true”]

I referring to the Blood Elves Exiling the other High Elves from Quel’Thalas.
Not even talking about Veressa or Alleria.

Their Biology were fundamentally overwritten, even to the point of granting use powers.

More like lf you were a Miner who’s Blacklung gave you the power to turn Lead into Gold.

And you’ll continue to be wrong.
Well, I Tried to fix ignorance but I can’t fix stupid.


I have no idea what this even means. We are no different than the High elves who turned traitor to the Alliance. The only difference is, that we are ACTUAL High elves- because we are connected to the Sunwell and they are not. Not sure how you can turn my example over, to mean something completely pointless.

You ignored every single thing that makes us, genetically, the exact same race and then used only the eye color as reasoning for why they are NOT the exact same race.
You basically said, not in so many words: if an African American man has blue eyes, it is proof that he is not African American. In Wow’s universe, that’s what that means. Both us and Alliance elves- are exactly the same (Race). Same hair, bone structure, eyes etc. The green eyes is where the Black Lung example came from. The green eyes were the effect of radiation- not being a completely different race.

Betrayal is defined by INTENT. Betrayal is a objective, not a subjective. You don’t say: He tried hard to save us, did what he had to do and betrayed us. Did he make stupid choices? Yes. But he never betrayed us. That was never his INTENT.

So, his people are dying and Illidan still did NOT fulfill HIS promise, of helping him save his people and he got desperate, as he had every right too- You consider that “turning” on him? But you don’t consider your own (Illidan) the villain that he actually was and thus, NOT turning on YOU?

The irony.

You can pile someone else with that nonsense.


Blizzard also said that Vanilla servers were never going to be a thing, but people kept asking, and now here we are.


Void elves and Blood elves are high elves, but not all high elves are blood elves or void elves

We want the base elf, the ones you see literally everywhere but cannot play.


but I don’t want blue eyes. I want my high elf to have brown eyes.

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You do realize that both of those are likely future allied races for the horde right? Taunka will most definitely happen in wrath 2.0

The difference is simple:

Blood Elves= True High Elves, changed name to honor their fallen kin.

High Elves= traitors with no honor for fallen kin who have become long eared humans or have Windrunnered.

Void Elves= Juiced on Void elves.

All are Thalassian race at bio level, just some stayed loyal, some are long eared humans the rest hearing old gods whisper.


That little Transmog toy from the store lets me play as one. Blizzard pretending like adding more races to the game is just a running a joke at this point.

Only reason it takes so long is because they feel the stupid need to put them behind a rep grind and long boring forgettable quest.

They made a huge mistake with that toy in my humble opinion, because now I see so many things that could be allied races if they weren’t so stubborn. High Elves wouldn’t even be hard. I’d even be willing to say the vampire elves for Horde so that Alliance can have High Elves. After that, I can’t even see anyone asking for another elf. Everyone would be satisfied, right?

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Blizzard prefers to go overboard when they add a new race. They feel this need to be forced into adding a new zone and city.

God forbid they just add a race and say they were added because their island sank or they were almost dead and needed a new place to set-up shop.

Here is a thought. Why not add their new home city into one of these 100 dead zones you have lying around? Why not spice up that zone leveling with quest for this new city and the zones around it?

Well, that’s why allied races are perfect. They don’t need a starting zone or details like that. They’re added for customization anyway, so just keep churning out some allied races that keep getting brought up in the mega threads and such and make people happy. Yeah, they have to put some time into them, but with happy customers comes money.


Did you see the mess you had to go through just to unlock the Nightbourne for a capital city LITERALLY noone is standing in because it is literally the last expansion.

Even Mag’har orcs you went to Draenor just to run back as the Dranaei went all light obsessed and tried to kill everything. Dark Iron dwarves is a better path where they took content already there and put more story behind it.




The Surumar thing would have happened with or without Nightborne being the end result though, just like Highmountain. It was the final zone before we moved onto the broken shore after all.

Maghar were a weird race to even introduce this expansion, unless they are going to come back to that story with Yrel and all of that later, but as of right now they don’t even fit in the expansion. Neither do Dark Iron really, but they’re trying to get some allied races out as fast as possible I guess. I dunno.

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Elves are insanely overrated.

Why be an elf when you can be an orc or troll? It just doesn’t make any sense.


I thought it was obvious. They represent, according to modern societal norms, the ideal human figure. Slim, almost anorexic. Some breeds with drug problems. Beautiful faces. All of the shallowness one can summon.

Elves are very LA.


Why on Azeroth would I want to play a troll who has like 3 sausage digits per limb? It looks weird and doesn’t make a lick of sense.

(For those people who love trolls, I am just pointing out why I don’t want to play trolls personally. Trolls are fine they just aren’t for me, so don’t get upset.)

Troll are amazing and the oldest race on Azeroth. Elves are mutated troll mistakes.