Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

Because you can see anything that is red ? please get over it with your 10 year logic.


Show me where they abandoned their race. Pretty sure you can’t do that. Do not confuse politics with genetics. You wouldn’t call Magni’s race as “Champion of Azeroth”- So why call our race “Blood”. Blood is a title, a faction of High elves who refused to forget the horror they went through. That’s all it is. Just like Champions of Azeroth try to save her and heal her wounds.


The difference is that “High Elves” as a major population no longer exist. It’s just Vereesa’s fan club who decided to ignore the sacrifices their kin made. Even Aleria’s fan club don’t call themselves that anymore, since they’ve decided it’s okay to embrace the Old God’s essence.


Use the population in wow right now . . . when we have literally maghar orcs that should not be more than 100 because of the maghar orcs scenario. So is more logic to people to have maghar orcs with a lot pop from god knows where but cant say the last highelves in the WHOLE WORLD , couldnt have children .

:thinking: i love the logic from some people.


I also love logic from people.

Like the logic that “Alliance elves” left their kin because of some political disagreement and then turn and claim that “Blood” elves are an actual race, instead of political. Even though, it says NO where in lore- that these High elves went through a 2nd evolution and became a completely new race of their own.

You people remind me of toilet paper: Easy to come in contact with but messy when the snot flies.


Of course, they would lose some population, every race added changes the population someone would need to be stupid to think that’s not the case. It just won’t drastically change things like some people on the Horde use as an excuse. Even if it did the Horde is currently the dominant faction anyway. The only place the Alliance has a higher POP is with RP.

I don’t think anyone outside a few trolls thinks the Blood Elves should leave the Horde for the Alliance after all these years, too much bad blood. If anything they should abandon the Horde and shield themselves off from the world again.

What’s the point of this?

If you are talking about Silvermoon yes. For the High Elves that the player base wants not really. We have had the High Elves that left Silvermoon in the second war (they only had the option to really leave after BC.) and in Wrath, the Silver Covenant joined. Then there are the random High Elves (such as those from Theramor.) that don’t belong to the minor factions that we see mixed in other Alliance groups.

Yes, Blood Elves do, never said they did not. The High Elves the player base have always wanted to play as have nothing to do with the Blood Elves other than killing them as we have seen over the years. They are already Alliance like it or not and are the only race I know of other than Ogers part of the Horde that we can not play as.

The only Elves taking away from the Blood Elves are the Void Elves who were former Blood Elves and if we want to talk about lore retconning with the Night Elves.

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But do you read ? or dont have any sense ?.

Im not saying that bloodelves are a new race or something like that . Im saying that are differences betwen them , is like humans ; theres is kultiran and stormwind humans . This is the same smart guy .

Highelves is a title because of the blue eyes . If you have blue eyes = high elves , green eyes = bloodelfs .

Do you get it ? . . . Idk why horde people (not all of them) are so tunnel vision , is like talking to a wall . . . not my bad even the wall will understand it faster.

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That’s “culture”. Yes, Alliance elves adapted HUMAN culture. They do not have an elven culture anymore. let alone their original culture. Even more definition that they are not High elves. They do not live like High elves, they do not live in their High elven city, they do not use the Sunwell> Fact.

High elf, is a RACE. Descents of Highborne (Upper class Night elves in the court of Azshara). There were only 3 known evolution’s to take place.
Trolls> Night elves (Highborne/Nightborne).
Night elves> High elves.

That’s it. We are the last stop in the evolutionary process. There was never another race after us. We ARE High elves. The reason we carry the name “Blood”, is political and remembrance.

But as I said- I will make it even easier to understand (according to the official link I gave):
High Elves> Live in Quel’Thalas> Use the Sunwell. And that is according to Blizzard.

Take this debate to the High elf mega thread.


Yeah their voice pretty much died off.

High elf threads out numbered the Ml threads during both of their peak. Was funny when seeing players say hey lets talk about Ml removal instead of high elves :rofl:

I cant believe it you still not get it .

  1. didnt say is a new race.
    3)we already have “elves”
    5)im done.
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Well, if that’s true. Then you understand that High elves are actually Horde, brought in by the heir to the Sunstrider lineage. :+1:


And Alliance too because have highelves with void :wink:

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And they can stay Void :+1:


And others can stay green :wink:

True :+1:. I know you aren’t referring to High elves. Because lore (and blizzard) already confirmed that this isn’t the case anymore. That’s the great thing about getting a purified Sunwell. No more need for draining arcane magic (or fel, if you are an elf in outlands).

Back to our original selves :slight_smile: The only thing missing is the name and eyes. I’m sure we will get around to that.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Idk fam, I’ve seen overwhelmingly more people whining for HEs than against


Cool but that’s like me forsaking the Alliance and calling myself a Horman. I’m still a human biologically. That’s all he’s saying.

News Flash, Blood Elf.

YOU are the “Traitor”. YOU are from the same ilk who Kicked the High Elves out of Quel’Thalas because they wouldn’t follow your Messiah. Then when your Messiah turned around and Betrayed YOU.

Oh, and you make to topic more clear: RACE =/= SPECIES!

Races are literally defined by SMALL, yet SIGNIFICANT Differences in Biology between two groups of the same Species.
Blood Elves and High Elves are different RACES, Not different Species.

Genetic traits such as Green/Gold Eyes, being unique one group, defines them as a different race.


Not sure what you are talking about.

Both Veressa and Alleria left of their own accord and both for human men. Had nothing to do with being “kicking” out. So, yes- they literally turned traitor and left their people to die. Read their lore and find out.

No. I am pretty sure that an after effect, is not considered “genetic”. That’s like saying that “As a miner, if I end up with Black Lung- it’s considered genetic”.

This is not a debate about real life genealogy (or Ethology, for that matter). The fact that you believe that I should be educated about a difference I know well, because of an online MMO- is pretty alarming. I will continue to refer to them as they are, in the universe that they are.

I am rather offended at your constant use of the word “Messiah”. This is not about “Religion”. At this point, you are just being toxic for the sake of it.

And No. We betrayed him. Learn your lore.