Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

Long live to High blood elves, Children of the Sun :sunny::sunny::sunny:

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They should have just put far more honest work into seeding the Void Elves, showcasing them as a proper path for the High Elves to take, having classic High Elf characters move over to being Void Elf, and showcasing exactly how they can fit by being void-users as well as being Alliance loyalists who champion the faction’s ideals. Basically actually take Alleria’s story direction and make a race from that.

By making them Blood Elves with only a single representative, Blizzard destroyed that opportunity. Completely. They showed their hand as not being at all thoughtful or understanding of what Alliance players truthfully want in the way they demonstrate how they implement new races for Alliance.

There’s only so far you can go in spitting on your playerbase like that before they turn away and look elsewhere for better companies that don’t treat them with such condescension.


tbf, arent the alliance high elves extinct? besides a couple like vereesa and… whoever is still alive. alleria is a void elf so she doesnt count anymore. i think thats why they went with the narrative of making the void elves from exiled blood elves, there just arent any more high elves


I would say they aren’t, given how they have consistently appeared in every expansion as a respectable presence compared to other races.

This idea that there isn’t many more of them left is an entirely new thing, yeah I know they made a statement about it before as well but their actions to demonstrate such betray their words. Blizzard isn’t good about keeping to their word about anything, or we’d have a much more consistent and smooth universe we’d be talking about right now.

They even have way more characters than Void Elves. When are we going to get anyone other than Umbric?

This is also a garbage response as to why there are no HE considering that VE were an expedition of BE’s to investigate the void, an EXPEDITION.

maybe there are no more alliance high/blood elves and thats why they chose blood elves to become the void elves. i have yet to see them in BFA besides being a random flavor NPC keeping a portal open

I see them all the time on my alliance char, there is a whole section in dalaran of them. The ship in the warfront is loaded with them. Its stupid for them to state they are far and few between and yet they still have such a presence. There are more HE in the world at present than VE, in regards to npcs. Of course they are slowly phasing them out because:

Sums it up pretty well.

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dalaran is past content tho. who knows how many survived legion into bfa. since they are absent in zandalar and kt… there clearly arent any left and there were only a few to begin with anyway

That is because a very large part of the playerbase wants them and has wanted them since Blizzard made the arbitrary move of trying to fix the population imbalance and created Blood Elves.

Of course now that they have done everything in their power to prop up the Horde for SO LONG while the Alliance has been dying on the vine with almost throw away ideas comparatively like the fantasy of “hardy” fat people to play and more horses to ride they are being completely obstinate about giving the Alliance a playable High Elf race while at the same time pulling out of thin air something like Void Elves with one whole NPC (Alleria) but that is playable, there are dozens if not hundreds of viewable High Elf NPC’s in the game and that is pissing off the Alliance playerbase to no end with Blizzards stupid statements of the “Horde is here for you want to play High Elves”.

Apparently the Horde is there for you if you want anything since the Horde got all Orc tribes pulled out of AU thin air to play too…how balanced. Can’t wait to see what great idea they have for the Alliance when they hand the Vulpera to the Horde, i have it, they can give us skinny KT’s with more horses to ride…so original.

Of course at the end of the day Blizzard is killing their own game with their obstinance as players STILL don’t have player housing even after almost every other MMO in existence has them. But hey after the game dies or the Alliance dies they can say they had a vision and stuck to their guns.


tbf, the only accurate measurement of this is the containment thread. which has less then 20 regular posters and many of them dont want high/blood elves on 2 factions. that is hardly a largue part of the playerbase


That is hardly a fair measurement of a large part of the playerbase. There have been dozens if not hundreds of threads over the years, you have to remember the issue of High Elves didn’t just pop up in the last few months. It has been talked about on every major site that has even moderate coverage of WoW, it has videos about it all over the interwebs over the course of 14 YEARS.

So while there might be 20 people actively talking about it in this moment that thread is almost 18 thousand posts long, if you think only 20 people contributed to something that long and still going i don’t really know what to tell you.

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tbf, it is. click on their names it shows how many posts they created in the topic. the regular posters all average between 700-1000+ posts each

that thread is constantly spam bumped, yet never gains new posters and lurkers dont even like the most recent posts there to show support

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Not true, i have almost no posts in there and only today decided to engage. But even if your assertion were true, it is not now nor will it ever be the ONLY place that people have posted or talked about High Elves. No matter how much you might not like it, this issue predates entire portions of the playerbase, some of who left because of this issue.

Edit: by the way i am pretty sure that the post count is not for the thread but total for their posting on the forums, but i could be wrong as i don’t spend too much time on these forums…to many trolls and garbage people that get their panties in a wad over conversations with nameless faceless people.


your gnome is very cute.


The forums have never been an accurate measure of anything. It’s such a small population. But then we have to consider other sources like perhaps Reddit, discord, or any other websites where players discuss the game. We don’t know how many love high elves and we don’t know how many people hate them essentially.

That doesn’t mean support doesn’t exist though, nor that it can’t be discussed.

ty very much!

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fair enough. i dont mind fan fiction/art but it needs to stay in the containment thread. we dont need multiple threads about the same thing

Maybe it’s past time posts like the one you responded to get reported for clearly breaking the tos.

There are lots of topics that spew out into sub topics all of the time, and some topics spawn useless spam like that “…primers: high elf” topic, which was derived from an anti-high elf topic (so it’s not just one side).

The OP asked if they were becoming a meme. I don’t think that fits inside of “pro high elf” or “anti high elf” threads. Mainly it was a sparse topic to begin with that I chalk up to spam, but here we are over 800 replies in. Repeatedly saying “you can’t post here” isn’t going to do you much good though.

Flag it if you want, your annoyance has been noted more than once, now it’s up to the mods to decide. Alright?

the devs stated they are aware a small minority of alliance players desire playing a pale pretty elf for their favorite faction. and they also stated its not going to happen because there are so few, they are basically identity less and not distinct from the high elves who call themselves blood elves now. just sayin we dont need more spam

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