Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

You are literally making stuff up now. Way to stay on brand.

Mag’har and High Elves in Outland haven’t been altered by fel, so logically, they live in areas were fel isn’t enough to do so.

But instead, because it doesn’t align with your believes, then you say facts are wrong. “High Elves in Outland SHOULD have green eyes, so it’s wrong they are blue.”

You have to be the most nonsensically biased person I have seen in a while, Flat Earther level so.

The quel’thalas high elves call themselves blood elves. So for less obtuse people is pretty obvious what “High elves” people refer when talking.

ok im done

you have no counter for how the allerian stronghold deals with volanic pollution from nearby fel volcanos and all lurkers visiting can see it

Volcanic pollution – While active, a volcano can be a natural source of pollution. Volcanoes release ash, gas, and magma into the air and onto the ground. in this case fel ash and gas that even solidifies on the ground of terrokar forest into crystals

Please, please be actually done. Because expecting a game that doesn’t even have the same flora, fauna or even basic climate conditions in adjacent zones to realistically model ash clouds is like…stretch armstrong levels of reaching.



Yes this is a complete sentence.

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i meant i was done waiting for an explanation on how the allerian stronghold elves have avoided fel contamination from living under fel volcanos :smile:

A wizard did it.

I thought it had to do with the Draenei Artifacts, that are in the Allerian Stronghold. I assumed they had powerful wards against Fel, thus protecting the Allerian Stronghold, and those within it, against Fel corruption.

Apparently, yes.
The fact that “void elves” seem to have been pulled out of nowhere just so that we’d be getting those instead of some long awaited high elves kinda settles it.

Based on the quest text for Vessels of Power, it sounds like they were using the artifacts to dose themselves so that they wouldn’t be tempted to turn to tapping into Fel. So long as they had some arcane magic to keep themselves sated, passive ‘background’ Fel wasn’t an issue.


:laughing::see_no_evil: I’m in a loss for words lmao

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No it didn’t, because the point I was making is that you have NO cite for your claims. But we do have a dev saying there isn’t a great enough population to support being an allied race. Which would mean there’s less of them than the Velfs. Soooo.

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No. No, no, no.

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That dev clearly has no idea what they are talking about and probably has ZERO knowledge of lore.

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With this reasoning, there are no high elves either, since they are night elves that went off on their own to practice the arcane.

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that doesnt work. sating their magic addiction with artifacts doesnt stop them from breathing in or absorbing volcanic fel pollution

If you want to play High elves, the horde is waiting, or blizz can just give high elf skin tones to void elves and be done with it. We have enough elf races.

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that will never happen. void elves arent shadow priests. that cant turn the void on and off :smile:

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Yeah true but Alleria keeps her high elf skin tone, and if it will shut people up, hey I am ok with it lol

tbf, thats just for waifu purposes. she should always have a void appearance like the other void elves and umbric canon wise

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