Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?


I don’t even read her posts anymore. The very moment I see her name I just scroll down.

I’d even hold a healthier and normal conversation with a brick wall than with her.

Definitely confirmed.

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Yep big time meme by now.

that’s awesome. lol

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tbf, i did see an alliance high elf maintaining a portal in bfa but yea they seem to have been replaced by void elves led by alleria and umbric

itd be kind of cool if we started to see void portals maintained by void elves going forward

One can literally give a thorough explanation of why the argument is flawed, and you simply dismiss it all without even addressing the points and going “no they should have green eyes”

how can you possibly explain away an entire atmosphere irradiated and bombarded by active fel volcanoes daily having no effect on the alliance high elves living beneath them for years? id love to hear this


they get exposed to more fel and passive absorption then an elf in quel’thalas walking by a fel crystal once a day

Fire, I literally explained how the idea that outland is “completely irradiated” doesn’t make sense. if it was true, every race in Outland would be affected by Fel, and there couldn’t be Mag’har orcs either (who exist both in Nagrand and Hellfire)

-Terrokkar Forest is NOT Shadowmoon Valley; and it seems as fel corrupted as Nagrand -even less.-

Like I literally already said this. Did you actually not read the post you actually replied to?

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im not talking about outland as a whole. im talking about the spot in terrokar beneath the fel volcanos of shadowmoon where the allerian stronghold is located

are you gonna explain how they escape all this fel exposure living under fel volcanos or not tal


uh… i have a maghar orc and he’s brown as he can be.

…They are like a whole zone away from the Volcano.

And?.. What are you replying exactly at tho? I’m talking about the Outland Maghar.

i was agreeing with you. lol. i was saying my priest is not green like my warlock is because of what you’re saying. :slight_smile:

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i’m being serious… if this other person was right there could be no brown orcs right?

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so? all the fel from the irradiated atmosphere from the fel volcanos goes for miles and its just being added too daily. probably explains all the green crystals that have solidified on the ground in terrokar forest around allerian hold and the corrupt wildlife and orcs nearby


Haha I got you, I was just laughing at my own misread XD.

There are even brown orcs on Hellfire Peninsula, are people really going to say Terrokkar is more fel irradiated than HP??

And yeah, my rogue is also an Outland Maghar ;D

High Elves as a playable race has been a sort-of meme since pre-release where every appearance of a high elf in any expansion has restarted speculation that they’d become a playable race (nowadays a playable allied race) soon.

lol its cool. :slight_smile:

i like my little brown priesty though as i’m sure you enjoy your rogue.

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you mean the few alliance elves? or the quel’thalas high elves? because the latter are already playable