Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

Fair point. I don’t doubt that if the entire forces faced each other, the Blood Elves would be more numerous.

Interestingly, since Chronicles revived a previously presumed “dead” segment of High Elves living in Dalaran, I wonder just how much of them live there and if so how would it affect the previously understood 9:1 ratio.

I honestly think he ratio should be more 8:3 It would seem much more accurate to me. Kael’thas took 15% of the Blood Elves with him. That would have dropped the total Blood Elves left on Azeroth from 90% to 75%. Perhaps at most 5% of the Blood Elves that went to Outland defected from Kael’thas when they realized he was draining demons for power. Still a good portion of those became the Scryers which are a neutral faction. Where the High Elves are said to only be 10% percent of the Remaining High Elves. They didn’t take into account, those that left with Jaina, those in Outlands, those in the recently retconned Dalaran. Those that were exiled from Silvermoon by Lor’themar. Now that I think of that it’s probably more. 7:3 ratio.


That is a sensible deduction. I wonder how the Void Elves change those numbers even further, provided they are more than just a crack squad Ion claimed them to be.

The 9:1 ratio is also changed by the Allerian Hold Elves returning.

Not that it matters. It’s all conjecture.

For all we know 89% of the Blood Elves became Wretched.

They’re not going to put out numbers for any of that stuff so it doesn’t matter.

Populations change at the speed of plot. Tauren and Darkspear trolls were nearly extinct in Warcraft 3. Now they’re quite numerous.

When you’re working on a work of fiction like WoW it’s important not to state those things so that players can’t nitpick and contradict anything you want to write. So population numbers are always going to be fluid.

The closest you’ll get to population numbers is the Warcraft pen and paper rpg, which is a non-canon source. But they made it with input from the developers.


They don’t.

The numbers will always be nebulous.

Otherwise players would call out every single thing that the writers added to WoW. More than they already do.

Ever since the addition of Void Elves (you can’t say a “squad” is thousands of people), the population argument is no longer valid.

So case closed.

That is your subjective perception, it’s far from true - High Elves are (currently) not pretentious, they speak in a humble way (go check their emotes), they no longer are mana addicts (some of them even reject magic completely, like those in The Hinterlands), they prefer Frost over Fire (the preferred school of magic in Quel’Thalas)… This does not represent the past of Blood Elves.

WoW Classic shows they will cave even after “You think you want it but you don’t”

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pretty much this :+1:

Weird. I’ve never seen a High Elf Blood Knight.

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tbf, this is unsurprising considering your dream of alliance getting a core horde race, it is understandable and expected

And High Elves prefer Frost over Fire, they aren’t as addicted to magic as BEs…

It’s really tiresome to continue arguing with people who simply won’t accept arguments. Then they act surprised when they’re called trolls.

we dont have a pref for anything. we study all schools. my mage does pref frost tho


I think she’s roleplaying a Blood Elf with dementia…,

The recent memories go first.


That would entail Blizzard to remember they exist, and to utilize the only important high elf there in something for the first time in four expansions, besides in a 70s pop culture reference

Most Worst Insulting Meme within the WoW Community’s History next to Green Jesus Thrall and Jaina is a Dreadlord Meme that’s for sure.

How many times have I gotten annoyed by the Dreadlord Meme…

I actually liked that one, since it made people actually think about the character inconsistency in Legion.

And that HotS skin.

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Atleast Memes like the Jaina Dreadlord and Lich Queen Jaina are in two games.

Heroes of the Storm and Hearthstone.

Besides could you imagine how ridiculous it would be if the Memes were canon. Not really good story telling when you think about it atleast in terms of Jaina Dreadlord that is.

So like the morally grey meme?

Oh right. Nevermine I guess.

wait a sec… are you guys trying to say jaina ISN’T a dreadlord? :open_mouth:

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