Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

I don’t think they’ve heard of the high elves.

Comprehension is hard I guess…

The fact there are next to no highelves left is just that…fact. Unless Helfers wanna pull out more headcannon for that too.

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Population size is irrelevant.

If a “squad” (devs word not mine) of Void Elves can be an allied race, then numbers don’t matter. There are far and away more High Elves than Void Elves.


I myself think Blizzard should of removed the High Elven Title from the game back when they gave the Horde Blood Elves. I’m not saying they should of removed the Alliance High Elves, but they should of given them a new title.

Blood Elves while nolonger considering themselves High Elves, are the continuation of the High Elf Legacy. High Elves beliefs and ideologies are still part of the Blood Elf culture. I know some are thinking, yeah but High Elves would have never joined the Horde. Still Why did High Elves actually join with the Humans of Arathor? Oh yeah they needed someone to save their bacon from the trolls and help them protect Quel’tHalas. Why did the Blood Elves join with Sylvanas and the Forsaken, then join the Horde? They needed someone to save their bacon so they could rebuild Silvermoon City. To me the High Elves are a Self Serving group, who mostly put themselves above others.

The High Elves on the Alliance are nothing like this. Their beliefs to me are actually more like those of humans. Some High Elves like those that have banned Arcane magic use are more like the Night Elves that exiled them over 7000 years ago. It seems strange that Blizzard would have a race that doesn’t represent the High Elf Ideals carry the High Elven name. The High Elf title should be put to rest.


I’m certainly not going to burn anything down over it. But I will keep voicing my support for them whenever I can.

Add high elves as an alliance allied race, Blizz!


That’s not a fact. They’re in the game. For every expansion so far except WoD where incidentally Blood Elves were also cut.

What’s with the delusion? Do you even play Alliance? Did you even quest as Horde?


How is this difficult for you?

Next to none doesnt mean “extinct”. It means there are very few, as quoted several times now:

As a people, the high elves are all but extinct: the remnants of the remnants of a fallen race

Edit: And no, there were Bloodelves in WoD, in fact Liadrin lead the charge. The irony of your statement to inquire if someone even plays the other faction…is amusing

You have to admit, the ‘almost extinct’ narrative can be seen as somewhat flimsy when you consider that, in terms of NPCs in game, High Elves outnumber over half of the Allied Races.

And yes, part of that is because they’ve been around as ideas longer than most Allied Races. But still, it creates a disconnect when High Elves are, in game, about as abundant as Dark Iron Dwarves, who have gone on to feature as prominent, abundant and a bona fide force in their own right.

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Sigh…this is called headcanon…not actual legitimacy. Do you have numbers to show? No.

People arent saying “they are nearly extinct” as a debate for why they cant be a race. That is in reply to people that state “They are their own race, living everywhere, as their own people”.

They arent.

They are the remnants of what was. THAT is their representation. They showcase what was the past before their race was pushed to the brink of extinction.

Vereesa and her ilk are merely a representation in relation to the Highelf story that is now the Bloodelf story. It is all for the story. They are entwined, the same.

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It’s not definitive numbers, but there’s a combined sum of generic and named npc types that equate to larger numbers than most Allied Races, and just slightly less than Dark Iron Dwarves. Which is indicative enough for the point I’m making.

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I think even you know this claim means nothing, even as you try to push it. You’re trying to actually use NPC numbers in the game as evidence of population to the story? I’m shocked I have to say this but you know (I really hope you do) that mechanically they are unable to actually represents the thousands of people in each race/city…

Also I strongly suggest not to try and use WoWwiki as a reference. Multiple times it has been stated that their information is not accurate and is often mixed with misinformed or denounced information from the RPG. Stick to just Wowpedia.

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When the game experience of WoW for Alliance players involves a race featuring repeatedly, with recurring characters, significant questlines and story elements that actually grow or develop over the course of multiple expansions ( particularly in a game where NPC races tend to feature for a single expansion before being forgotten forever), then it’s reasonable for a player to become somewhat invested in that group.

Particularly when groups of similar size, with similar recurring story elements and in sufficient numbers (see my post) go on to become Allied Races, like Dark Iron Dwarves. That’s what I’m saying. That the game experience emphasizes High Elves enough that a reasonable person should be able to see how people, like myself, might become invested enough to want them to be playable.


Did you even look up that quote?

You are quoting a really, really old article. That was written as far back as 2008, in a novel that is not even considered canon in principle as it was overriden by Chronicles on multiple accounts.

Since 2008, we’ve seen High Elves stand toe to toe with Blood Elves on multiple accounts to the point that claiming that they are extinct ironically makes the Blood Elves look even more incompetent than they are in practice.

Check your sources, and try again.

And Liadrin didn’t lead anything. It was a token appearance in one zone. Their content was cut.


It appears that particular poster has no interest in serious discussion so l think it’s best we just let him be. Can’t win on the internet all the time.

Um…no, it was never overriden. That was written roughly around the time of Wrath, which was barely a few years ago in the Warcraft universe.

Nothing in Chronicles has stated “No wait, there are thousands of them actually, nevermind”.

Once again, you’re attempting to twist the lore to fit your hopes.

No one is denying this. Once again, the remnants of Highelves are PART of the Bloodelf story. They represent the past and the Bloodelves are the future. It is storyline.

Once again no one claimed this. I honestly am beginning to think you’re sticking to this to try and define some aggression towards your belief.


I suggest redoing WoD then as a Horde player.

Finally…this thread has gone off the rails and into the forest at this point. I wont encourage Helfers to leak out of their containment thread. Thus, this is my last post on the subject.

Please keep the discussions to the Highelf thread. Peace.

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Good job routing the troll Mithlius. Always good to see them retreat when their argument falls apart.


Lol the lore and current game directors jackwad opinions really only count now. This game retcons so often that it wouldnt surprise me to see Ion find a new position at some point only to have his replacement begin the allied race path for High Elves. The problem with Ion is that he has set his position as a “never” position and left himself no wiggle room. E is not going to be around forever and so it is a good bet that his replacement is going to want to differentiate themself from him. One of the easiest ways is to run counter to the current position on unnecessarily controversial topics.

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Actually we have seen the Silver Covanent standing toe to toe against the Sunreavers, or in Legion, the Blood Knight force led by Liadrin. I don’t think I’ve actually seen Blood Elves and Alliance High Elves as a whole stand toe to toe against each other.

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Well, that escalated quickly.

just the standard troll exit strategy.

Nobody leaves when they’re winning an argument. So if you’re getting defeated soundly you just claim the other guy is crazy and making stuff up and then leave.

How it always goes. It’s when you know you’ve won the debate.

Alternate strategy is to use semantics, but it’s obvious they’ve lost the debate because they’re arguing over the meaning of a word and not trying to further their argument.

Recent examples, “They use the word Evolve!”
“Fair can have different meanings!”

They’ll come back in a few days, after they’ve slept on it and their diffuse thinking has had time to process it. But since their premise is usually terrible then more motivated reasoning doesn’t fix anything… and the cycle continues.