Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

Good night, friend :slight_smile:

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The developers backed themselves into a corner with some weird attitudes over this and now they arent going to give in because they will lose face. Seriously, this is one of the dumbest business moves I have seen and I have been a banker for almost 20 years. The customers have expressed a passionate desire for something and blizz would rather drive customers away with snarky responses than grant it. At this point, the damage has been done and even putting them in wont bring back the people who wanted them.


I’ll be not convinced untill I see High Elves with golden/yellow eyes ingame. They don’t have any fel in their bodies to be cleanse, so them must receive the new eye color to reflect their connection with the Sunwell, I mean, if they’re truly using it in the same scale as Blood Elves to begin with.

IF there’s a need to differentiate High Elves from Blood Elves, it only reinforce my beliefs that they’re not the same anymore.

And you will never get to see them… as I mentioned, the faith of the devs on the intelligence of the average player is rather small (go check the lore dude… if mere radiation from some crystals made the Belves in Quel´Thalas develop green eyes how do you think those Helves in Terokkar Forests in Outland should look?!? they lived more than a decade just next door to one of the biggest sources of fel ever!! -I mean there´s a literall fel volcano in Shadowmoon Valley… and then there´s the text on that ranger in Allerian Stronghold that literally denies being a Belf when apparently the Alliance PC mistook her for one-)

They don´t need to “use it in the same scale”, the Sunwell passively radiades the elves and with no way out of it sort of literally cutting themselves from the source directly (yes, as in what Dar´khan did in the Third War to his fellow elves). This is as non-negotiable for them elves as gravity is for us humans irl.

You may not like the lore, but canon is canon, period. Sorry if canon debunks your own headcanon, but unfortunately you´ll have to live with the fact Sunwell permeates Helves and Belves everywhere, period.

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If there’s a need for High Elves be differentiate in lore and in game from Blood Elves, it only reinforce my beliefs that they’re not the same. It’s not headcannon, it’s common sense.

They might be close, I know they’ve been apart for a short period of time, I can agree on this. But High Elves = Blood Elves? To accept that, I’ll wait until it’s addressed in game or books.

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Gameplay =/= lore. Literally the only reason High Ekf NPCs keep the blue eyes (when they should have a bunch of different colored eyes similar to humans) is because devs need to homogenize their appearance for the average player sake (you know, the one that has no grasp on the lore and would start annoying 24/7 threads over "why are Belf NPCs on Stormwind/etc.?/)

It is addressed in both this site´s description of the Belf race AND by the game Director.

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I can understand your opinion, I really do. But right now there’s enough evidence to back up my point of view, making this whole thing a bit contradictory.

It’s up to Blizzard to fix this situation, either in game or books.

I also know that Blood Elves were High Elves in the past, but many things happened in Quel’thalas and it’s people after Blood Elves renamed themselves. Also Dath’remar a High Elf and Thalyssra a Nightborne were also Night Elves in the past, so it’s not like an elf of WoW can’t become another kind of elf in the same lifespan. I mean, at the end of the day, it’s all about their path, culture or sources of power.


Eh. I don’t think so.

The average player tells me they can differentiate a Shal’dorei and a Kal’dorei female at 100 yards.

See, this argument holds no weight when we already have Brown Orcs too on Outland. Like it’s kinda evident not all of Outland is seeped in Fel -again, where does that come from on the first place- and there’s nothing to suggest Terrokkar is seeped in fel like Shadowmoon.

So we actually have a contextual difference of why the Allerian High Elves have blue eyes -they aren’t using fel batteries and obviously not all of Outland is seeped in fel- and people are still asking “But why don’t the Allerian High Elves have green eyes tho”

Context is for kings.

As for if High Elves will ever have golden eyes, only time will tell. And as long as no High Elves have golden eyes, and blood elves continue to have green eyes available to them, it’s more sensible to think there’s a variable in there that both groups aren’t meeting, instead of “It makes sense in my head to it has to be that way”


i like how the lore and game director hold no weight at all

the allerian high elves should have green eyes with this logic from all the exposure to fel in outland. they are literally breathing in and absorbing fel from living under fel volcanoes

i never thought of that! :+1:


I see High elves all the time alli side, they are often to be found making portals, it’s their main job description apparently.

That’s more than what Blood elves are doing in general on the Horde side from what I remember. So there is that at least.

Hmm, maybe more High Elves could join the void elves in the future? I think I spotted some of them coming through the rift. Though personally I don’t mind that they’re Alliance leaning Blood Elves, the history is a little bit similar at least up until Wotlk

A bit controversial but maybe Arathor could join his mom? He is a child of light and shadow afterall… I don’t think Arathor is doing anything anyway after legion, last I heard of him he had a private meeting with Anduin in stormwind maybe to discuss about the void. (since Anduin uses it too)

I really love the second picture and always have. It is amazing. I really want armor like that in addition to high elves. Arguably more than high elves.

actually necroing is defined as I believe a month and it automatically shuts down as well I think after a month of no activity.

Why are the helfers posting in this topic if they don’t want it to keep being brought to the top? If they had any sense they’d all stop posting in anything but their own special place. :snowflake::snowflake:


The High Elf NPCs in the World, who are neutral or friendly to the Horde and the Alliance, fled the Quel’Thalas Elves in their hour of need, turning to the humans for sanctuary and not staying to fight for their homeland.

They betrayed the High Elves, they betrayed us, and that is why they live in Dalaren now, and in the World, without the ancestral home they turned their backs on.

We, the Blood Elves, named so because we are the ‘People of the Quel’Dorei Blood’, and to honour our fallen, are the Player Characters that Blizzard invested the High Elf Lore in; because we are High Elves, it is our lore.

Since starting my BE characters in BC, I have always identified with the Quel’Dorei ancestry my Race has. I never thought otherwise, and it is still strange to me that the Alliance persistently ask for, even demand, a Horde Race for their Faction.

The High Elf identity is Blood Elf. It cannot be separated. NPC’s and a non-playable organisation of a playable race. (Silver Covenant, Scarlet Crusade, Raventusk etc…), and the most ardent hopes and dreams, will not change this.

Precedent has now shown that if Blizz were to implement High Elves, by the fact of continuity they would give them to the Horde, as every Allied race bar Void Elves and Nightborne, has been a Faction of the existing Race ‘returning home’, becoming one with their brethren.

World of Warcraft Game Manual, Blizzard Entertainment, 2004.

Page 164, The Rise of the Blood Elves.

…" The undead Scourge had essentially transformed Lordaeron and Quel’Thalas into Toxic Plaguelands. There were only a few pockets of Alliance resistance forces left.

One such group, consisting primarily of High Elves, was led by the last of the Sunstrider dynasty: Prince Kael’thas. Kael, an accomplished wizard himself, grew wary of the failing Alliance, which treated it’s Elven allies with suspicion and hostility.

The High Elves grieved for the loss of their homeland and decided to call themselves Blood Elves in honour of their fallen people."


The game director literally said “Blood Elves kind of are High Elves”, he actually agrees with us that HEs and BEs are very similar but not the same concept. However, he dismisses this difference and tells us to play Blood Elves because he falsely believes “we only want to play white-skinned blond elves”.

The WoW Encyclopedia. Retrieved at:

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Source for the claim of no high elves left?

Cause we’ve seen them as late as BFA.