Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

Dude. You don’t even know when you’re being rude.

Also you just had the poorest debate performance I’ve seen.

You’re arguing for real life evolution to explain differences between magic infused Dark Trolls.

Then trying to point out they use the word, “Evolve” on a wiki when they’re talking about magical transformations.

Claiming you’ve proved something.

the game director said there wont be high elves stop living in denial.

It has been a long time since it was established that blood elves are high elves. And that the current high elves are (almost all) in the horde. Only a small group (let’s say, “rebels”) remain in the alliance.
And we also know that the answer to so many years of the “fair claim” by the alliance about this race materialized (virtually) in the Void elves.

In conclusion, they only claim a lost cause. That’s why now they only write fanfiction about the high elves, ignoring all their story and adjusting it to match the alliance.



i admit i haven’t really committed to reading the megathread but are the insults AND disrespect normal for anti-helfers? because i don’t think disagreeing should be that way. you can agree to disagree. and keep an open mind and maybe learn something.

Not what he said.

Look at my first post in the thread, and then the responses to it. Get over it.

Okay, well good thing that I’ve seen you lose yourself in other threads or else I might feel obligated to agree.

Now I’m being rude. That’s what happens when three people at once are being rude, calling me a troll, ignore goggles, etc

I don’t care. A smart person will look at this thread and know any difference.

This is pretty average.

They don’t really have any real arguments.

So their main thing is the, “Blood Elves are High Elves” gaffe Ion made. Just to upset players.

The majority of Anti-High-Elf posters are just trolls that don’t want Alliance players to get what they want, or don’t want any players to get what they want.

zandalari and darkspear. green and brown orc. sw and kt human. they are no different in what you guys are saying. a different model/difference in looks that are not the same as something else that is similar.

Haha. You’re so rude all the time. You have no idea when you’re being rude.

You literally could have attempted at any point to not be wretched and turned things around. Instead you were like, “You guys think I’m rude! I’ll just be rude to you!” That’s gonna change some minds.

A smart person will look in the thread and see how insanely disingenuous you’re being.

I agree, at the end of the day, High Elves can be made different at the same level that Nightborne are from Night Elves:

Back in the Vanilla, before Blood Elves introduction, they also had a carbon copy model from Night Elves:

Nothing or no one is stopping Blizzard from making a proper new model for High Elves.


You can’t even argue about my own thoughts correctly. Sorry.

i would hope they’d get a new model for sure. i could get behind that. i am not a rabid helfer or anything but i can see with what you guys have been saying tonight that it wouldn’t be what some of the antis seem to believe you guys want. and personally i see nothing wrong with it. as zandas just got a brand new model and they’re… trolls… same as darkspear.

And this is my first justified response.

This is plain. You know who was being toxic here. I’m not obliged to cater to you after these kinds of posts.

You’re not being rude in this sentence. So you actually have no idea when you’re being rude and when you’re not being rude.

Just like you’ve got no idea how WoW biology works… and just like you haven’t actually seen me lose a debate. Unfortunately the objective truth has got a Pro-High-Elf bias. It’s hard to lose.

Unless you’re talking about that time I tried to play devils advocate for anti-High-Elf players. But I declared that loss. It was a non-starter.

The delusion is real…

that first post was super hostile. i am not a helfer by any means and even i could see that. you came in this thread looking for a fight. that much is obvious.

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Because when we see a portrait popping up and saying it’s typing we always call that incoming person a troll.

We said a troll was coming and look what came.

You’re actually trying to argue how I think my own thoughts.

No, you trolled, to depersonify people in order to boost your argument. Get over it.

Oh my god.

You genuinely don’t understand how being rude works.

If I think I’m being rude and I tell Wachassa she’s pretty. That doesn’t make me rude.

No dude. You got called out for being a troll before you arrived and then you trolled.

You’re not reacting to anything. We didn’t all just see your portrait and think, “Here comes a troll.” without any information about you.

Blaky’s a troll. We didn’t see that coming.

Archmage is typing now. I don’t see a troll coming.