Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

Your argument was that there is no evolution. Here’s evolution. I didn’t change anything, in fact you seem to be attempting to.

“Kind of Are” doesn’t equal, “Are.”


That wasn’t my argument. You’re struggling here.

And again Ion never said “High Elves are Blood Elves”.

I suggest you check your hearing and listen to that video again.

RP character that is not now nor ever has been a Sin’dorei (Blood Elf) and got void tainted in a different manner than that of Umbric and his Cabal.

Oh, okay. I guess I’m “struggling here”

I’m out, proved all I need to.

you’ve been nothing but rude since you showed up. and i say this as someone who is not a pro helfer.



You’re not good at abstract thinking.

and now you’re running.

Nice semantical argument.

I literally even explained to you in the same post how they use the words evolve and mutate to describe magical transformations. Same post you quoted.

I really like this concept made by Talendrion, because the only thing they have in commom with Blood Elves are their faces and nothing else:

If Blizz is following the High Elf fans request they’ll be able to make a brand new model, who will please the fans and also will not steal the Blood Elves identity. I’m glad you kinda understood our side. :slightly_smiling_face:


High Elves arent happening and deal with it.

Create a blood elf if you want one.

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Evidence please. Also, I’d like to see you try to state your whole opinion without getting spammed by complete nonsense and negativity, evidently since I showed up.

I don’t even need to try to prove it to you, you can scroll up in the thread to see who, and exactly how many people were rude first.

Ah, the “Papa Ion said so…” defense/.

like i said if it was the same difference as darkspear vs zandalari i don’t see any issues at all. but a blue eyed belf is super inappropriate.

Oh yeah?

Last Q&A isn’t going well for you friend.


Evolution: Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations.
Highborne Night Elves turn into Quel’dorei High Elves within a single lifespan because the exile from the Well of Eternity caused them to age and lost the purple tone from their skins, and changing their habits from nocturnal to diurnal had effects on their physiology. This happened even before they founded Quel’thalas, as stated in Chronicles I


Nah. I’ll just keep asking for what I want till I get it or the game shuts down. I suggest you get used to it because we aren’t going to stop until we get playable Alliance High Elves or the game shuts down. Sorry but that’s just the way it is and there really isn’t anything you can do about it. :man_shrugging:

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Haha. Yeah. But he said something pretty different since then.

can’t wait for High Elves heritage armor

oh wait…

we don’t know what green orcs heritage armor looks like yet. but between normal dwarf and DID they look completely different, so…

The same will always be said of anti-helfers. You’ll see us there, defending what’s left of blood elf integrity since the introduction of void elves. There’s going to be more of us, and even blizzard is on our side because they don’t want to copy tolkien, they want to make their own lore now.