Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

exactly. Honestly every day I step back and think of the absolute absurdity we are even debating this topic.

I guess it has to do with today’s culture of argue and question everything.

It has evolution. 10,000 years made Quel’dorei. Sit down. Go to wowpedia and read the variants of the term evolution on many of the race pages.

You’re so ignorant. Maybe you should go to Wowpedia.

Let me break it down for you.

A Dragon cast a spell on Night Elves making them immortal.

It didn’t hit the Highborne. They were away from magic and weren’t locked in time by a Bronze Dragon.

So they got shorter and paler.

That’s WoW’s lore.

It’s magic withdrawel and the lack of a Dragon spell that changed the Highborne.

I find funny how you like to play yourself as holder of truth but you didn’t take in account that your assortment about the Quel’dorei is false.
“This is the truth and that’s it”

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actually no. the leader of the highborne became a high elf in the same lifespan several thousand years before the games started.

that is the whole reason they were no longer immortal. They changed rapidly.

This game fosters a toxic community. I mean, there has be a straight up assault at a convention over “MUH FACTION PRIDE” and the game developers encourage it.

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I like how you say you’re not a troll and throw an insult into everything you write. Then act like the Pro High Elf community is mean to you.

Haha. That’s how being rude works out dude.

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Evolution is irrelevant.

Magical transformation is irrelevant.

Alliance High Elves do not have to be physiological or magically different from Blood Elves to be a playable allied race. They exist on the Alliance already.

All that’s required is to differentiate them from Blood Elves. This can be done simply by giving them unique hairstyles, a unique idle stance and to use the non-glowing eye options that many High Elf NPC’s sport. None of these require a biological or magical justification.

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I wish they were just a meme…

Yeah. Also like Fliktarg just dropped on you…

Not only did the Leader of the Highborne/Quel’dorei change, which isn’t “Evolution.”
But the Leader of the Shal’dorei changed too. Same timespan. 10,000 years. The reason for Shal’dorei evolution? The Nightwell.

They don’t have to be different to be an Allied Race. You’re right.

But let me body this dudes argument. I love this stuff.

Straight up, was not rude. I didn’t insult anyone in that post. You’re deluded as ever. Is that an insult too?

By the way: wow.gamepedia com/Race_origins

Ctrl + f “evolv”

Look at the above link.

Most people simply cannot grasp how cultures have effects on the visuals of people.

How many times Ion have to tell you High Elves are Blood Elves?

Jeez people…


Ion has never said High Elves are Blood Elves.

He has said “Blood Elves are a flavor of High Elves”, but that’s not the same thing as what you said.

…. You must be the life of the party.

I mean. He can keep saying things that are wrong all day. Nice appeal to authority.

I’ve seen you act significantly worse and condescending at that. Meanwhile, the difference is you people are getting mad at me arguing something viable. If I state evidence that you ignore, I will call you deluded. I however have not called anyone dumb or that their opinion should not be valid.


Are you seriously trying to change your argument to, “They use the word “Evolve”” when talking about how these races all got changed by magic?