Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

You were rude with some of us this week, don’t pretend to be innocent and perfect.

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There’s nothing you can say that makes my opinion defunct. It will always be there. It will always be valid. Have fun throwing yourself up against brick walls, and being incredibly mad at yourself and others in the process.

Really? Where? I’ve never acted like that. Point me to the exact post. Don’t delay, now. You know what you’re talking about, after all, right?

No man. Let’s do it. Let’s talk real life Biology.

It doesn’t have a thing to do with wow Biology. But I’m in.

Chimpanzee. 96% identical DNA.

Dude I saw you coming and had the same thought she did.

We didn’t collaborate before you showed up.

You sure like to make assumptions about people. where have I shown that I am mad? honestly half the time I feel sorry for you anti’s and the other half I am laughing at the absurdity typed.

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I didn’t say you collaborated in anything. Point me to the exact post where I’ve been apparently toxic, instead of having a valid and polite opinion. I’m still waiting.

Your post adds nothing constructive, in fact it’s just deconstructive and straight up trollish.

I get it guys, claws out. You’ll get your little allied race at any cost. Including your integrity. Troll this thread by yourselves.

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I’ve got 3!

I like pastel goth man.

They always take me to Interstellar 5555

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Uhh… ok, well then, why are Void Elves not called Blood Elves? Why are Kul Tirans simply not called Humans? Why are Nightborne not called Night Elves?

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it wasn’t meant to add anything constructive.

i have some lowbies. i can’t decide if i want to level a warlock (which would make 3 at 120, i also have an orc warlock besides this one), a hunter which would be my alliance hunter, or a priest. which how awesome is a velf shadow priest?

Nah man. Let’s just get to it.

So about High Elves and Blood Elves and similarities.

WoW Biology and Real life Biology are really different.

For instance, Garona Half-Orcen. She’s Half Draenei…

Haha. I mean… The Drawback to a Void Elf Shadow Priest is the racial that turns you to void form isn’t as obvious.

But from an RP standpoint, it’s Peak Void Elf.

Void Elf Sublety Rogues are sick too. You turn purple a lot.

Like calling people deluded and generalizing us as toxic and ignorant?

You’re very tough.

This is the truth. The person in question simply denied that they used the sunwell. What is there to not get?

This is the truth, something that I’ve been experiencing more from this group than any other.

Alliance High Elves do not have to be physiological or magically different from Blood Elves to be a playable allied race. They exist on the Alliance already

All that’s required is to differentiate them from Blood Elves. This can be done simply by giving them unique hairstyles, a unique idle stance and to use the non-glowing eye options that many High Elf NPC’s sport. None of these require a biological or magical justification.

Hey. Quit talking big. Especially if you’re trying to prove your not a troll.

Let’s talk biology.

WoW biology.

Because it has nothing to do with Real Life Biology.

For instance, Humans were literally forged by titans out of metals, then afflicted with a curse of flesh.

I know a lot about pathology. I promise you that the real life curse of the flesh is way worse. But also has nothing to do with magic.

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You’re talking about evolution vs recent mutations. There. That’s it.

I don’t need to prove that I’m not a troll, because anyone with an actual brain can see what exactly is happening here, and who exactly is being toxic. Get over yourself.

I am also unsure what peoples opposition to the idea is about. I mean, Alliance High Elves are just a win for everyone kind of like Mag’har Orcs are a win for all players and THICC Humans. Its another option to play, why this option is opposed uniquely above all else is strange.

Void Elves were a weird choice with no lore and what they did write was bad. There were people on this forum who crafted better lore and even better ideas than what the devs actually made.


they just told me that they’d be okay with a difference between their helf and your belf like the difference that exists between a kultiran and stormwind human or a darkspear vs zandalari troll. they said they don’t want a belf with blue eyes. would you be opposed to that?

WoW doesn’t have, “Evolution.” It’s a fictional setting with a pantheon. It has “Creationism.”

You can use words like, “Evolution” or “Evolve” when discussing it. But it’s not what happens in WoW.

Same thing with, “Mutations.”

Unless you’re talking about magic, then, “Mutations” isn’t going to work out.

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