Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

Here comes a troll…


once i clarified what you guys wanted and not just reading the anti-helf people which explain that you want blue eyed belves, i don’t see any issue. i hope you guys don’t think i am a troll. :frowning:


I mean in all fairness, Battle for Azeroth and Blizzard in 2k19 is also a huge meme at this point as well.

you are confusing species with race.

Human is a species. Race is genetic differences that defines a certain group of a species.

Well. First of all. WoW biology is different from real life biology.
Second. WoW uses race as a misnomer for things like Kul’tirans and Humans.
Third. Why do you guys bother with this? It doesn’t matter.

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Fal-dorei the spider Elves in Suramar

Nah. It was frustrating when you were making a lot of assumptions about what we wanted.

But you opened up. It’s all good. It’s been a good talk.

Maybe you didn’t get it. Whether or not I got a certain term confused, should they be called something other than human?

Astrius is back, last time things didn’t went well, i suggest ignoring.

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So. Sick.

Let’s play them.

(They’re an armor nightmare like Dryads/Keepers and Naga. I really want some playable Dryad’s.)

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Arguing about real life biology is off topic.

no? but if there are enough of them and they define a new ethnic group then they would be a new race of the human species.

High elves, blood elves, and void elves are all different races of the thalassian species.

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This is straight up toxic and ignorant. Something I’m growing to expect more and more from this group of people.

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Got you. Go ahead and delude yourself further.

I would main a dryad survival hunter.

Me and Wachassa, still hitting that stereo.

Versus void elves which came into being last Thursday and are Blood Elves literally in lore until the player character and Alleria intervene.

velves do look cool though. :stuck_out_tongue:

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get used to it bud. We don’t care about you and your silly opinions. Just keep on spouting hot air.

Ok. Let’s talk real life biology.

Great Ape. Human.

Same thing.

Banana: 60% identical.