Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

Ships that are part of the Silver Covenants fleet are used as part of the Argent tourney daily quests in Northrend. Granted they look much the same as the Sunreaver ships that are there for the Horde versions of the same dailies.

i’d want their idle animations and animations in general to be different though. so when they’re standing there they don’t look exactly like a belf in similar armor. does that make sense?

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I know this is a topic of debate within our community but honestly I think half elf basically should be rolled into high elves. They do after all quite often “mingle with lesser races”

Like I said if you want to be a pure elf you can be but there is also expanded customization such as shorter ears and facial structure.

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They shouldn’t be as sassy as Blood Elves anyways. Blood Elf culture really changed when they became Edge Lords. Thanks Kael.

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honestly that is the consensus for the female model. a stronger and fitter version of the female blood elf.

Yep, makes total sense, and I think most of us helfers agree with you.

As long as we can (role)play as our traditional always Alliance-loyal High Elves, physical appearance does not really matter to us… unless it’s something really radical, like turning them all into Wretched :joy:

i think they should be taller and more muscular. i am not against the idea if the difference is legit zandalari vs darkspear difference.


if you don’t mind it being like the zandalari vs darkspear difference maybe with helves being taller and more muscular maybe with tattoos or piercings that i don’t see an issue with.


We’re fine with all that.

It doesn’t matter as long as you look at it and say, “That’s a High Elf.”

When I see Alleria I think it’s a High Elf. When I see Vereesa I think it’s a High Elf.

Arator’s pretty Blood Elf lookin’ though.

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Don’t mind at all, in fact I like it, sounds cool :slight_smile:


This is actually supported by us, the problem is that animations are the hardest part to edit in a model, so if they are going to change something it will be the idle stance.


the belf idle stance is so… sassy. i don’t think helves would want it in the first place. lol.

not really. The only idle part I want is the head tilt and bring back the dang smile they gave during it.

I think the female one is fine, i don’t see it as sassy, the male one i absolutely hate.

Nah. Blood Elves are a bunch of city elves. Spend all day with Blood Thistle and Wine.

I mean. Obviously this character is into all that.

But the, “Nah, we’ll deal with magic withdrawal rather than drain living things of mana.” it doesn’t make a lot of sense.

they’re kind of the picture of restraint.

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As a note on one of the Straw polls I created asking if Blood Elf players would race change to High Elves if they became playable majority flat out said no in the comments section and the poll itself shows that 68% voted no as well.

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You’ve got that popped hip.

i’m female irl but i play almost only male toons. i didn’t really make and keep a belf until i made my dh. and i’m sure you can imagine why. lol

quite simply the majority of blood elf players want to play horde and chose belf for their appearance or their racial when they chose to be horde.

I want to bring up the fact that there are humans irl with genetic changes and mutations. Should they be called something other than human? I don’t think so. Case closed on the subject of high elves being different from blood elves by like, 30 years.