Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

isn’t that what you guys want? a high elf that looks exactly like a belf but with tattoos?

Except they never did. They said “blood elves kind of are high elves”

You know what we want?

Something that looks like a High Elf.


did you read any of the threads that were made about kt before they became playable and all of the QQ about them being chubby? people legit wanted a sw human with different racials and the ability to be a druid. obv you can’t just have two of the exact same race though. so the kultirans are chubby. if high elves were ever to be put into the game they couldn’t just look exactly like belves. there’s a reason velves don’t.

I would, yes.

not really? that is the bare minimum blizzard could do but there is so much more they could do. Many suggest an HD version of the vanilla WoW high elf model with additional customization and animation changes.

People want to play races with an interesting and appealing aesthetic that makes sense within lore and doesn’t feel like spite or nastyness for its own sake? News at 11?

i wasn’t talking about the weight specifically. but just the marked difference. the thing is if i could have a horde dwarf i don’t expect it would look just like the one i’m posting on. it would HAVE to be different. so yes i agree with you my good man. <3

Hey. Lucky us. They look different.

Can’t speak for everyone, but no, we’re actually willing to change their appearance and idle stance to appease you guys.


As long as it fits the High Elf fantasy.


If anything they should be buffer than blood elves because these are not casual nobility that makes up the majority of blood elves. These are hard working elves that go out and live just like humans do.

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i am not really an elf player in general. i have a 110 belf dh that is usually my bank alt. and a 120 nelf dh that i just dinged that i made this expansion. that’s about as far as i go elf wise. none of the rest of the elves i’ve played have made it over 40. tbh i mostly play dwarf/gnome/orc/tauren.

We want the High Elves that we’ve been asking for for years. The ones that have been part of the Alliance as NPC’s in WoW since launch. The ones that have been part of the Alliance throughout WoW’s lifetime and continue to play a role in the Alliance today.

The countered arguments bear repeating:

They are biologically the same race - Not relevant because they exist on both factions, and have cultural and political differences. Pandaren exist on both factions as well and stand as an example that this is not a relevant argument. And before anyone erroneously claims Blizzard thinks Pandaren were a mistake, in truth, no current Blizzard employee has ever said such a thing as far as we know. After leaving Blizzard, a former employee once said he thought they were a mistake, but that is one former employee’s opinion and not one ever corroborated by anyone while employed at Blizzard.

They look the same - They don’t have to. Simple things like a unique idle stance, different hair styles, and different customization options all address the silhouette issue and none of those things require any sort of physiological or magical excuse to justify. Also, currently a Void Elf in full armor has an identical silhouette to a Blood Elf in the same full armor. A unique idle stance alone would make the High Elf silhouette noticeably different from either.

High Elves detract from the Blood Elf story - No they really don’t. High Elves have their own story to tell that has nothing to do with Blood Elves beyond the point of their split. That is the story that High Elves have to tell and should be focused on.

High Elves are already playable on the Horde - Blood Elves are playable on the Horde. The High Elves being asked for currently exist as NPC’s on the Alliance faction. We are asking for those High Elves to be made playable.

There is no logical justification to oppose playable Alliance High Elves.


Sure, I think we all do agree in this sense, but as Callistus says, their physical change should fit the High Elf fantasy at least to some extent.

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Concept art from Warcraft 3. Technically this is a Half Elf.

But, whatever.

i agree. :slight_smile: but there would have to be serious differences imo. i actually like velves more than belves though myself. because of the facial hair styles and the cooler hairdos. if they could do that but better and it not just be a blue eyed belf i wouldn’t have any issue. like i’d want the difference to be like the difference between a darkspear and a zandalari. that’s what i would think would be okay. does that make sense?

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you know what I say. half elves are high elves. That is what the modern high elf is. Mixed ancestry of thousands of years. Some are pure blooded elves while others are close to being half elf half human but a lot exist in between. that is what a modern high elf is.

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Eh. High Elves are a long lived race.

I’m not ok with that.

Half-Elves should be their own race.

Though they always look like High Elves anyways.

If playable High Elves had customization options that can make them look like a proper Ranger like Alleria would that be ok? She’s very distinct from a Blood Elf even with the same base model.