Void Elves are clearly described as Blood Elves transformed the Void in a specific ritual, morally they have a similar feeling to the Blood Elves, of using any kind of power avaliable to help them and to prove their worth to their new allies. Void Elves as Blood Elves were Horde until some months ago, High Elves are loyal to the Alliance for at least 20 years, not the High Elves from Quel’thalas of course.
To finish, Blizzard and their developers never said the Void Elves are supposed substitute or to be the High Elves people wanted, so i’m still there.
There are no Dwarves in the Horde though, it’s possible Blizzard can invent a clan of Dwarves that like to be friends with Orcs instead of cleaving them in a half, but it’s not the same situation, there are High Elves in the Alliance and this is a fact.
yes there are a handful of alliance leaning high elves. you guys got the void elves instead though. that was the compromise. you get the model, but changed. why do you think alliance deserves TWO different races that look like one of the horde primary races? you do realize the vast majority of people who play horde play blood elves, right?
“handful” is a woeful miscalculation of their numbers. There are tens of thousands of alliance aligned high elves and there are hundreds of thousands of blood elves.
Why not have them be High Elves who become Void Elves? The fact that this is some random unheard of group of Blood Elves who were down with the Horde and Kael’Thas and the rest until last Thursday then switched back to Alliance is just annoying.
Why have them be led by a new NPC? Magister Umbric never existed in game? Heck, the Sunreavers would have perhaps been interesting since there were little hints that their leader was intrigued by the Void and Light, and was near Alleria, AND his group was on the outs with Silvermoon anyway. It would have at least had lore to back it up.
Why not give them a few “Normal” skin colors with the void/woad blue paint? Heck visually they could have satisfied a lot of people.
Why not drop Void Elves as a thing that exists before their release? We the player literally have a hand in their creation. This race exists because a player and Alleria helped some rogue Blood Elves with a science project gone wrong.
Nothing about Void Elves was asked for, nothing about them was executed well, and as of now they still have zero real lore or story presence.
what is the lore justification for high elves be fat though?
If there is a model change it would be to show them more muscular or closer to humans since they share a lot of the same culture and quite possibly share ancestry.
yes. but developed the way they did due to a lifestyle presented by the kul tiran culture.
If anything it would be the blood elves that snack on sweets and pastries all day rather than the soldiers, peasants, and commoners that make up the vast majority of alliance high elves.