Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

Then by your words High Elves can be a Allied Race


No. physical mutations however do such as eye color, skin tone, and hair color changes.

Ask for a different model and they say “You just want better blood elves”, point out that Nightborne are better Night Elves and crickets.


Yeah? Have you talked to them about it?

I’ve got a Void Elf Discipline Priest, a Void Elf Rogue and a Void Elf Monk.

The Rogue is sublety and I like to think the Monk is affected by the Sha.

All make good Void Elves.

I’ve got a Blood Elf hunter, paladin, mage and death knight. The only one I’d change to be a High Elf would be the Paladin.

I want to play High Elves. I have since 1996. They’re part of the Alliance. I love their lore, I love that they’re a legacy race, and they’re still around.

So… it’s not about the looks at all. I’m willing to have High Elves and Blood Elves concurrently.

See what happens when you assume things?

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wut? the night elf model is 03498503948503495830495830495834xs better than the nightborne model. no one horde side likes it and wishes it would change. there’s huge threads all the time asking for the model to be redone.

My girl Wachassa and I hitting the same notes tonight. Giving it to them in stereo. Have got that southern harmony.

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One more thing, High Elves, Blood Elves and Void Elves are all the same Race considering their origins, i just don’t understand how the last 2 can be playable but the first not.

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Flik grabbed this before me.

If you understand the WoW lore regarding Dark Trolls…

High Elves and Blood Elves are a separate race.

It doesn’t matter. No reason to argue about it.

If you want me to explain it to you in depth I can.

But it’s got no affect on High Elves being playable anyways.

Because both antis and the devs strongly believed we only wanted the Blood Elf model in the Alliance. They never truly understood what we asked for.

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It’s a matter of personal opinion really.

what exactly is wrong with void elves though?

Even with the lack of customization, the Nightborne models are way superior.

I never said they couldn’t. I said Blizzard is never going to do it. And they are going to point to Void Elves and say they are High Elves that got exposed to the void.


We just want to play High Elves.

You want to play a Wildhammer Dwarf, right?

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i think nelves look tons better than the nightborne. i have a level 120 nelf dh that i just dinged a few days ago. i keep making and deleting nightborne because they look so crappy. the only thing that nightborne has over nelf is that they can be warlocks.

They got all the stuff people have been asking for for Night Elves since forever. And more so.

And a race Alliance players really wanted. Nobody asked for Void Elves, mostly because they didn’t exist until put into the game. No lore, no presence, no purpose, nothing.

High Elves had history in the Alliance, fielded several armies, guest starred in every major expansion as an Alliance faction or hub in one capacity or another and were always there. They literally are an ALLIED race of the Alliance.

High Elves have been requested since vanilla, the addition of Void Elves unfortunately defeated every single case against High Elves. Ion and company might have had a point, but making Void Elves sunk any argument against High Elves.

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Again. I am not saying that they cannot. I am saying that Blizzard isn’t gonna do it because they already gave us void elves

Then we’ll just keep campaigning. No reason to be negative about it.


what i want more than anything i won’t get, same as you. i want horde dwarves.

I mean, that’s a challenge.

There isn’t a group of Horde Dwarves to say you want to play as.

and I wouldn’t count our request out yet.