Are High Elves just a Meme at this point?

Yeah. Their answer was, “Anything is possible.” and, “We’re looking into discussions and seeing what’s the most popular.”

No. Ion incorrectly asserted that. The WoW encyclopedia states that the Blood Elves don’t consider themselves High Elves.

Nice headcanon there. Whatever helps you sleep at night, but these are just your opinions, and unfortunately, unlike good opinions, they are not based on facts.

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what do forsaken and blood elves bring? I don’t see the point in your question.

Like honestly what are you trying to say?

Vereesa. The Silver Covenant. All the content High Elves have been involved with Alliance Side.

The idea that they bring nothing new to the table is absurd.

Also, what did the Mag’har bring to the table? The Lightforged Draenei? The High Mountain Tauren?

Those Moose Antlers really changing gameplay for people!

ITT people claiming Ion knows lore while simultaneously disparaging him for being clueless about 99% of the rest of the game in other threads.


It is fairly obvious Ion is a gameplay focused type of guy. He isn’t in this game for the story.

Chris Metzen is the Lore guy and he forgot that Falstad was alive.

Ion’s just a dungeon design dude. He’s never even stated anything definitely. Like when they were talking about High elf starting zones he said, “I don’t think.”

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Do you know how stupid this sounds?


If they weren’t important, why were they added as a major playable race? Don’t ask stupid questions.

And he’s pretty great at raid and dungeon design.

In terms of class design and lore direction he’s pretty bad.

Maybe instead of insulting people you should try answering the question.

If it sounds stupid why don’t you have a real response?

define “important”

Forsaken joining the Horde in vanilla and Draenei being created out of nowhere as the Blood Elves were shoved into the Horde invoked those very reactions.

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Lightforged Draenei and Mag’har brought a new twist on the light/void lore. Making the Mag’har fear the little inquisition Yrell has going on just as they’d fear the burning legion. The highmountain tauren are just as legitimate as normal ones if not more. It’s heavily implied that void elves can make more of themselves too and they fit with the void/light theme. So having Alleria lead them while her husband helps lead the Lightforged Draenei is obviously setting up for some interesting play.

Whether or not blizzard does anything on it is up in the air. What are high elves though? What is their identity and their purpose? Where do they collectively live and build together? Describe to me how they’re anything but just a blue eye color swap of a green/gold eye.

this is true. AT the time there was much outrage. The truth is that over time people just don’t care about the perceived issue anymore.

Which is fine. It takes all types.

Yeah… and the High Elves have had content in every single expansion. Except Warlords of Draenor, where it was cut along with Blood Elf content.

They’ve been a continual part of the Lore since Warcraft 2. Where the Blood Elves are a new faction from Warcraft 3.

Blood Elves don’t consider themselves High Elves.

and High Elves don’t siphon magic, have Blood Knights, Blood Mages, Spell breakers, etc.


culturally they are closer to humans and dwarves. Honestly beyond their shared history they have nothing in common with the blood elves of silvermoon. even their biology is up in the air as there is precedent for high elves having mixed with humans for thousands of years as well as the mutations done to blood elves.

And before you say half elves I want to point out that half elves largely fall into high elven culture and society in the alliance and tbh it wouldn’t be far fetched to say that is what the modern high elf is.

when we say high elf people need to dissociate it from what high elf meant in the past. Modern high elves are something different and until they are given a new name all we have to call them is high elves.

Dragons are a continual part of the lore too and I don’t see us playing as any…

Dragon’s aren’t part of the Alliance or humanoids.


Honestly there’s more grounds to create a half elf race than a “high elf” alliance allied race. It would be interesting to see what they look like and give all the confirmed ones like Alleria’s son a proper model.

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that is funny considering I was going to use dragons against you with what you said earlier about playable races being very important to the story and lore.